Latest Mobile App development news you want to know


Everything that you want or look for are presented to you in the form of mobile apps. You want to count your total steps per day, there is an app for it. Do you want to calculate your calories consumed on a day, there is an app for you. Do you want to play your favourite game on the mobile, there is an app for you. When I say everything, I literally mean everything.

Mobile apps have made our lives so convenient and comfortable that we cannot stay far away from the gadget we own. With new mobile apps deployed on the app stores have something new to offer and we, as customers, are benefitted from it immensely. Now we can play out favourite music, play games, learn cooking, book tickets for movies and flights, order food and shop online through responsive, user-friendly apps that are here to make our lives more better and superior.

If you have an idea, you can convert into a money making machine by hiring a mobile app development firm that has earned some good reputation and has a proven track record. If you search on the internet, you will find a large number of mobile app development companies offering the best services at the best price in the market. All you need to do is to choose one that offers you the best deal.

In this article, we will discuss some of the latest mobile app development news and analysis that will impact the mobile app development community. We will discuss some of the latest events happened in the month of March 2019 and the beginning of April 2019. Stay tuned and stay updated.

Aceify to raise £200,000 through equity crowdfunding

As per the latest report, Aceify, a renowned mobile app for tennis coaching is planning to raise £200,000 through an equity crowdfunding campaign on Seeders. As per the team Aceify, 75% of the funds will be spent on developing sports lover community and marketing campaigns and also they will expand in London and the rest of the United Kingdom.

25% of funds will be allocated for the product development and they are planning to launch their Android app soon. Currently, the app is available only on the iOS platform.

Apple hires former Jaunt CTO Arthur Van Hoff for its augmented reality push

If you are a mobile app enthusiast and keep a sharp eye on mobile app development news, you must have heard rumours that Apple is planning to launch its augmented reality headset for quite some time now. Now, Apple has hired Arthur Van Hoff who was a co-founder of Disney baked VR startup Jaunt. Hoff posted on his LinkedIn profile about the news and now he is a senior architect at Apple.

The industry knows that Van Hoff is an expert at multi-camera systems and video creation of augmented reality and virtual reality. He would be working with his old colleagues hired by Apple from Jaunt.

YouTube will develop live specials and Interactive shows after Netflix

Recently, Netflix original interactive film Black Mirror: Bandersnatch has earned quite a reputation and is considered success among the online communities.

There are rumours that YouTube too is planning to launch its own interactive shows and live specials after the success of Netflix. Ben Relles, former YouTube’s unscripted programming head is supervising the project and we will come to know about it shortly.

Interactive content is in demand and the content developers develop multiple storylines for the same show and they intersect to end differently for a single show. Furthermore, once you have started watching it, you cannot pause, rewind or forward it.

Bandersnatch was a huge success among Netflix viewers across the globe and we will see more interactive shows and live specials from different content providers including YouTube.

Welcome Anthos by Google to run and manage apps from anywhere

Anthos is an open platform developed by Google for the companies and businesses to use and manage their apps from anywhere. It is a cloud-based technology and it enables users to run apps in the public cloud or on existing on-premise hardware investment.

Thomas Kurian, CEO, Google Cloud said that- Anthos not only allows customers to deploy Google Cloud in their own data centres but also gives them the flexibility to build, run and manage their workloads within their data centre, on Google Cloud, or other cloud providers (Multi-Cloud), without making any changes,”.

“Google Cloud’s software-based approach for managing hybrid environments provided us with an innovative, differentiated solution that was able to be deployed quickly for our customers,” said Darryl West, Group CIO, HSBC.

Snapchat is all set with a new Android app with additional features to fight Instagram

The Android version of the Snapchat is not as par with the iOS version and it is the core reason they came up with a new superior Snapchat Android app that focuses to give more remarkable experience to the users by improving user engagement.

The Vice President of Product, Jacob Andreou has said that- Our ideal goal was that people shouldn’t really notice that the app is actually entirely changed up from underneath them, except everything should be way faster.

The new version is more advanced and dynamic and it is not the same buggy version of earlier.

The Android team of Snapchat told in the interview that once they found issues with the old app, they decided to build a new app from scratch.

The new version of the app has a range of hardware for processors and Android cameras. Now Android phones will work according to their capabilities.

