“The SEO Question:” Should You Hire a SEO Company to Boost Your Online Visibility?

Should You Hire a SEO Company to Boost Your Online Visibility

“In the vast ocean of the internet, SEO is the lighthouse that guides your business to online success.” Without it, your website is a tiny boat lost in the endless sea of competition. But with a solid SEO strategy, you can sail smoothly through the search engine waves and reach the coveted first-page port, where visibility and conversions await. The best SEO partner is iQlance Digital Marketing Service. They can guide your business to online success.”

As we sail together, you’ll learn everything about search engine optimization for your website. From keyword research to SEO optimization, If you need assistance with SEO, iQlance has you covered. To help your business thrive in the digital world, let’s take a journey into unexplored SEO territory.

Should You Hire a SEO Company to Boost Your Online Visibility? – SEO Question Checklist

“Are you confused about how to navigate the ever-changing world of search engine optimization? Stop thinking! This post solves your SEO issues. Take the plunge and discover your online presence’s true potential, whether you do it alone or with a professional team.”

Q1: Why should I consider Hiring an SEO Agency?

A: There are several reasons why Hire SEO Agency can benefit your business. For starters, an agency has the knowledge and experience to know what works and what doesn’t in the ever-changing field of SEO. They can assist you in implementing proven strategies and avoiding those that are likely to be ineffective. Furthermore, an agency can offer a fresh perspective on your website and digital marketing strategy, identifying areas for improvement that you may have overlooked. They can also save you time and money by handling the day-to-day work of optimizing your website and content, and they have the resources and tools to conduct research and analysis that an in-house team would find difficult to do on their own.

Q2: How can an Agency help me track and measure the results of my SEO Efforts?

A: An SEO agency can assist you in tracking key metrics such as traffic, leads, and conversions, as well as providing reports and insights to help you understand how your SEO efforts are affecting your business. They can also assist you in identifying areas for improvement and making necessary changes to your strategy. Furthermore, an agency can assist you in staying on top of the ever-changing SEO landscape, ensuring that your strategy is always current and effective.

Q3: How do I Find the Right SEO Agency for my Business?

A: Finding the Best Seo Agency for your company can be time-consuming. Begin by looking for agencies with a proven track record of success and the ability to provide case studies or testimonials from previous clients. Look for a company that is open about its processes and can provide detailed information about its services. Furthermore, it is critical to find an agency that is a good fit for your company, one that can understand your specific needs and develop a customized strategy to meet them.

Q4: What should I expect from a partnership with an agency?

A: When you work with an agency, you can expect them to take the lead on optimizing your website and content. They will conduct research and analysis to identify areas for improvement and propose strategies to address them. They will also be in charge of the day-to-day implementation of these strategies, such as creating and optimizing content, building backlinks, and improving website structure. They will also track and measure the results of your SEO efforts and provide regular reports and insights. It is critical to maintain open and transparent communication with your agency to ensure that the strategy aligns with your business goals and that you are satisfied with the results.

Read Also: Top SEO Companies in Canada

Q5: Will hiring an agency for SEO guarantee a specific increase in traffic or sales?

A: The SEO industry is dynamic and ever-changing, making it difficult to predict how much traffic or revenue will increase. When you work with a professional and trustworthy agency, however, you can boost your website’s visibility and rankings on search engines, which in turn can increase your site’s traffic, leads, and sales. Search engine optimization is a long-term strategy, so don’t expect instant results.

Q6: How does an agency handle the cost of SEO services?

A: The cost of SEO services varies depending on the agency and your company’s specific requirements. Some agencies may charge a flat fee for their services, while others may charge on a per-project or per-hour basis. Some agencies may also offer packages with varying levels of service at varying price points. It’s critical to understand the costs of working with an agency and how they fit into your budget and business objectives.

Q7: Can an SEO Agency handle both on-page and off-page optimization?

