Mobile App Development Trends to Watch in Dallas

Mobile app development is a rapidly growing industry in Dallas, with many innovative companies emerging in the city. With so many options available, it can be challenging to choose the right app development company for your project. At iQlance, we are committed to staying on top of the latest trends in mobile app development and providing our clients with the best solutions possible.

 In this blog, we will discuss the top mobile app development trends to watch in Dallas, share some exciting tech startup ideas, and provide tips on how to find the best app development company in the area. So, let’s dive in!

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

AI and ML are among the most significant technological advancements in recent years. In the field of mobile app development, AI and ML can help developers create smarter, more intuitive apps that can learn from user behavior and adapt to changing needs. For instance, AI algorithms can help personalize app content by making recommendations based on user preferences and behavior. ML algorithms can be used to develop predictive models that anticipate user needs and suggest relevant actions or content.

At iQlance, we have a team of dedicated App Developers in Dallas who specialize in AI and ML-based mobile app development. We have worked on projects ranging from chatbots to predictive maintenance systems, and we continue to explore new ways to incorporate these cutting-edge technologies into our clients’ apps.

Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical devices, vehicles, home appliances, and other items that are embedded with sensors and other technologies that enable them to connect and exchange data. IoT is rapidly transforming mobile app development in Dallas, providing new opportunities for developers to create innovative, connected apps that can interact with the physical world.

At iQlance, we have experience developing apps that can connect with a range of IoT devices, including wearables, home automation systems, and smart vehicles. We are constantly exploring new ways to leverage IoT technologies to help our clients create smarter, more intuitive apps that can meet the evolving needs of their customers.

Cross-Platform App Development

Cross-platform app development is gaining popularity as businesses seek to reach a broader audience by developing apps that can run on multiple platforms. With cross-platform mobile app development in Dallas, TX, businesses can save time and money by developing a single app that can be deployed across different platforms, such as iOS and Android.

At iQlance, we specialize in cross-platform app development using frameworks such as React Native and Xamarin. Hire mobile app developers in Dallas, Texas, who  have experience building apps for various industries, including healthcare, finance, and e-commerce. We can help businesses develop apps that provide a seamless user experience across multiple platforms, without compromising on functionality or design.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has revolutionized the way businesses approach mobile app development. By leveraging cloud services, businesses can develop and deploy apps more efficiently, without the need for costly hardware or infrastructure. Cloud-based app development also provides greater scalability and flexibility, making it easier to scale up or down as business needs change.

At iQlance, we have experience developing cloud-based apps that leverage cloud technologies such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud. Our developers have experience building apps that are scalable, secure, and cost-effective, helping businesses achieve their mobile app development goals more efficiently.

Best Tech Startups Ideas in Dallas

Dallas is home to some of the most innovative and forward-thinking tech startups in the world. Here are some of the best tech startup ideas in Dallas that are making waves in the industry.

1. Healthtech

With startups dedicated to developing mobile apps that help people manage their health and wellness, Dallas has a thriving healthtech industry. Apps are available, for example, that help people control chronic conditions like diabetes and hypertension, track their food intake and exercise, and monitor their sleep patterns. A number of healthtech startups use artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyze patient data and provide more personalized and effective treatments to patients.

2. Fintech

With startups developing innovative mobile apps that help people manage their finances more effectively, the fintech industry is also thriving in Dallas. Here Many fintech startups are using blockchain technology to improve financial transaction security and efficiency. These apps provide features such as budgeting tools, investment tracking, and real-time financial advice.

3. Cybersecurity

The demand for cybersecurity solutions is increasing as cyber threats continue to evolve and become more sophisticated. This City has a number of tech startups that specialize in creating mobile apps for protecting digital assets. Among the features of these apps are encryption, two-factor authentication, and real-time threat detection.

4. Education

We are undergoing a revolution in learning thanks to mobile apps, and Dallas tech startups are at the forefront of it. Apps for personalized learning can be found for students of all ages, as well as apps that help teachers manage their classrooms more effectively. In addition to creating immersive and engaging learning experiences, education-focused startups are also using AR and VR technologies.