Some of the additional features introduced in the new Snapchat app is Snap Audience Network, app stories, Snap Games, Snap AR Scan and some others.

Developers prioritize real-time DevOps visibility

As per the study from SmartDraw software, it was concluded that DevOps teams are emphasizing more on to offer real-time DevOps visibility across the DevOps ecosystem to improve DevOps efficiency, quality of their software releases and to make better decisions.

“The growth of DevOps has generated a large DevOps ecosystem and most organizations face the challenge of how to provide visibility into their projects. To be successful, DevOps teams need a platform that provides visibility that is compatible with DevOps’ unique data structure”, says Joshua Platt, Vice President of Product Marketing at SmartDraw Software.

FileMaker Go app hits 4 million downloads

One of the most prolific and superior office app FileMaker Go, available on iPhone and iPad, has reached 4 million downloads from the app store. If you encourage your employees to work remotely, FileMaker Go is an app that should be on their iPhones and iPads. Most of the start-ups and establishes businesses are using FileMaker Go to create custom apps that can address unique challenges and accomplish business goals.

“For more than 20 years, FileMaker has been enabling problem solvers to use their imagination and creativity to drive innovation in their organizations. Today’s problems often center on adapting work processes for an increasingly mobile workforce. The FileMaker Platform continues to address market needs, enabling our customers to do the same.” Ann Monroe, vice president of worldwide marketing and customer success said.

New updates available for Adobe XD

The Adobe has announced on its blog that they are coming up with a new set of features and tools to make their Adobe XD platform more unique and scalable. With new features, users can create responsive content for a number of devices. Till now, it was difficult to create a mobile app design that can work on different mobile devices due to screen size differences. With this new feature, it is possible for developers to create responsive resizing groups of objects.

“We live in a world where designing for multiple devices is not only important, it’s essential. Adobe XD has now added a Responsive Resize feature that allows you to resize groups of objects while keeping their placement and scalability. All you have to do is resize the group right there on the design canvas, and XD will keep the relative spacing in place,” reads the Adobe blog post.

Importance of Mobile App Development for Your Business


Today I’d like to talk about mobile apps in combination with business, and why you should consider building a mobile app for your own company.

There is no doubt that, for any business to succeed in this competitive era, adapting the changes and evolving with the growing trends is highly important. But, most of the businesses fail to recognize this importance and are unable to sustain themselves in this digital fascination of today’s era. So, what can help businesses from falling because of innovation?

The only thing that can help businesses to hit the right mark is MOBILE APPS…

A conventional way of marketing like hanging billboards, handling leaflets, printing advertisements in newspapers etc. are some of the 80’s-90’s solution that doesn’t hold any importance today. This solution in today’s era can never help to establish a connection with customers and hence, cannot succeed in the 21st century.

Read Also : How to align IT Assessments with Business Needs

So, in such scenario, mobile apps becomes a top priority for any business to streamline workflow and reach out customers successfully. Mobile apps serve as a platform to reach out your voice to the global target audience and help you to climb your business goals.


Example to follow:

Domino’s Pizza sales hiked up by 19% after developing a mobile app. The company grew its online ordering business through its mobile app and boosted sales by 20% in the UK exclusively to 214.5 pounds million in sales across the group, 200 million pounds of which were in the UK.

But, how mobile app can be boon for the business???

Let’s zero it down some of the reasons…

  • Increases brand loyalty: If the business wishes to retain their customers and gain new customers, it needs to have a compelling brand identity in the eyes of a target audience.  Engaging mobile apps help the brand to increase customer engagement and help to stand tall amongst competitors.  Rewards and loyalty programs are the proven tools to build the brand loyalty.

For instance: Starbuck’s in-app based loyalty program helps to provide loyalty award stars as in-app points. If the customer is registered at Starbucks; have La Boulange / Teavana card and earns the desired points, they can get chance to grab a free drink. This Starbucks mobile loyalty app is highly admired by the customer as it has increased the brand loyalty by offering customer-centric campaigns and personalization service.

  • Builds brand recognition:

One of the most important things to increase your brand recognition is to increase communication and awareness about the brand. The more audience trusts you, more likely they will commit to your brand. Hence, developing a mobile app can be a platform to establish connections with the users. If you develop a mobile app which is user-friendly and have intuitive features then customers can surely involve and engage with your app. And when the customer thinks about product service, your brand will be the first one to recall.