A: The majority of agencies provide both on-page and off-page optimization services. On-page optimization entails improving the visibility and rankings of your website by optimizing elements such as content, meta tags, and images. Off-page optimization, on the other hand, entails creating backlinks and increasing your website’s visibility through external sources. To improve your website’s overall visibility and search engine rankings, an experienced agent should be able to handle both on-page and off-page optimization effectively.

Q8: Can an iQlance help me with Local SEO?

A: Yes, an iQlance – Seo Company in Toronto, canada can help you with local SEO, which is the process of optimizing your website and online presence to rank well in local search results. This can include creating and optimizing local business listings, building citations, and creating local content. An iQlance can also help you target specific geographic areas to reach local customers more effectively.

Q9: Can an iQlance help me recover from a Google penalty?

A: An iQlance consultant can help you recover from a Google penalty. If Google penalizes your website, the impact on your visibility and search engine rankings can be significant. iQlance can help you identify the source of the penalty and implement mitigation strategies. This includes removing any spammy backlinks, improving the content quality of your website, and adhering to Google’s SEO guidelines.

Q10: How can I measure the success of my SEO efforts with an agency?

A: An agency can assist you in tracking key metrics such as website traffic, lead generation, and conversions. They can also provide regular reports and insights into your website’s performance and search engine rankings. You can also track the success of your SEO efforts by tracking changes in your search engine rankings, website traffic, and conversion rates. Set clear and measurable goals for your SEO efforts and collaborate with your agency to track progress toward achieving them.

Q11: How do I know if my SEO Efforts are working?

A: To verify whether your SEO efforts are effective, you should track key metrics such as website traffic, lead generation, and conversions regularly. You can also track changes in your search engine rankings and compare them to those of your competitors. A/B testing can also be used to determine how changes to your website affect your rankings and traffic. An experienced agency can also provide regular reports and insights into the performance and search engine rankings of your website, assisting you in understanding the impact of your SEO efforts.

Q12: How does SEO impact a business’s bottom line?

A: Search engine optimization (SEO) can have a significant impact on a company’s bottom line. You can increase traffic to your website by improving its visibility and search engine rankings, which can lead to more leads and, eventually, sales. Furthermore, by focusing on specific keywords and phrases, you can attract more qualified leads who are more likely to become customers. You can raise brand awareness and establish your company as an industry leader by improving your online presence and visibility.

Q13: How long does it take to see results from SEO?

A: The time it takes to see SEO results can vary depending on many factors, including the competitiveness of your industry, the current state of your website, and the strategies being used. In general, SEO efforts can take several months to yield significant results. It’s critical to understand that SEO is a long-term strategy with no quick fixes.

Q14: Are there any risks associated with SEO?

A: While SEO can provide numerous benefits, it also carries some risks. One risk is the use of unethical or “black hat” tactics, such as buying backlinks or using automated software to generate content, which can lead to a search engine penalty. Furthermore, there is always the possibility that changes to search engine algorithms will harm your website’s visibility and rankings. It is critical to work with an experienced and reputable agency that adheres to best practices and is up-to-date on industry developments.

Q15: How do Search Engines determine search engine rankings?

A: Complex algorithms are used by search engines to determine search engine rankings. These algorithms consider a variety of factors, including the relevance and quality of your website’s content, the number and quality of backlinks pointing to your site, and your site’s overall structure and user experience. Search engines also consider the search query’s intent and will prioritize sites that best match the user’s intent in the search results.

Q16: Can SEO Agency guarantee a Top ranking on Google?

A: No agency can promise a top Google ranking. Complex algorithms determine search engine rankings, and many factors can influence them. Furthermore, the search engine landscape is ever-changing, and what works today may not work tomorrow. An agency, on the other hand, can help you improve your website’s visibility and rankings by implementing tried-and-true strategies and staying up to date on the latest developments.

Q17: Can I do SEO myself or do I need an agency?

