Protect your Website from Negative SEO that will kill your Rank

Krunal Vyas: Posted June 6, 2017 In Latest Technology News in Mobile & Web Tech

Negative SEO or Black Hat SEO is the practice of using unfair SEO practices in order to boost ranking in the SERPs. While at one point of time, many companies made use of these SEO practices to boost their ranking, Google has come up with numerous methods that in turn help them to trace these sites and penalize them for their improper SEO activities. Via White hat SEO services you can ahead of your competitors.

There are mainly two different types of Black Hat SEO practices that are still in vogue nowadays. These include the following

competitors SEO services

Deliberately sabotaging the SEO efforts of the competitors

The recent changes in Google algorithms have made it possible for some site owners to deliberately spend time, energy and money to destroy the SEO efforts of a competitor website instead of focusing on their own SEO goals. While these SEO campaigns can only deliver short term results, they can eventually cause major damage to such perpetrating websites. Google requires every website to come up with their unique SEO marketing campaigns that are in line with the various strict guidelines that Google has recommended.

Google has released the Disavow Tool to help webmasters deal with this problem, but the tool should be used with caution and only as a last resort.

Check out Matt Cutts’s answer to negative SEO:

Poor Quality Internal Links

Low or poor quality links can significantly destroy the ranking of a website, especially if it is website for a smaller business. Google is going to penalize a site if its profile is bloated or filled with poor quality and/or spam links.

Tips for preventing negative SEO

Monitoring the back-link profiles

Site owners should take the time out to monitor the backlink profile of their websites. As sabotaging a competitor’s website is highly affordable these days, many companies try it out to damage the reputation of a good website.

Report suspected poor SEO methods.

Google’s Disavow is one of the best tools for detecting and reporting negative SEO activities. It allows the web owners to easily and quickly report suspicious activities on their websites. By reporting such links, site owners can help Google to get them eliminated as they assess the site.

Domain SEO Ranking Factors

Focusing on reducing or negating poor SEO methods is greatly beneficial in the long run. It can help to boost the integrity of the site to a great extent in the minds of the users.

For more about your business ready mobile app and SEO audit services, Reach Us!

krunal Vyash

About the Author:

Krunal Vyas

B.Eng., MBA, PMP®

I’m Krunal Vyas, IT Consultant at iQlance Solutions. Is one of the name of website and Mobile app Development, I’ve helped more than 250+ Clients to build meaningful mobile apps and website. Call me today for FREE CONSULTATIONS:

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