  • Connects with on the move customers: People are always on the move… going to the school… going to the work… going to the gym… going to the restaurant… driving etc. When they are indulge in any physical activity, they do not have access to the laptops/desktops etc. but they do have access to the mobile apps. Hence, mobile apps provide you an opportunity to showcase your brand across the globe. One of the recent research says that, adult people spend about 3 and half hours a day across phone and various apps. This means, if you develop a mobile app, you can get an opportunity to connect with the customers wherever they are on the move.
  • Helps to provide personalization: You can create an emotional bond with your customers via mobile app… By knowing customer’s likes, dislikes, their shopping preferences etc. you can send personalized offers and show that how much you care for them. With the mobile app, it is easy to integrate behavioral data and profile data to provide personalization service to your customers and discounts. With the bespoke solution, you are more likely to meet the requirements and needs of the audience and convert them to the frequent users.
  • Results into more profits: When customers are satisfied with your brand, it naturally results into increased sales. Moreover, it said that buying experience is influenced by how customers are being treated. The more you please your customer, they’re more inclined to your app and make a purchase. The increase in mobile app surely provides a good return in long future. If you develop a mobile app and responsive website both, you will see a significant increase in sales and of course enhancing customer engagement.
  • Act as a marketing tool: Customers can access their business by sitting in any corner of the world at any time. Regular use of app strengthens your brand when the customer needs to purchase anything. Moreover, it can be easily integrated with Facebook, Twitter and other social media, which means in a single tap your customers can share your brand and their experience on social media. With the mobile app, you can offer push notification to your customers and prospects at the right time and the right place.

The Bottom Line

Mobile app development surely provides platform to enhance brand visibility and increase customer engagement. With the high-end advanced features, user friendly app interface and the optimized app performance, your app will surely climb the ladder.

iQlance being one of the leader in mobile app development company in Toronto, provides solution that can help to leverage your business by considering the requirements and need of your business. iQlance has the best mobile app developers in Toronto who can provide cutting-edge solution that can help you to convert casual buyers into frequent customers.

Interview with Digitalmicdrop : Outsourced Marketing Tech


Outsourcing marketing services offers companies many positives. Motives for outsourcing include accessing skills a company lacks, obtaining a broader perspective from a company with international and cross-industry experiences, technology transfer, access to a wider range of business networks or even cost reduction.

Read This article originally appeared in Digitalmicdrop. interview with Mr Krunal.

marketing tech

Why a Choose PHP Framework Rather Than others Framework?

php frameworks tutorial

PHP web frameworks are some of the most commonly used web development platforms in the world right now. In fact, over the years they have made a strong ecological unit of their own. These frameworks come with their own unique features and can provide functions that might not always be possible for the main PHP programming language to offer.

PHP frameworks are nowadays used for building web applications and websites of all sizes, functions and complexity. These web applications and websites range from simple, small static sites to complex, large scale content management systems for leading enterprises.

More than 80% of websites make use of the PHP programming language which makes it the most widely used web development program. However, the truth is that it would have been quite difficult to create such an extensive web footprint all across the online world by developing web applications that are made with raw PHP code created from scratch.

PHP frameworks have greatly helped the development of the PHP website development market all across the globe. The secret for the success of any website or web application lies in its ability to deliver the best results for the target users so that it has the desired response for a business owner. PHP frameworks help to achieve just that.

In the sphere of modern day web development, it is necessary to focus on quick development of the applications and websites along with well structured, easily maintained and reusable code, while at the same time ensuring availability. Such goals can be easily achieved with the help of PHP frameworks. The PHP frameworks come with ready to use libraries, components, features, enforce proven architecture models, ensure separation of the model, view and controller or MVC logic. They also enforce a robust file and coding structure and resolve all concerns associated with low level security measures. Due to such reasons.

Which PHP Framework Should I Choose?

  • Symfony 2 : Symfony is developed by SensioLabs, a French-based PHP development company.
  • Zend Framework 2 : Zend Framework 2 allows components to be implemented a la carte, and is also the product of a web development company by the same name.
  • Yii : Yii is supported by an international development team, not backed by a company.
  • Laravel : Laravel positions itself as “the PHP framework for web artisans.” Built on Symfony components, Laravel wants to be your go-to framework for convenient and beautiful web coding.
  • Codeigniter : Codeigniter is open source development framework which follow the MVC framework pattern. Its goal is to give you the easy and proper way to develop the project much faster that you could do.