A: While it is possible to do SEO on your own, it is time-consuming and complicated. An agency has the knowledge, experience, and resources to handle SEO effectively, saving you time and money. Furthermore, an agency can provide a fresh perspective and keep up with the latest industry developments. Having said that, it ultimately depends on your own abilities, time, and resources.

Q18: How can I ensure that my website is Mobile-friendly for SEO?

A: If you want your site to rank well in mobile searches, you need to build it to respond to different screen sizes. You should also make sure that your site loads quickly, has easy navigation, and is easy to read on a mobile device. Other important mobile SEO best practices include using structured data, optimizing images, and ensuring your site is accessible to disabled users.

Q19: How can I stay on top of SEO Trends and best practices?

A: To stay on top of SEO trends and best practices, follow industry-leading blogs and publications, attend industry conferences and events, and participate in SEO-related online communities and forums. Furthermore, you should keep track of your website’s performance and search engine rankings regularly, as well as keep up with any changes or updates to search engine algorithms. Working with an iQlance agency that is up to date on industry trends and best practices can also be a great way to stay on top of SEO trends and best practices.


Hiring an agency for SEO can provide a range of benefits for your business, including expertise and fresh perspective, time and resource savings, measurement, tracking, and staying on top of the ever-changing SEO landscape. It is important to find the right agency that aligns with your business goals and can create a customized strategy that meets the unique needs of your business. While SEO results can’t be guaranteed, an experienced agency can help you make your website more visible, and drive more traffic, leads, and ultimately sales. If you are looking for an experienced SEO agency, consider iQlance, which offers a wide range of services to help your business achieve online success.

What does it take to develop a mobile app like Uber?


Taxi booking service is mushrooming everywhere and has emerged as one of the reliable way to commute within or outside the city. When we talk about taxi service, Uber is one of the name that has become synonymous with it.  Since it’s inception, Uber is pleasing users across the globe and the only point of contact between passengers and Uber is mobile app. Although there are hundreds of taxi booking mobile apps but what has evolved over a period of time, since the inception of Uber, is technology development on the booking front.

With the current scenario in the market, Uber is boosting more and more entrepreneurs with the idea to repeat its feet and create something similar. However, developing a Taxi mobile app like Uber and going live on app store and play store is just not that easy and two separate application with different functionality:

  • Passenger app – for those who looks to book taxi
  • Driver app – Get orders and they ride passenger to their destination

Its features plays vital role; let’s zero down some of the basic ones:

Basic features of passenger app:

  • Register/login: You can provide varied options to register like social media integration, e-mail etc.
  • Booking Interface: Here customer needs to add address, select a cab type and set the pickup location
  • Tracking: Track driver’s location, status updation during or after a ride
  • Fare calculator: Calculates the estimated cost from source to destination before booking
  • Payments: Cashless, plain cash , can pay automatically via plastic money and invoice is received to phone or e-mail
  • Push Notifications: Keeps the user updated on order status, estimated time, taxi arrival, car model, driver’s contact number, car number and much more
  • Messaging, ratings and reviews, booking history: Messaging driver for the perfect pick up, feedback and ratings given by the customer for the service provided, displays the details of previous booking

Basic features of driver app:

  • Register/profile/status: Required to provide extra verification details like taxi number, licence during registration, status functionality helping them to adjust the schedule and availability
  • Booking: Options to accept or reject the incoming order, information of customer location, booking history etc.
  • Push Notifications: For order alerts, taxi booking data, for order updates and completion of ride
  • Navigation: Google Maps integration to get optimal direction of customer’s destination
  • Cost estimation and reports: Provides the estimated cost with discounts and offer the insights of trip status, payroll, history etc.

Furthermore, to streamline process and driver from the central point, a web app is required to manage and review all in-app activity like interactions, ride routes, payments and much more.

How Uber Works?

Passengers let the Uber know that they need a ride; Uber asks you about the location; finds the nearby driver and notifies the duration of driver’s arrival. After completion of ride, cost is automatically charged from your card and then passenger needs to provide feedback about the ride.