5. Logistics

Mobile apps are not just transforming the logistics business; startups in Dallas mobile app development are also leading the way. These apps can help businesses optimize their supply chains by providing capabilities such as real-time tracking, automatic dispatch, and predictive analytics. Furthermore, several logistics businesses are developing smartphone apps to assist customers in tracking and managing their shipments.

How Can I Find the Best App Development Company in Dallas?

If you’re looking to develop a mobile app for your business, finding the right app development company is crucial. Here are some tips to help you find the best app development company in Dallas.

  1. Look for Experience

When looking for an app development company, it’s important to find one with a track record of success. Look for companies that have experience developing apps in your industry and have a portfolio of successful projects. You can also look for Mobile App development companies in Dallas that have won awards or received recognition for their work.

  1. Check References

Before hiring an app development company, it’s important to check references. Ask the company to provide you with references from past clients, and make sure to follow up with them. Ask about the quality of the company’s work, their communication and collaboration skills, and their ability to meet deadlines.

  1. Consider the Team

The success of your mobile app project will depend largely on the team you work with. When evaluating app development companies, consider the expertise and experience of their team members. Look for companies with a diverse team that includes developers, designers, and project managers, and you can hire dedicated app developers in Dallas, TX.

  1. Ask About Process

Developing a mobile app is a complex process that requires careful planning and execution. When evaluating app development companies, ask about their development process and how they will manage your project. Look for companies that use agile development methodologies and offer regular updates and progress reports.


Mobile app development is a dynamic and rapidly evolving industry, and businesses in Dallas are at the forefront of this revolution. By leveraging the latest technologies and trends, businesses can create mobile apps that offer a more personalized and engaging user experience. Whether you’re looking to develop a healthtech app, a logistics app, or a fintech app, it’s important to find the right app development company to bring your vision to life. By following the tips outlined in this blog post, you can find the best app development company and stay ahead of the curve in this exciting and ever-changing industry.

If you’re looking for a reliable and experienced mobile app development company in Dallas, Texas, iQlance is here to help. At iQlance, we provide our dedicated team of mobile App Developers in Houston and Austin, too. Contact us today to know more about our services and how we can help bring your app ideas to life.

What Is App Store Optimization? How It Works?

ASO Optimization

Being famous as other names like App store marketing and mobile app SEO, App Store optimization is a resource application which improves the mobile application ranking. Let’s begin by knowing what exactly is App Store Optimization.

App stores basically depend on:

Moreover, algorithms of app ranking are tied to the freshness, user value signals and perceived app quality. Sounds interesting? Obviously, it should.

Experts are well aware of the benefits of generating increased ROI from app stores so they are targeting to improve app visibility which automatically affect its ranking and downloads.

ASO, as it is commonly called, is the process of improving the chances of an app on app stores to be found more often and of maximizing the downloads chances. This is somewhat similar to Search Engine Optimization on the web. An App Store is similar to a store in the market where we purchase goods and products. The products displayed right ahead are the ones that get the customers attention and are having maximum sales. Same is the case with App Stores. An App can be ranked with the help of certain given keywords so that the mobile app development company profits from the hits and downloads of that app.

ASO focuses on expert resource application to rank the apps higher in the store. Mobile apps are created for different platforms like iPhone/iPad, Android, and Windows Mobile. Besides ranking the app other goals that ASO help in achieving are increased brand exposure, better app reviews and ratings, audience involvement, and extra advertising channel broadening. You will be justified if you invest in ASO as the number of apps and their users are growing day by day. There was an increase of around 50 billion apps from 2016 to 2017. The next best thing in which to invest is App Store Optimization.

Also Read : What does it take to develop a mobile app like Uber?