What is the use of MVC in PHP

Now we will focus on Codeigniter, is better than other Frameworks?

  1. Execution Time: The first and the most important point which attracts the every developer towards the PHP, Php gives the response too fast that till now no technology is in this world which can give the execution so fast.
  2. File Organization: When you first install the codeigniter framework at that time only it contains the many files application which contains the sub-folders as controller, config, model, view etc.
  3. Configuration: Codeigniter mvc framework has very simple configuration, you just have to fist install the framework as per your system configuration then at the time of programming open the config.php load the library, database, arrays all in that and save that’s it then. You don’t have to write the database name everytime to use it. “Write once use everywhere”.
  4. Security: In PHP you will find many in-built functions to use in our project for the input and output filtering. Many Function available to for the encryption and decryption which helps the developer to send any data in the secret installation.
  5. Less Code and faster development: The php is called as the rapid development framework. You will write less code, which means less time spent typing. You will not have to chase down 3rd party libraries all the time for every new project because most of them will come with the default framework install.
  6. Community Support: As we all know that PHP is world’s largest using language so everyone come with their problem and solutions so in those problems and solutions you get your problem solved in very less time and with full support and all.
  7. Easy Error Handling: Error handling was never before so easy but in codeigniter you have to only write one line code to enable all the errors in front of you so that you can get what is the problem in the development code.
  8. Step by Step Testing With Development Phase: You can test the performance and the functionality of the project during the starting phase of project through that you can see each and every phase of the project and you can test it.
  9. Easy Template Solution: Now in world most of the projects are going based on the templates only. Template gives the complete idea of design of project even at starting phase of the development you just have to give the content in that.
  10. Codeigniter Cache Class: I think most of the clients love to make the cache class in their project because cache what do if you clicked on any button in the project then next time it gives the result from the cache instead of executing the completing the complete code again after clicking.

PHP frameworks can make the process of web development a lot more fun and help to enhance productivity. It is due to such factors that experts always recommend working with PHP frameworks as they can improve overall efficiency.

Frameworks are Helpful, not compulsory

What is the framework of PHP?

Keep in mind that frameworks are not required for every web development project, but for many projects the right PHP framework can save many valuable hours and web coding headaches.

“For a Frameworks and making new websites for your business, reach us

Advantages to making the fastest site in the world

Site Speed

Many site owners believe that in order to increase traffic the only thing that they should do is to create a good looking website with great content. While these are undoubtedly excellent ways to increase the number of visitors for the site, there is one more crucial area that site owners need to focus on and that is reducing the loading time for the site. Plenty of sites are actually well made but they fail to get the desired response simply because they take a lot of time to load. This is a serious flaw for any website as any user will not devote too much time waiting for it to open all of its features. Via SEO services you can get high ranking.

Hosting companies offer space on their servers or even your own dedicated server if you’re willing to pay for it. Factors like uptime, reliability, customer service and site speed play into which company to use. Several WordPress centric hosting companies are Blue Host and Site Ground. Other hosting companies are listed below in a performance chart.

list of fastest hosting

While the speed of the site depends on a number of factors, most of all the internet speed of the user, it definitely helps on the part of the site owner to perform some tests and see whether it is really fast or not. If not, the site owner should make necessary changes to make sure that the site loads as quickly as possible.

There are a number of key advantages of having a fast loading site. Some of them are discussed in brief.

  • A fast loading website immediately attracts the attention of the target visitors and creates a positive impression on their minds. It also encourages them to visit the site again at a later period.
  • When a site takes less time to load, it also makes it a lot easier for the visitors to use the wide range of features that are available with the site. In other words, it makes the site user friendly.
  • Fast loading sites are also ideal for mobile browsing as most mobile users tend to have lower bandwidth rates for their smartphones than their desktops. Moreover, since most people prefer to use their mobiles to browse the internet, stay in touch with others through social media and do online shopping; it always helps to have websites that load fast in mobiles.
  • Fast loading websites are also ideal for companies that are looking to have a strong edge over their market competitors.