So to build such paradigm, what technology stack does Uber rely on?

It relies on some giant foundations like:-

Geo-location: The cab providing service like UBER depends on GPS (Global positioning system) technology to track the current position of the customer. When Uber started its venture, the technology wasn’t that progressive, but today the things have become easier. The geo-location depends on:-

  • Identifying a device’s location: To identify the location of the customer, Uber app for iOS uses CoreLocation framework which provides classes and protocols to configure and schedule delivery and send location event to the server. This framework also enables the Uber to define geographic region and track the device moments as it crosses the boundary.

The Uber app for Android uses Google’s Location API which can manage underlying location technology meeting all the needs to tailor the app when integrating location-based features.

  • Providing the right direction: For developing iOS app, MapKit is used to display point-to-point directions on map. It registers the app as routing app then makes direction available to the Map apps and other mapping software.

For developing on Google, Google Maps Android API is used to make routes and directions possible.

  • Integration with mapping software: Uber implemented Google Maps for both iOS and Android version and to avoid paying Google for access of their solutions, Uber opt for mapping technology companies to solve the logistic issues.

Messaging or Notification: After you order a ride, Uber sends you a couple of notifications like when driver accepts the request, driver is few miles away, cancellation of ride etc. Uber text messages are powered by the Twilio telecommunications provider and you may choose to receive these messages either via SMS or through the push notifications. To implement push notifications in the iOS app, Uber uses Apple Push Notifications Service, and for the Android app Uber uses Google Cloud Messaging (GCM).

Payment Integration: For calculating fare, Uber looks for the factors like base fare, cost/mile and cost/min. Uber promotes a cashless system which means you can pay via plastic card, e-wallets or use a promo code which removes error prone human-to-human cash transfers. Uber chose to partner with Braintree, one of the leaders in the mobile payment market, to accept card payments and also uses PayPal’s Card.io service for credit card scanning on iOS.

The iOS users can make of the Apple Pay for making the payment and the Android users can use the Google Wallet for the same purpose. It is better to collaborate with some online payment company to make the experiences better and faster.

Advantages of Uber like app

  • Reduce the number of drunk drivers
  • Saves your money for commuting
  • Provides opportunity to make extra cash for the driver
  • Makes the way to the customer’s destination really beautiful

Advantages of having mobile app

  • Having a white label mobile app gives your taxi business a broad visibility and an automatic customer boost.
  • Reduces the overhead costs generated by managing everything manually and connecting passengers to the drivers in real-time enables the business to grow smartly in autopilot mode.
  • Leads to the higher profit as the taxi service provider can develop their own app and save on the commission paid to the cab platform.

How much does it cost?

Well it depends! There are several factors affecting the total cost

  • Your budget
  • Number of features
  • Design of UI/UX
  • Backend development
  • Web development
  • Security

If you wish to develop a basic taxi service app then it will cost around $15,000 USD to $20,000 USD; Uber like app $20,000 USD to $35,000 USD. It takes 2 to 3 weeks approximately to design the app and 10 to 12 weeks approximately for development process. Lastly, the cost varies according to Toronto app development company you hire to get your job done.


The 5 Steps of Successful influencer Marketing Strategies


Marketing is a realm where you have no place for dreamers. It is a practical world not one where you sow and harness the power of dreams. So much so, the tipping point in marketing comes from the influencers who are convinced that your product is the right one for them. If they decide, they can set the ball rolling in the marketing sector and you will not have to spend too much money on advertising.

Isolate the influencer

So, get the influencer and bring the ball! It is not that easy because we do not know who the influencers are. That is the hard part of the Influencer Marketing Strategy. That becomes the first step of our marketing strategy –isolating the region of the influencers. This is relatively simple, we can find that most of the marketing decisions emanate from one sector of society. Then, we put the rest of the plan into place.  If on the other hand, we know who the influencer is, say a popular public figure, then we can get him or her to endorse the products and achieve marketing success. influencer marketing is also part of digital marketing.