SEO and ASO may at first seem to be similar but there are differences between the two. App Stores rely on finding app content easily, indexation, and app ranking algorithms. These ranking algorithms are tied to the apparent quality of the app, the brand of the app, the freshness element, reviews, ratings etc. Marketing experts depend mainly on the following Key Performance Indicators to get maximum return of investment from the App Stores:

  • Ranking
  • Impressions
  • Shares
  • Reviews and Ratings
  • Downloads

ASO works like SEO to optimize your app in a manner that it is visible to everyone. This process of optimization is an ever-evolving process. Real work begins only after the app has been built.  Now you need people to know about your app, you have to drive them to it. Using ASO you can easily track and measure the performance of your app and know where it lacks. This helps you to improve upon your app and provide the users with a better updated version. This will place your app in a significant position in the app store.

App Store optimization

The ASO has its foundation based in the Organic Optimization. A number of tactics that help SEO gain can also be applied to ASO. These include:

  • App name, title, and URL optimization.
  • Keyword research for ASO.
  • App rating and reviews generation and handling.
  • Deep linking within a mobile app.
  • Click through rate optimization.

Besides these, a web site can be seen as a very good resource to up-market your app. The website should be able to send traffic from the web site to the app store for downloads. This is very important as app stores cannot do this themselves. A number of specific optimization areas within app stores can be targeted for updates, alteration, and continuing optimization. These can be:

App name, URL, and subtitle: Ensure that your title reflects the keywords that describe the functioning of the app. It must be kept in mind that these areas mirror the highest value keywords and user search behaviour.

App Keywords: The keywords must be updated to represent the latest user queries. The developers must perform a traditional research of keywords for the sake of optimization.

App ratings and reviews: This is one area which the user, developer, and the reviewer will peek into. There has to be a framework for a review system for the app. This will not only be responsible for reviewing but also for replying to and engaging with reviews.

App downloads: The more downloads you have on the app store, the more profits you have. It is only to increase the downloads that the whole concept of ASO exists. The more downloads the app has, the better prominence it receives in the app store rankings.

 The most important thing that you should consider is that the app must be error free, updated to the latest version, and have new feature additions so that it can draw the attention of the user. With frequent updates and new features, your brand value grows and next time users will start looking for the brand too when they search for an app on the app store. So, the fresher your app is, the better recognition your brand gets on the app store.

Here are some tips that will help you gain relevance in the app store:

Always ensure that you have relevant keywords in your app description, name, and title.  Spend some time on researching for the most sought-after keywords.

The product page should be well designed and easy to use. Keep on making changes to this page to facilitate the users.

While working on a macOS machine, ensure that you use Spotlight Search. By using this app, you can become familiar with keywords already existing. Provide some unique keywords for your app to rank in the app store.

Test each of your app store fields to frequently upgrade key metrics associated with the field (CTR, CRO etc.). This type of testing is critical for getting the most from the available optimization areas within app stores.

Videos, Screenshots, thumbnails help the user know what the app look like and how it functions. Don’t make very big videos as it will bore the users. A 30 sec video and 4 or 5 screenshots from your app will be enough of a look at your app.

Knowing beforehand the ranking algorithms and how they come into force while ranking your app on the app store, you will be ahead of your competitors by quite some ranks. However, remember that ASO is an ongoing process. The moment you are careless, your app might lose the rank it enjoyed. A successful ASO approach requires a sharp eye, a fondness for analytics, and regular check-ins.

Latest Mobile App development news you want to know


Everything that you want or look for are presented to you in the form of mobile apps. You want to count your total steps per day, there is an app for it. Do you want to calculate your calories consumed on a day, there is an app for you. Do you want to play your favourite game on the mobile, there is an app for you. When I say everything, I literally mean everything.

Mobile apps have made our lives so convenient and comfortable that we cannot stay far away from the gadget we own. With new mobile apps deployed on the app stores have something new to offer and we, as customers, are benefitted from it immensely. Now we can play out favourite music, play games, learn cooking, book tickets for movies and flights, order food and shop online through responsive, user-friendly apps that are here to make our lives more better and superior.