How to check your website’s speed

To tell whether your website is slow or not, use one of the many free tools out there designed to report just that. Here are several:

  1. Google’s PageSpeed Insights: Google’s very own tool. Gives mobile and desktop recommendations.
  2. Pingdom: Useful for all skill levels. Reviews site performance, grades it, and tracks performance history so you can see how your site speed has changed.
  3. GTmetrix: One of the most popular tools out there. GTmetrix analyzes how well your site loads, checking both PageSpeed and YSlow scores. It also gives suggestions on how to improve the load time.
  4. YSlow: Grades webpages on how they meet established high-performance guidelines. Also summarizes the different components of the website and allows you to view the analysis, offers advice on how to improve your site. YSlow offers a Chrome extension to test the speed of websites.

My personal favorite is Google’s PageSpeed Insights. It’s easy to use and the results are presented clearly. It also organizes suggestions by “should fix”, “consider fixing”, and “passed rules”.

google site speed

I also like Pingdom, and will refer to it more later in the article.
Understand that results can vary from tool to tool. This is completely normal since they have differing metrics and are using different places in the world to test the site.

12 Optimization Tips – How to Increase WordPress Website Speed

Now, let’s get on to some ways you can speed up your site and increase your website’s customer appeal.

In the end, speed is just a feature. Before you go to great lengths to make your website fast, make sure it’s useful, too and what other ways or tools or services have you used to improve your site performance?

“For eye-caching fastest websites for your business, reach us

Avoid these 10 Mistakes while Developing your Mobile Apps


Common Mistakes to Avoid in Mobile App Development

Developing apps and doing great business is something many people considering doing as app development is now a billion dollar industry. However, not all apps are able to generate the same kind of response. In fact, in this cutthroat environment, apps that do not meet user expectations get rejected almost in an instant. Therefore it is always better to take into consideration the app making mistakes that one should always avoid.

Here are the 10 most common gaffes that are made by app developers. Steering clear of these mistakes can increase the chances of your app becoming a success.

1. Building for several platforms at once

It is always better to create an mobile app for either the Android or iOS platform first and then move on to create another version for the other platform. Creating the app for both platforms at the same time would naturally enhance your expenditure. Instead, you can focus your resources to create a great app for one platform as that would increase your chances of creating a successful app against a growing competitive market.

2. Have too many features

It is better to create a good app with only a few useful features than one with many features but faulty performance. This will help you to create a better market impression.

3. Poor Navigation Features

Your app should have well defined and easy to use navigation features.

4. Lack of intuitive and familiar Graphics

Absence of intuitive and familiar graphics will only make your app difficult to use, which will make you lose users.

5. Poorly chosen visual cues

While your app needs to be visually attractive, you must also take care that it does not appear loud or gaudy as that can put users off.

6. Giving less importance on app’s user experience

Unless your app generates a positive user experience, your audience will lose interest immediately. Therefore your app needs to have a strong wow factor that will make it an immediate success.

7. Not implementing app analytics

It is very important to make use of an analytics tool that can help you to make crucial decisions on content, design, look and user experience of the app. This will help you to create a robust app.

8. Poorly managing the App Development project

If you are not sure about your ability to properly manage an app development project, it is always better to have a professional team take care of it. This naturally increases the chances of your app becoming a success.

9. Not working on effective monetization techniques

You do want to earn money through your app, and for that you will have to decide in advance from where you intend to get the financial returns. This may include your app users paying for the services they use, or you generate payments through adverts.

10. Not performing app SEO

App SEO is a crucial process that would help your app to get discovered and downloaded. Therefore you must invest in it generously and wisely.

Bonus point:

If you want to be more confident about your app’s ability to succeed amongst cutthroat competition, have your app beta tested by as many people as you can. These should include stakeholders and also people who aren’t remotely connected with app development in any way.

This will give you a better idea about the scope for improvement in your app.

The Wrap

By avoiding these mistakes, you are sowing the seeds of success for your mobile app.

The key is to put on your app’s users’ shoes and create apps that add value to customers’ lives. Keeping asking yourself whether your app is staying true to its user driven goals throughout app development; this will ensure your development efforts don’t veer in the wrong direction.

The Takeaway

Marketers should always think of a website as a vital part of their marketing effort. It is more than just a website. It is a Marketing architecture. For marketing ready websites for your business, reach us

Protect your Website from Negative SEO that will kill your Rank


Negative SEO or Black Hat SEO is the practice of using unfair SEO practices in order to boost ranking in the SERPs. While at one point of time, many companies made use of these SEO practices to boost their ranking, Google has come up with numerous methods that in turn help them to trace these sites and penalize them for their improper SEO activities. Via White hat SEO services you can ahead of your competitors.