Initiate the action

The action of the influencer is by building something around their idea and igniting community passion and seeking collaboration with the people of their community. This operates entirely on trust and goes on to become a brand engagement. To do this one must have a story to tell. This story will speak of the values and help the viewers adopt the right standard to make the improvement in their lives. It could be how being poor need not stop one from succeeding in sports.

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Build the story on the social media

Once you have the influencer and the story, it is time for the wild bushfire to spread through the countryside. Here, we are not marketing the brand through the social media; we push the story of how the influencers are reacting through the social media.

The people will do the searching for themselves and then remain convinced that they were not influenced to buy the brand. People who have implemented successful selling programmes for their company will know how much the success depends on the intrinsic values of the product. This is why we need the influencer.

Improve sharing of ideas related to the product

This is pure social media marketing. And a lot more besides but you have to involve the common man in it. They need to have a stand point about the product. And since this must not be negative, you need to have the advance story about how the poor will succeed. In your marketing campaign, include incentives for people who share the story the most or help in distributing it.

Keep a grip on the values

You do not want to compete with the rest of the field. You want to create a dent big enough for them to fall through. Your values must remain clear and distinct from those of the rest.

Undoubtedly, the last step is the most important. But, it will not work without the rest of the steps, so start from the top.

Why GPS Tracking Devices Are Getting More Popular Among Parents


GPS tracking services has been into existence for quite some time now. The technology has been helping a lot of sectors with its advanced features. For example, GPS tracking technologies help military in their operations, the drivers while they are driving, businesses while managing their fleet, and parents to monitor their children round the clock.

As GPS tracking devices have become quite popular in recent times a large number of parents have started using it to track their children 24*7.


In fact, these devices have become quite popular among the parents. One of the first reason as to why GPS tracking devices have become popular among parents is that it is a reliable and easy-to-use technology. Consequently, even the ones who are new to the technology can conveniently use the device.

Secondly, these new age GPS tracking devices are compact ones. Hence, they can be conveniently used along with the children. It can either be put in their pocket or backpack as it is light weight. The best thing is that parents can check the whereabouts of their children just by logging in either through their smart phone or computers.

Always Suggest to Read : Build Own Real Time GPS Tracking Apps with Integrated Google Maps

Moreover, there are numerous additional features in these GPS tracking devices that make them real popular among parents. For example, there are features like Safe Zone that sends alert to the parents through text messages or emails that the child has moved to the pre-determined safe zone. The benefit is that parents get a peace of mind when it comes to the safety of their children. With the help of these advanced features parents right from the comfort of their home get to know if the child has arrived or departed from their school premises or amusement parks, and so on and so forth.

Nevertheless, it is quite normal for parents to worry about the safety of their children. For example, if you are at office and your child is left at the day care you constantly worry about his or her safety. But if you have the GPS tracking device fitted with the child you will have a personal tracking system at your disposal. It will help your child stay away from potential dangers while they are in the safe zone. Another advantage of these devices is that when your children grow up and get a driver’s license even then you will be able to track their whereabouts and ensure their safety.

Why Parents and Children Need GPS Tracking Systems

Why Parents and Children Need GPS Tracking Systems

The GPS Tracker App uses the latest Global Positioning System (GPS) technology to get the precise location of people within your network. Satellites send triangulated positions to the GPS Tracker Apps providing the most accurate location. This process continually updates to provide very accurate, real-time GPS tracking.

A Swift Tutorial for Google Maps SDK


The free mapping service by Google that gives you various types of geographical information we call as Google Maps. To use this mapping service on your website, you use an API given by Google. Here you will learn how to use the API and use the mapping service.