If you have an idea, you can convert into a money making machine by hiring a mobile app development firm that has earned some good reputation and has a proven track record. If you search on the internet, you will find a large number of mobile app development companies offering the best services at the best price in the market. All you need to do is to choose one that offers you the best deal.

In this article, we will discuss some of the latest mobile app development news and analysis that will impact the mobile app development community. We will discuss some of the latest events happened in the month of March 2019 and the beginning of April 2019. Stay tuned and stay updated.

Aceify to raise £200,000 through equity crowdfunding

As per the latest report, Aceify, a renowned mobile app for tennis coaching is planning to raise £200,000 through an equity crowdfunding campaign on Seeders. As per the team Aceify, 75% of the funds will be spent on developing sports lover community and marketing campaigns and also they will expand in London and the rest of the United Kingdom.

25% of funds will be allocated for the product development and they are planning to launch their Android app soon. Currently, the app is available only on the iOS platform.

Apple hires former Jaunt CTO Arthur Van Hoff for its augmented reality push

If you are a mobile app enthusiast and keep a sharp eye on mobile app development news, you must have heard rumours that Apple is planning to launch its augmented reality headset for quite some time now. Now, Apple has hired Arthur Van Hoff who was a co-founder of Disney baked VR startup Jaunt. Hoff posted on his LinkedIn profile about the news and now he is a senior architect at Apple.

The industry knows that Van Hoff is an expert at multi-camera systems and video creation of augmented reality and virtual reality. He would be working with his old colleagues hired by Apple from Jaunt.

YouTube will develop live specials and Interactive shows after Netflix

Recently, Netflix original interactive film Black Mirror: Bandersnatch has earned quite a reputation and is considered success among the online communities.

There are rumours that YouTube too is planning to launch its own interactive shows and live specials after the success of Netflix. Ben Relles, former YouTube’s unscripted programming head is supervising the project and we will come to know about it shortly.

Interactive content is in demand and the content developers develop multiple storylines for the same show and they intersect to end differently for a single show. Furthermore, once you have started watching it, you cannot pause, rewind or forward it.

Bandersnatch was a huge success among Netflix viewers across the globe and we will see more interactive shows and live specials from different content providers including YouTube.

Welcome Anthos by Google to run and manage apps from anywhere

Anthos is an open platform developed by Google for the companies and businesses to use and manage their apps from anywhere. It is a cloud-based technology and it enables users to run apps in the public cloud or on existing on-premise hardware investment.

Thomas Kurian, CEO, Google Cloud said that- Anthos not only allows customers to deploy Google Cloud in their own data centres but also gives them the flexibility to build, run and manage their workloads within their data centre, on Google Cloud, or other cloud providers (Multi-Cloud), without making any changes,”.

“Google Cloud’s software-based approach for managing hybrid environments provided us with an innovative, differentiated solution that was able to be deployed quickly for our customers,” said Darryl West, Group CIO, HSBC.

Snapchat is all set with a new Android app with additional features to fight Instagram

The Android version of the Snapchat is not as par with the iOS version and it is the core reason they came up with a new superior Snapchat Android app that focuses to give more remarkable experience to the users by improving user engagement.

The Vice President of Product, Jacob Andreou has said that- Our ideal goal was that people shouldn’t really notice that the app is actually entirely changed up from underneath them, except everything should be way faster.

The new version is more advanced and dynamic and it is not the same buggy version of earlier.

The Android team of Snapchat told in the interview that once they found issues with the old app, they decided to build a new app from scratch.

The new version of the app has a range of hardware for processors and Android cameras. Now Android phones will work according to their capabilities.

Some of the additional features introduced in the new Snapchat app is Snap Audience Network, app stories, Snap Games, Snap AR Scan and some others.

Developers prioritize real-time DevOps visibility

As per the study from SmartDraw software, it was concluded that DevOps teams are emphasizing more on to offer real-time DevOps visibility across the DevOps ecosystem to improve DevOps efficiency, quality of their software releases and to make better decisions.