There are mainly two different types of Black Hat SEO practices that are still in vogue nowadays. These include the following

competitors SEO services

Deliberately sabotaging the SEO efforts of the competitors

The recent changes in Google algorithms have made it possible for some site owners to deliberately spend time, energy and money to destroy the SEO efforts of a competitor website instead of focusing on their own SEO goals. While these SEO campaigns can only deliver short term results, they can eventually cause major damage to such perpetrating websites. Google requires every website to come up with their unique SEO marketing campaigns that are in line with the various strict guidelines that Google has recommended.

Google has released the Disavow Tool to help webmasters deal with this problem, but the tool should be used with caution and only as a last resort.

Check out Matt Cutts’s answer to negative SEO:

Poor Quality Internal Links

Low or poor quality links can significantly destroy the ranking of a website, especially if it is website for a smaller business. Google is going to penalize a site if its profile is bloated or filled with poor quality and/or spam links.

Tips for preventing negative SEO

Monitoring the back-link profiles

Site owners should take the time out to monitor the backlink profile of their websites. As sabotaging a competitor’s website is highly affordable these days, many companies try it out to damage the reputation of a good website.

Report suspected poor SEO methods.

Google’s Disavow is one of the best tools for detecting and reporting negative SEO activities. It allows the web owners to easily and quickly report suspicious activities on their websites. By reporting such links, site owners can help Google to get them eliminated as they assess the site.

Domain SEO Ranking Factors

Focusing on reducing or negating poor SEO methods is greatly beneficial in the long run. It can help to boost the integrity of the site to a great extent in the minds of the users.

For more about your business ready mobile app and SEO audit services, Reach Us!

Turn Your Creative Ideas into Websites, that Will achieve Success in Business

best creative ideas for business

One of the first things that you need to do in order to start a small business website is choose the domain name for your small business and then register it. It is basically going to be the name of your organization that gives prospective clients an idea of what your business is like and the kind of products and services that you offer. However, in this case it would always be better if you checked the availability of the domain name that you want. These days there are plenty of search tools on the internet where such search can be done.

Outlining the web content

A critical part of online business is deciding what you wish to say on your website and this is the reason why so many business owners just do not bother with it in the first place. The best thing about all this is that you do not need to say much in the first place. Business websites are always at their best when things are kept simple. The text in these cases needs to be minimal and each page should be dedicated only to a single option. It could be as simple as a contact us button as well.

Deciding on the logo

Logo is always an important part of a business website. It is essential that you have your logo ready before you decide to build your website with a platform such as Weebly or WordPress. Factors pertaining to your logo – color, style, and font – will have a major effect on how your website is going to be designed. As a business owner you would always want a degree of consistency in your web pages as well as logos. The best thing would be to use the logo that you may already be using offline for your business, also you should take advise from Ui UX design agency.

Putting the website plan into action

web intersection

Once you have decided on the content outline as well as the logo it is time to start building the website. There are two ways in which you can go about this process. You can use a DIY website builder or use a platform such as Bluehost to build a website on WordPress. There are plenty of online tools that you can use to build your website. Just like graphics editors such as PowerPoint you can choose a template. Then edit your website by dropping and dragging elements. The best part of this is that you do not need to know any programming.

Experts normally recommend websites such as Weebly, which offers an unmatched extent of convenience and comfort and it provides commendable customer support as well. You can also use Bluehost in order to build a website on WordPress. This too is a DIY option but it just happens to be a little more advanced than Weebly. In this case too you do not need to know any programming as such. However, learning the publishing system of WordPress comes with its own challenges. Its major advantage is that it does not cost you much.

Though, if you face any difficulty, you can consult with Website design Toronto to make your splash screen work in a right way.

Get a free quote of web design & demo by filling this simple form Here.

Best Tips to Making your Website That Will help You to Increase Revenue

best seo tips

Introduction: Creating a good website which can help you earn more revenue is not a very intimidating task as one might feel. If you have done your research correctly and know the content you wish to spread across the World Wide Web you are pretty much set. However, there are a few things one can keep in mind before jumping into the website industry.