Code for creating Google Maps

First thing is to become familiar with JavaScript. If you know a little of HTML, it will help. Here is the code that will make a map for you.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>My First Google Map</h1>
<div id="googleMap" style="width:100%;height:400px;"></div>
function myMap() {
  var mapProp= {
    center:new google.maps.LatLng(8.91011,12.1314),  zoom:5,
  var map=new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("googleMap"),mapProp);
<script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=YOUR_KEY&callback=myMap"></script>

There are tons of things you can do with maps. From presenting a location to discovering the routes, the map proves useful for the user. iOS was using Google Mobile Maps for all its needs until recently. But, things changed and Apple began to use the Map Kit for its mapping services. Ever since Apple stopped using the Google Maps, Google decided to use its own Maps SDK for all platforms including iOS. This then is the strong contender for all map SDKs used on every platform. This is why writing Google Maps SDK for iOS is definitely worth it.

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You need to get the API Key if you want to use the Google maps in your project. This consists of a special string of code that you get from Google which you can use within your app to call the maps function. This you do by fetching it from the special place for Mobile App developers known as Google Developers Console. You need a Google account to operate from this place.

Using your Google account, sign in to the Google Developers Console and click to the API Project Option. Next expand by clicking on APIs & auth menu. You need to find out the Google Maps SDK for iOS and so go through the list presented to you. Click on the correct tab and you will go to the page where you can enable the API. After that, click on Credentials options under the APIs and auth menu.

In the new page, click on Create new Key button. This will be on the bottom left side. Once you click the button, a dialog window will open asking you what type of key you want to create. Inside this box, you have many options shown such as Server key, Browser key, Android key, and iOS key. In the next window, you can type or paste the bundle identifier of your app. You can copy the value of the com.appcoda.GMapsDemo and this step makes our app authorised to use the Google Maps API.

Once you click on the Create button, you create the API. If you want to add or remove the app bundle IDs you click on the Edit Allowed iOS Applications button.

Advantages of Custom Mobile App Development


Making a website is half the work on the internet, making apps is the other half.  The apps make the site extensible and improve its functionality. It means the website can now do more things than it could before.

Adjust scalability to suit your business

This is important since you need to adjust your business to the growing customer base. By keeping your website hidden, you will not grow your business in its entirety but will only achieve partial growth. This means, there will remain some aspects of the business that has not come to light and so you will not achieve full profit though you are increasing your turnover.

Keep control of your apps

If the third party app developer of a sudden decides to stop the app, you feel left out on a limb. You need to find an alternate solution. By designing your own apps, you gain control over how the site behaves. This helps you to control the responses which are the main aspect of interaction with the customer base. The customer develops a perspective of your site by the responses you make and if you trust a third-party, then the responses will not be adequate and the customer will take his business elsewhere.

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Maintain personalized contact

When you develop your own apps, you can keep up the personalized contact with your customers. This means you are able to make promotions and give discounts as per your discretion. If you want you can give discounts to people who buy from you for $200 and if you see this is working you may want to make further improvements.

Easy to maintain the project cycle

Since you develop the apps to suit the present condition, you are able to maintain strict control over the deadlines and project progress.  Since all the apps are your own, you can set the limits and the parameters so they are always functioning in the best way.

Your own app will help you harness the mobile market

The growing mobile base users’ numbers is reflective of the expanding customer base. now days many of Top Canadian App Development Companies increase customer view ratio By designing the app to be compliant to the mobile segment, you can tap into the market with ease. If you use a third-party app, you cannot tweak it to respond in the way you like. You may need specific controls to keep the interest of the customer focused on your product.

Keep your product competitive

By getting a feel of the market, you get to know what is lacking and where you have to concentrate to beat the competition. You can add these features so that your product is always much sought after.

Make the apps that help you in your business by studying the market. The best way forward is to make apps as versatile as possible and then tweak them as you go along.

Top Web Development Frameworks In 2017


In recent times a mere online presence is not enough, people are looking at the most updated trends comprising the latest technological features. However, to have an online presence taking into consideration all the latest features can be a daunting task but if the developers are well aware of the latest web-development frameworks things become easier. In fact, when the latest web development frameworks are put to use you can expect quality work at lesser time and cost.

