A Swift Tutorial for Google Maps SDK


The free mapping service by Google that gives you various types of geographical information we call as Google Maps. To use this mapping service on your website, you use an API given by Google. Here you will learn how to use the API and use the mapping service.

Code for creating Google Maps

First thing is to become familiar with JavaScript. If you know a little of HTML, it will help. Here is the code that will make a map for you.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>My First Google Map</h1>
<div id="googleMap" style="width:100%;height:400px;"></div>
function myMap() {
  var mapProp= {
    center:new google.maps.LatLng(8.91011,12.1314),  zoom:5,
  var map=new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("googleMap"),mapProp);
<script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=YOUR_KEY&callback=myMap"></script>

There are tons of things you can do with maps. From presenting a location to discovering the routes, the map proves useful for the user. iOS was using Google Mobile Maps for all its needs until recently. But, things changed and Apple began to use the Map Kit for its mapping services. Ever since Apple stopped using the Google Maps, Google decided to use its own Maps SDK for all platforms including iOS. This then is the strong contender for all map SDKs used on every platform. This is why writing Google Maps SDK for iOS is definitely worth it.

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You need to get the API Key if you want to use the Google maps in your project. This consists of a special string of code that you get from Google which you can use within your app to call the maps function. This you do by fetching it from the special place for Mobile App developers known as Google Developers Console. You need a Google account to operate from this place.

Using your Google account, sign in to the Google Developers Console and click to the API Project Option. Next expand by clicking on APIs & auth menu. You need to find out the Google Maps SDK for iOS and so go through the list presented to you. Click on the correct tab and you will go to the page where you can enable the API. After that, click on Credentials options under the APIs and auth menu.

In the new page, click on Create new Key button. This will be on the bottom left side. Once you click the button, a dialog window will open asking you what type of key you want to create. Inside this box, you have many options shown such as Server key, Browser key, Android key, and iOS key. In the next window, you can type or paste the bundle identifier of your app. You can copy the value of the com.appcoda.GMapsDemo and this step makes our app authorised to use the Google Maps API.

Once you click on the Create button, you create the API. If you want to add or remove the app bundle IDs you click on the Edit Allowed iOS Applications button.

Advantages of Custom Mobile App Development


Making a website is half the work on the internet, making apps is the other half.  The apps make the site extensible and improve its functionality. It means the website can now do more things than it could before.

Adjust scalability to suit your business

This is important since you need to adjust your business to the growing customer base. By keeping your website hidden, you will not grow your business in its entirety but will only achieve partial growth. This means, there will remain some aspects of the business that has not come to light and so you will not achieve full profit though you are increasing your turnover.

Keep control of your apps

If the third party app developer of a sudden decides to stop the app, you feel left out on a limb. You need to find an alternate solution. By designing your own apps, you gain control over how the site behaves. This helps you to control the responses which are the main aspect of interaction with the customer base. The customer develops a perspective of your site by the responses you make and if you trust a third-party, then the responses will not be adequate and the customer will take his business elsewhere.

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Maintain personalized contact

When you develop your own apps, you can keep up the personalized contact with your customers. This means you are able to make promotions and give discounts as per your discretion. If you want you can give discounts to people who buy from you for $200 and if you see this is working you may want to make further improvements.

Easy to maintain the project cycle

Since you develop the apps to suit the present condition, you are able to maintain strict control over the deadlines and project progress.  Since all the apps are your own, you can set the limits and the parameters so they are always functioning in the best way.

Your own app will help you harness the mobile market

The growing mobile base users’ numbers is reflective of the expanding customer base. now days many of Top Canadian App Development Companies increase customer view ratio By designing the app to be compliant to the mobile segment, you can tap into the market with ease. If you use a third-party app, you cannot tweak it to respond in the way you like. You may need specific controls to keep the interest of the customer focused on your product.

Keep your product competitive

By getting a feel of the market, you get to know what is lacking and where you have to concentrate to beat the competition. You can add these features so that your product is always much sought after.

Make the apps that help you in your business by studying the market. The best way forward is to make apps as versatile as possible and then tweak them as you go along.

Top Web Development Frameworks In 2017


In recent times a mere online presence is not enough, people are looking at the most updated trends comprising the latest technological features. However, to have an online presence taking into consideration all the latest features can be a daunting task but if the developers are well aware of the latest web-development frameworks things become easier. In fact, when the latest web development frameworks are put to use you can expect quality work at lesser time and cost.

Top Web Development Frameworks

Let us have a look at some of the top web development frameworks in 2017.