“The growth of DevOps has generated a large DevOps ecosystem and most organizations face the challenge of how to provide visibility into their projects. To be successful, DevOps teams need a platform that provides visibility that is compatible with DevOps’ unique data structure”, says Joshua Platt, Vice President of Product Marketing at SmartDraw Software.

FileMaker Go app hits 4 million downloads

One of the most prolific and superior office app FileMaker Go, available on iPhone and iPad, has reached 4 million downloads from the app store. If you encourage your employees to work remotely, FileMaker Go is an app that should be on their iPhones and iPads. Most of the start-ups and establishes businesses are using FileMaker Go to create custom apps that can address unique challenges and accomplish business goals.

“For more than 20 years, FileMaker has been enabling problem solvers to use their imagination and creativity to drive innovation in their organizations. Today’s problems often center on adapting work processes for an increasingly mobile workforce. The FileMaker Platform continues to address market needs, enabling our customers to do the same.” Ann Monroe, vice president of worldwide marketing and customer success said.

New updates available for Adobe XD

The Adobe has announced on its blog that they are coming up with a new set of features and tools to make their Adobe XD platform more unique and scalable. With new features, users can create responsive content for a number of devices. Till now, it was difficult to create a mobile app design that can work on different mobile devices due to screen size differences. With this new feature, it is possible for developers to create responsive resizing groups of objects.

“We live in a world where designing for multiple devices is not only important, it’s essential. Adobe XD has now added a Responsive Resize feature that allows you to resize groups of objects while keeping their placement and scalability. All you have to do is resize the group right there on the design canvas, and XD will keep the relative spacing in place,” reads the Adobe blog post.

Explore fitness Business Revenue with Smart apps


According to the Consumer Technology Association, portable consumer fitness tech (activity trackers, smartwatches, personal sound amplification products, smart basketballs and baseball bats, etc.) will generate around $6.4 billion in sales this year in the U.S.—a 10% increase year-over-year, but still only eight percent of the national fitness market. On the software side, fitness apps are expected to bring in just $619 million in revenue, which isn’t even one percent of the wider fitness market.

Find a business registration company which helps you get registration for yourself as a business owner and for your business to start operating. From expert solutions for your company to VAT filing, Income tax filing, and much more, our company is focused on making the operation of your business easy for you.

Gym or fitness Center Business plan

Over the past few years, many fitness centers have been installed all over the country successfully due to rising consciousness of the people towards their health. There has begun a huge demand for gyms from consumers who are conscious towards fitness and also it has been a key for the owners of fitness centers and gyms to have an opportunity to make a profitable business with this opportunity. Opening and coming up with a fitness center requires from your end a lot of planning and research and in the below content we will look at the process which is involved in coming with a plan to earn revenue from a fitness business with newer techniques and making use of the technology to do so.

Instead of going physical with the gym, you can start your gym with a smart app. Canada Filings is a fitness app development company as well.

Most of the people of today’s age are involved in the world online. Almost all the people own a smart phone and have a number of apps installed on their cell phones which range from ordering food to ordering daily tools. Then, why not do something from others and instead of going along making gyms as a physical body, getting it done online. It is easy. Requires less capital and you can earn just like any other gym.


Having a fitness app online will bring your customers even who are not located near by your operating area which is a plus point, you can save on a lot of expenses which range from land, building, equipment, employees, and so much more. All you will need is a fitness app development company which in your case will be ours and you can get an app made handy. With that you can get all your workout regimes installed on the app and the target customer of yours can access the app easily and pay for accessing your workout regimes. It is an easy way for you to make money just by investing a lot less and a lot more lesser than in the installation of an actual gym.

The investment that you have to undergo is quite less and what you get is quite more in comparison. This is an extremely helpful idea. As people today have numerous options online in all the other fields. Then why not give them their own gym with personal trainer right at their home on their smart phone so that it is easily accessible for them and you can even generate revenue with the same.