Top Web Development Frameworks

Let us have a look at some of the top web development frameworks in 2017.


Angularjs: If you are little up-to-date with latest web AngularJS development frameworks then you must have heard this name. It is a Java script open-source framework. It was particularly designed for single-page web applications that use the MVC architectural pattern. It is a front end framework and not a full-stack one. The result is that it deals only with your web pages.


Laravel: Laravel has been a framework that has showed bright paths to web developers. The specialty of this framework is that it is a free, open-source PHP web framework that has been built using the model-view-controller or the MVC architectural pattern. In fact, Laravel is considered the best PHP framework.


Ruby on Rails: This is a framework that is considered among the best by the Ruby On Rails web developers. The specialty of Ruby on Rails is that it makes work a fun activity for the developers. Right from its inception it has been free of cost and it operates on Linux. The other advantage of this framework is not only that it helps the transition from the planning to the development stage very fast but also it is quite easy to handle this framework when compared to other technologies.


Symfony: Like Ruby on Rails, Symfony is a framework that is based on PHP. The specialty of this framework is that it is more suited for large scale and enterprise level projects. Another important feature of the latest version of this framework is that it helps developers to create websites which are scalable. The result is that websites can be easily changed with the changing business needs. The platforms with which Symfony are compatible include PHPBB, Piwik, and Drupal.


Node.js: Node.js is not just a framework, it is a complete environment. It has been a favorite among developer’s for a long time and is expected to retain this status for quite a while. It helps to create scalable and fast network applications since it is capable of handling a large number of simultaneous connections with high performance, which provides high scalability. If you want a complete JavaScript environment with all the tools, development using Node.js or to hire nodejs developers may be ideal for you.


ASP.NET: As far as ASP.NET is considered it is one of the best Microsoft built web development frameworks. It is a framework that is largely valued by developers. This is because with the help of ASP.NET web developers can think of building dynamic websites, rich web apps, and also web portals right from its inception in 2002. The good thing about ASP.NET is that web developers can write the code using any language that is supported by .NET.

Besides the ones mentioned above there are other web development framework as well that makes the web development process easier.

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The Bottom Line

When finalizing your decision let us remind you that it is never about the number of features that a particular framework provides. It’s about the actual functionality of the framework and how the functionalities can be utilized within your own web Application development project. Hence, choose one of the frameworks as per your project needs and save time and cost.

Doctors Will Play New Roles as Wearable Tech Evolves


Most of the health conscious people in the city have their own fitness tracking device. They have one for their exercises and another to watch the food they eat and their sleep duration. Is this such a bad thing? No, this is the way the world goes and the ones who are not so conscious will remain behind.

Futuristic wearable technology

Wearable tech such as the Apple watch apps and the Fitbit can help track activity and give advice in a wide range of situations. For instance, Siri in the Apple Watch can read out instructions to follow in case one has a heart attack. It also takes notes from doctors who cannot sit down to write it in the middle of their activities. The wearable technology is becoming more adaptable but is it as much a gain for mankind as well?

The challenge to the evolutionary process comes from the establishment in the form of the FDA and the HIPAA.  The Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has lengthy processes for giving its approval. Doctors can only rely on those prescriptions and deductions that have met the approval of the FDA. What does this mean? If you diagnose a head injury through the revolutionary cap the player wears, you cannot treat it unless you use conventional methods of analysis such as the CT scan and MRI scans.

The Future of Wearable Tech

Adults say they’re interested in features that extend well beyond measuring health metrics – especially features that would give them additional control of everyday tasks and help them move through life more efficiently.

Future of Wearable Tech

Preference for conventional methods

You can see how difficult it is for the technocrat to sit still and watch this drama. And it is not like they are forcing the pace and making people change or anything. The technology is there – CheckLight is a smart cap from Reebok that can detect the head injuries of the player who wears it. It can send out alerts if the head injury is serious and the player needs immediate help – but the physician isn’t. The physician needs the head X-Ray and the CT scan; he does not want the CheckLight.