Angularjs: If you are little up-to-date with latest web AngularJS development frameworks then you must have heard this name. It is a Java script open-source framework. It was particularly designed for single-page web applications that use the MVC architectural pattern. It is a front end framework and not a full-stack one. The result is that it deals only with your web pages.


Laravel: Laravel has been a framework that has showed bright paths to web developers. The specialty of this framework is that it is a free, open-source PHP web framework that has been built using the model-view-controller or the MVC architectural pattern. In fact, Laravel is considered the best PHP framework.


Ruby on Rails: This is a framework that is considered among the best by the Ruby On Rails web developers. The specialty of Ruby on Rails is that it makes work a fun activity for the developers. Right from its inception it has been free of cost and it operates on Linux. The other advantage of this framework is not only that it helps the transition from the planning to the development stage very fast but also it is quite easy to handle this framework when compared to other technologies.


Symfony: Like Ruby on Rails, Symfony is a framework that is based on PHP. The specialty of this framework is that it is more suited for large scale and enterprise level projects. Another important feature of the latest version of this framework is that it helps developers to create websites which are scalable. The result is that websites can be easily changed with the changing business needs. The platforms with which Symfony are compatible include PHPBB, Piwik, and Drupal.


Node.js: Node.js is not just a framework, it is a complete environment. It has been a favorite among developer’s for a long time and is expected to retain this status for quite a while. It helps to create scalable and fast network applications since it is capable of handling a large number of simultaneous connections with high performance, which provides high scalability. If you want a complete JavaScript environment with all the tools, development using Node.js or to hire nodejs developers may be ideal for you.


ASP.NET: As far as ASP.NET is considered it is one of the best Microsoft built web development frameworks. It is a framework that is largely valued by developers. This is because with the help of ASP.NET web developers can think of building dynamic websites, rich web apps, and also web portals right from its inception in 2002. The good thing about ASP.NET is that web developers can write the code using any language that is supported by .NET.

Besides the ones mentioned above there are other web development framework as well that makes the web development process easier.

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The Bottom Line

When finalizing your decision let us remind you that it is never about the number of features that a particular framework provides. It’s about the actual functionality of the framework and how the functionalities can be utilized within your own web Application development project. Hence, choose one of the frameworks as per your project needs and save time and cost.

Doctors Will Play New Roles as Wearable Tech Evolves


Most of the health conscious people in the city have their own fitness tracking device. They have one for their exercises and another to watch the food they eat and their sleep duration. Is this such a bad thing? No, this is the way the world goes and the ones who are not so conscious will remain behind.

Futuristic wearable technology

Wearable tech such as the Apple watch apps and the Fitbit can help track activity and give advice in a wide range of situations. For instance, Siri in the Apple Watch can read out instructions to follow in case one has a heart attack. It also takes notes from doctors who cannot sit down to write it in the middle of their activities. The wearable technology is becoming more adaptable but is it as much a gain for mankind as well?

The challenge to the evolutionary process comes from the establishment in the form of the FDA and the HIPAA.  The Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has lengthy processes for giving its approval. Doctors can only rely on those prescriptions and deductions that have met the approval of the FDA. What does this mean? If you diagnose a head injury through the revolutionary cap the player wears, you cannot treat it unless you use conventional methods of analysis such as the CT scan and MRI scans.

The Future of Wearable Tech

Adults say they’re interested in features that extend well beyond measuring health metrics – especially features that would give them additional control of everyday tasks and help them move through life more efficiently.

Future of Wearable Tech

Preference for conventional methods

You can see how difficult it is for the technocrat to sit still and watch this drama. And it is not like they are forcing the pace and making people change or anything. The technology is there – CheckLight is a smart cap from Reebok that can detect the head injuries of the player who wears it. It can send out alerts if the head injury is serious and the player needs immediate help – but the physician isn’t. The physician needs the head X-Ray and the CT scan; he does not want the CheckLight.

We can visualize a similar situation in the case of the Holter Monitor. This electrocardiogram is portable and gathers data as long as there is power in its batteries. Usually, this is for o 1-2 days and you get full information about the patient and his or her health. But, this information will not serve as medical evidence for the physician at the clinic.

More people use apps

The trend is definitely on its way as we see more people wearing watches to track their exercise goals and meet the fitness requirements. The Mi-Fit Fitness tracking app is available for $20. People use these apps to track their sleep and activity levels.

The wearable intelligence devices industry is growing at a rapid pace. Credit Suisse expects the industry to grow up to $5 billion by 2019. Most of the devices will need iWatch apps downloads to function. But then, you will see more than 50,000 apps waiting for your call.

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