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No matter what type of fitness regime you want to opt for. It does not have to be necessarily a muscle workout gym, it can be anything ranging from workout through aerobics, nutritional advice, and much more. You can get an app designed to generate business revenue through fitness regimes.

Our services in developing an app for you are excellent. We have a team of experts and professionals who can design an ultimate app for you with all the features that you would want to see in it. We make your app easy for you to operate and for your target customers to access and use and continue using it for a long time.


We build the apps fast for you without the headache of managing the infrastructure of the app by you. gives you numerous functionalities like databases, analytics, crash reporting, and messaging so that you can quickly respond and report to your customers. Our apps are backed by Google and trusted by top apps. We make your apps on the infrastructure of google and scales of the same for even the largest apps.

Our apps bring together a lot of products from our base to put together an app which works great with all the elements put into one. All these insights work the best together according to the needs you want to put in and the requirements you ask for. We make sure that all these elements are combined into one for you to be able to work in the best way possible without investing much and with the gain of more.

Ours is a comprehensive mobile app development platform. We build apps better than you can imagine. Not just once, we make sure that your app is improved and enhanced at all the steps in every way possible. With newer discoveries and newer techniques, we make sure that we add for you a number of updates with every step to make sure that your app is fully upgraded in all the possibilities and there is nothing that your app lacks.

After the making and building of your app, we make sure that we take it to our test labs to test its working and ope rationality just to make sure that what you always wanted in your app, it has it all. We do not want you to feel any disappointed with the work we do for you and so we make sure that what you always wanted, our experts fit it into the app you have asked for after the testing if there is anything you feel is left, we will make sure that we add it instantly to give you the best version of your needs in an app.

You can always enhance your app with us in-app messaging facilities, dynamic links, and much more.

We bring to your solutions to change the most demanding challenges that your app brings for you to grow and take up-gradations. Before putting a new up-gradation in your app, we make sure that we add your app to our test labs to check if the up-gradations are working fine and if they go well with your app. We test the up-gradations on the subset of your user base and see how the app works and responds to the new up-gradations we have put in your app. We progressively roll out the latest features for you in your app to make it the best that is prevailing in the market and to make sure that you have untold advantage over your competitors in all the ways. We have figured out all that.


We create for you a great look for your app. Not just with features, we want your customers to enjoy using the app due to its attractiveness and themes which make it unique. We make sure that all the app you get designed from us comes in attractive packages for you to make sure that your app is quite attractive for the customers, with beautiful themes and accessible features to put a lot of betterment into it in all the ways. Our simple and secure apps will create an excellent on-boarding flow for you.

You can always check the on-boarding process in all the ways with our app developments just to be sure that you have all the round accessibility with us and your app and it becomes easier for you to response to the needs of your customers in the ways to make your app better in each way with every day.

The best part about the development of the apps is that you can add chatting installment n your apps. With this feature you will be able to talk and communicate with your customers instantly and you can respond to them regarding all their queries and problems and provide them with solutions.

The app will make sure that your customers can send you feedback regarding the operating of the app and if there is a problem they are facing or an if there is change that they want. Feedback from the customers will help you to guide us to enhance the variability of your app and make it better for us from your customers end and their access. We can enrich in your app for you a user-friendly chat option to make sure that you can chat all the time with your users to make them know all the doubts they have about the app and the workouts and fitness areas that you are hosting on your app. In this, you can provide better tips to your customers and make them conduct a two-face communication with you for the betterment of their workout and for your business pulls.

Our apps will be easily integrated to iOS, android, and also the web. You can use them for all the scenes to make sure they are accessible to a major part of your customer area.


Our costs will always suit your pocket size and we make sure that you do not have lose a lot amount of budget on any of services.

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Have a look at the services and development process of the iQlance solution. See What process we follow for mobile app and software development. Have a look at how we are praised by our clients Start a conversation to innovate your next great idea into reality with us.

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