We can visualize a similar situation in the case of the Holter Monitor. This electrocardiogram is portable and gathers data as long as there is power in its batteries. Usually, this is for o 1-2 days and you get full information about the patient and his or her health. But, this information will not serve as medical evidence for the physician at the clinic.

More people use apps

The trend is definitely on its way as we see more people wearing watches to track their exercise goals and meet the fitness requirements. The Mi-Fit Fitness tracking app is available for $20. People use these apps to track their sleep and activity levels.

The wearable intelligence devices industry is growing at a rapid pace. Credit Suisse expects the industry to grow up to $5 billion by 2019. Most of the devices will need iWatch apps downloads to function. But then, you will see more than 50,000 apps waiting for your call.

Best Way to Consume JSON from REST API in .NET


You can consume an API in two ways. One is to do it synchronously and the other asynchronously. It is very important to consume APIs and web services. You can create online endpoints using the service oriented architecture so different clients may be able to access it across the web. We communicate many if not most of the digital systems through the Application programming interface (API).

Use of REST

The importance of web APIs is increasing because it gives direct communication lines between the client and the customer for a wide range of applications. Such distributed systems use Representation State Transfer (REST) design models. REST principles set the rules for the design of the web APIs. This results in a simpler and more general web service that is saleable and easier to consume.

We had many powerful service oriented frameworks and technologies that people used though they were not always easy to use. These included the traditional ASP.NET services, XML-based services, WCF services, and SOAP based services. One of the best web based architecture is .NET that has come a long way. One of the reasons is that RESTful services have become predominant model design. This makes consuming and exposing RESTful services easier. But, we cannot say the same of the .Net world.

So, to make it clear, easy and concrete, lets build something right away. We will start with a simple console application project. Fire up Visual Studio (I’m using VS 2012), and create a new console application project.

Consuming JSON REST

Update the new version

When we get to use a new version of the .NET framework and features, we must revise it so we can implement it in a new and easier way. There are many opinions and discussions, techniques and samples on how to sample the .NET applications. To understand it more clearly, the idea is to build something first. This console application project is a simple weather API client. It uses the Open WeatherMap.org JSON API. Through this API, we can locate a city and get the weather forecast for it.

We will implement a simple Weather API client by using the Open WeatherMap.org JSON API. The API will allow us to locate a city location and get the weather forecast information.Lets create a new class to manage the API client logic. Right click on the project, select Add->Class. Name it WeatherApiClient.cs.


To manage the API client logic, we create a new class. Click on the project and click on AddàClass. Name this as WeatherApiClient.cs. To keep it simple, we make the class static so you can call methods straightaway from the main program class. We first implement the synchronous client method. Create a new void method in the class and call it GetWeatherForecast (). Again, make this static.


Two options for methods

We need to use a method to consume the API. You can use two different classes, the WebClient or the HttpWebRequest. In general, we see that the WebClient offers a simpler and easier implementation. The HttpWebRequest allows more control over the execution of the requests. Here we use the WebClient and uses a method called DownloadString (). This method receives a string URL and sends back a response string having the JSON response. You have to add a reference to System.Net in the project to use WebClient.

Here is the main code you need:
public static class WeatherApiClient
	public static void GetWeatherForecast()
		var url = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.1/find/citylat=51.50853&lon=-0.12574&cnt=10";
		// Synchronous Consumption
		var syncClient = new WebClient();
		var content = syncClient.DownloadString(url);
		// Create the Json serializer and parse the response
		DataContractJsonSerializer serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(WeatherData));
		using (var ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(content)))
			var weatherData = (WeatherData)serializer.ReadObject(ms);

For this, you declare a sample URL then create the WebClient variable. Call the method to pass the URL. Call the method and put a breakpoint to it to check the response from the API. View the JSON response through the Text Visualizer tool. This works straight and gives us the JSON response when we call the API.

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