Have a plan regarding the content: This is especially for the bloggers and content writers who want to showcase their writing skills over the web. Before purchasing your first domain name, ensure that you know that your content is going to be posted on the website. Have a timeline set for you. Do properly research regards to the current events to attract more users on your website or particular products.

Keep it simple and sweet: Every web designer want their website sparkling with colors, great animation and smooth transitions. Some go overboard trying to keep the aesthetics right and forget to consider the user experience. No one wants a lagging website which takes minutes to load. Try keeping it minimalistic, plain, and simple.

Informative and concise: Aspiring online writers often are caught between the struggle of how much is too much or too less. Keep in mind that users reading your website are trying to gain information from what you have posted. Do not over burden yourself trying to explain your entire thought process. However don’t keep it too vague.

Use images, navigations and hyperlinks: Using images throughout your content is a good way to voice out your opinion and also to catch the users’ attention. Good content clubbed with an eye catching image is an excellent combination to execute. Along with images, users would like if the website has the ease of navigating from one page to another. Implementing a free flowing interface with hyperlinks for various website makes the website more intuitive.

Read also : Importance of Mobile App Development for Your Business

Earning revenue: There are many ways a website can make money. Some of the prominent ways are the following:

  • Ad Revenue: Host an ad of a different company on your website. In other language rent your web space to other companies to post their products advertisements.
  • Affiliated Marketing: Promote any e-commerce website on your web page. If a user clicks on the e-commerce website and makes a purchase, you will be getting a share of the
  • Selling Products: Create a website to sell products you would produce.

Drawing internet traffic towards your website:  As mentioned earlier it is not a difficult task to create a website with good content. However, earning revenue out of this website will be proportional to the number of users accessing it. The more number of customers visit your webpage, the more chances are that they click on one of the ads. More internet traffic means more revenue. Let’s look at the ways you can potentially increase the number of users accessing your website.

Video Marketing: As the title suggests, this method involves using video content to get more traffic to your website. There are two ways this can be achieved, one being uploading the video on YouTube and linking your website in the description of the video. Many YouTubers would have their website linked on the second line of the description. The second way would be embedding the video on your website allowing a user to view the video on your website. This has an un-intended advantage. Because the users are watching the content of your video on the website, you could boost your search ranking since users are spending more time on your web page. This makes your website more relevant on Google. On page and on site time is a huge factor when it comes to Google search ranking.

Email marketing

Giveaways: While many would be a little skeptical about this method, handing over freebies and gifts to users has been proven to be a great strategy to get more interest to a website. Again this is subjective to the content you are publishing on your website. As you must have realized that nearly all the e-commerce websites would give their new users a discount voucher for becoming a part of their website.

Emailing Marketing: As the famous saying goes “The money is in the list”. In this method, a user can send out their desired content such as links or promotional campaigns for the website through a list of emails gathered over the course of time. The target user would require opening the email sent and would need to click on link mentioned on the email. As farfetched it sounds, Email marketing yields 4300% return on investments for businesses worldwide. This method is also essential in getting new users and creating deeper relations with your existing customers. Needless to say, you would need to have a well established website for people to acknowledge your emails or else would be considered as a spam.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): There is no doubt about the fact that this is one of the simplest but crucial factors in having traffic diverted to your website. The idea is that anytime a user Google searches a word which is relevant to the content you have on the website, Google should display your webpage for the user to access it. Let us just say you have a website which gives information about Vintage bikes, which means that the keyword here is “Vintage bikes”. The content on the webpage must be written in such a way that the keywords are used across. In this way, when a user searches the keyword Vintage bike, Google would scan your website and once it finds the word in your website multiple times, your website would be displayed in the search result by SEO Services. Having your website featuring in the top Google searches for the keyword can drastically increase the traffic on your website.

Social Media: Lastly, one of the best ways to draw traffic to your website is by promoting it on all social media platforms and start social media marketing. Create a Facebook page for your website and link your updates to the page. Invite more people to join the page. Link your website with your twitter feed. Since we have almost the entire target audience on social media, promoting your website on these platforms will help you educate more users about your website which will further increase a chance in increasing your traffic.

social media

Now, in this tutorial, you’ve learned how to Making your Website to display nearby users. Though, if you want to add further features, the implementation process can get tricky, and it’s better to consult with an best website development company before you implement in your ideas.

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