Technology Business Trends that Will Dominate 2018

Krunal Vyas: Posted August 5, 2017 In Latest Technology News in Mobile & Web Tech
technology business trends

Every age brings marvels in technology with it. Some are good, some not so good, and there are those that are downright bad. Identifying the business technology trends helps the entrepreneurs stay ahead of the game. The ordinary folk too need a perspective on what is in and what is not. From that viewpoint, let us check how technology has changed and whether it has left us behind.

Interconnected devices without the need for a connecting hub

The emphasis is on speed and ease of operation. Nobody wants to fiddle around and use hundreds of switches and devices to get going.

Integrate chats for everything - growth of video

The craze for chats – friends, business associates, and classmates – will increase the need for new types of chats. Chats that you can have without switching your phone on, chats you can have through the car visor… the possibilities are endless. One thing is certain, if society needs more interaction, the chat service will be the front runner in this field.

Naturally, the videos cannot be left behind. Videos already have a fair share of the entertainment market which stands worldwide at $2.152 trillion while the global video revenues will add more than $3.45 billion to touch the $64.8 billion mark by 2021.

Automation in everything

Can you iron my shirt while I have my bath? Can you make me a sandwich while I prepare the coffee? Can you send the files to the manager at H&R as soon as possible? Yes, the new Ro-Botic Man will do all this and more. You can leave your car parking worries to the robot you pull out of the backseat…the age of automation is upon us. This is the big dream for everyone.

Implementing Big Data with the human element involved

The word is that soon we will not need big computers to analyse the output from the Big Data machines. Humans will learn a modern technology that will convert all that we need into reality. Instead of waiting for an answer from the research company, we implement results directly in the applications – “App, drive my car” will be one of the several innovations presumably.

Growth in AR and VR – Augmented Reality mobile apps

Imagination is running the show, or rather the shortfall of it. The way we people crave the unimaginable makes this field of augmented reality and virtual reality a field ripe for plucking. Pokemon Go a AR game, Oculus Rift, and many other AR and VR applications are hitting the scene right now. There is talk that it may make forays into the education field too… “Hey, Tommy, are you reading your lessons or playing a game?”

Smart Home technology and IoT

You can be sure your dog will have its own door-opener button. Thing would be teaching it to use it properly. The Internet of Things is already cornering a part of the Smart Home technology encouraging more innovations in automation on the home front. Automatic lights and garage doors are already

there but we may see more developments by way of robotic services integration.

Mobile app market 2017

Mobile app market and B2B mobile integration

We will see an increase in smart phone users and mobile payments methods and utilities. Businesses will shift their services to the mobile phone segment quite profitably.

Since most of the changes involve the internet, things will follow the path described for some more time until something better comes to replace the internet. Unconscionable, yet most of the advancements we see today began that way. Meantime, enjoy the pleasures of today.

krunal Vyash

About the Author:

Krunal Vyas

B.Eng., MBA, PMP®

I’m Krunal Vyas, IT Consultant at iQlance Solutions. Is one of the name of website and Mobile app Development, I’ve helped more than 250+ Clients to build meaningful mobile apps and website. Call me today for FREE CONSULTATIONS:

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