Fitness App Development-Complete Guide

The world of Fitness App Development is currently flourishing, integrating wellness and technology to impact how people’s personal health will be managed in the future.

A booming digital environment in which smartphones and wearable technologies hold the torch for our fitness path. Every stride, rep, and calorie is meticulously recorded and fine-tuned to ensure peak performance. Key players in this fast-paced market are developing experiences rather than apps.

These apps are more than simply tools; they are trusted companions that help users navigate the maze of fitness goals with unique precision. These apps are the Swiss army knives of wellness, providing personalized exercise routines and nutrition plans that nourish the body like a well-oiled engine. 

And the story doesn’t end there. Social sharing converts solitary workouts into group gatherings, and wearable technology integration goes hand in hand with it to create insights that offer a clear picture of progress and promise. However, this is an evolutionary tale rather than merely an account of exponential expansion. The market for fitness apps is growing at a rapid pace thanks to innovation and consumer demand for better, more intelligent, and easier-to-use products.

Grandview Research’s wise counsel indicates that the voyage is only beginning. In fact, it is far from over. The prospects for entrepreneurs and enterprises in this space are endless, with a projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) that may even outpace the gains of the most committed gym-goer.

So, what is the key to victory in this burning arena? The answer is simple: stay ahead of the curve. In a world where trends shift as quickly as HIIT workouts, staying up to date on the latest in app development is more than a choice; it’s a need. It is about adopting cutting-edge technology and leveraging an arsenal of creativity to design the next generation of fitness app development solutions.

In the next section, iQlance, a best fitness app development company will take you deeply into the basics of app development, examining the science of utilizing innovation and the art of identifying user requirements to produce apps that not only meet but beyond expectations. So take your fitness trackers and get started on the journey towards health innovation.

Types of Fitness and Workout Apps 

Fitness apps exist, catering to a wide variety of needs and interests. Most certainly, the most prevalent varieties include:

  • Apps for tracking exercise: These apps allow users to log their exercises, track their progress, and measure key performance indicators such as time spent exercising, distance traveled, and calories burned.
  • Personal trainer apps: These programs offer tailored training regimens and advise from professional fitness instructors based on the user’s fitness level and goals.
  • Diet and nutrition apps: These applications allow users to keep track of their calorie consumption, plan and arrange their meals, and select better options. They may also include grocery lists, recipe suggestions, and meal planning. 
  • Yoga and meditation applications: These apps offer supervised mindfulness, flexibility, stress-reduction, and relaxation exercises. They often consist of a range of exercises that are appropriate for beginners as well as more experienced practitioners.
  • Applications for social fitness: These users connect with other users who share their interests via social networking, allowing them to trade training routines, compete in challenges, and provide each other support and encouragement.

Features of a Fitness App

While specific attributes can vary based on the app’s goal and intended user base, the following are some typical characteristics of fitness applications:

  1. User profiles: Allow users to create profiles with their preferences, personal information, and fitness goals. 
  2. Progress Tracking: Users can track their own progress over time, including training history, performance data, and achievements.
  3. Customization Options: Allow users to modify their exercises, set reminders, and change settings to suit their preferences.
  4. Wearable Device Integration: To automatically measure activity and monitor health indicators, connect your smartwatch or wearable fitness tracker to it.
  5. Community Support: Encourage users to communicate with one another, share progress, and participate in competitions and challenges to foster a sense of community.
  6. Nutrition Tracking: Offer tools for calorie counting, macronutrient monitoring, and food intake tracking.
  7. Fitness instructions : Provide voice instructions, video demonstrations, and encouraging signals during guided workout sessions using audio and video guides.

10 Easy-Steps for Wellness App Development

Fitness App Development Services can help you create a successful fitness app that requires careful planning, execution, and continuous iteration. Here are ten essential steps to guide you through the process:

  1. Understanding consumer preferences and industry trends, as well as identifying your target market and competitors, are all part of market research.
  2. Set Goals and Objectives: Clearly describe the goals and purposes of your app, the issue it aims to address, and the advantages it offers users.
  3. Select a Platform: Choose whether to develop a native app for iOS, Android, or both platforms based on market share and the demographics of your target audience.
  4. Construct user experiences (UX) and user interfaces (UI): Create aesthetically beautiful, user-friendly interfaces that prioritize engagement, accessibility, and ease of use.
  5. Develop Features and Functionality: Identify the fundamental features and functionalities of your application, with a focus on performance, scalability, and user-friendliness.
  6. Test and Quality Assurance: Conduct comprehensive testing to identify and resolve faults, improve performance, and assure platform and device compatibility.
  7. Launch and Deployment: Upload your app to your preferred app stores, following their regulations and best practices for app submission and approval.
  8. Promotion & Promotion: Develop an app promotion strategy that includes influencer collaborations, digital marketing, social media campaigns, and app store optimization.
  9. Collect feedback and iterate: Pay attention to what users have to say, analyze app usage statistics, and continue to improve your app in response to user requests and industry advancements.

Fitness App Development Cost?

As we look at fitness App Development Company, developing a fitness app is similar to sculpting a masterpiece: it requires expertise, vision, and resources. Consider this: your own digital gym, available to everyone with a smartphone. But how much does it take to make this fantasy a reality? So brace up, because we are about to delve into the world of app development economics.

First off, think about what you want your app to do. If you’re aiming for a basic setup – think workout tracking and nutrition logging – you’re looking at a ballpark of $30,000 to $100,000. That’s like building a solid foundation for your fitness empire.

But if you’re dreaming big – personalized coaching, social features, wearable device integration – get ready to splash out. We’re talking $50,000 to $,1,50,000 or more. It’s like adding layers of gold leaf to your masterpiece – it shines, but it comes with a price tag.

Now, don’t forget about the maintenance. Just like maintaining those gains at the gym, keeping your app in top shape requires ongoing effort. So, factor in regular updates and customer support when tallying up the costs.

But fear not! There’s a secret weapon in the world of Mobile App Development – the Minimum Viable Product, or MVP for short. Think of it as your app’s prototype – a lean, mean fitness machine with just enough features to get it off the ground. This MVP not only saves you money but also lets you test the waters and gather feedback from users. It’s like dipping your toe in before taking the plunge.

So, there you have it – the cost of building a fitness app is a journey, not a destination. Whether you’re aiming for the basics or reaching for the stars, just remember to keep your eyes on the prize – a fitter, healthier world, one app at a time.

How is a Fitness App Monetized?

Fitness Software Development has access to a number of monetization techniques, such as: 

  1. Subscription Model: Provide premium membership options that grant access to unique content, cutting-edge features, and individualised coaching services as part of your subscription model.
  2. In-App Purchases: You can sell virtual goods, VIP exercises, or nutritional supplements directly within the app.
  3. Advertisements: Show users customised adverts according to their demographics, preferences, and actions.
  4. Affiliate marketing: Collaborate with fitness companies to promote their goods and services inside the app in exchange for commissions.
  5. White Labelling: Charge a charge to license your app to fitness centers, gyms, or corporate wellness initiatives.

iQlance solutions Experience in Fitness App Development

Leading mobile app development company iQlance Solutions has a wealth of expertise developing cutting-edge fitness apps that are customized to meet the specific requirements of our customers. In close collaboration with clients, our team of talented designers, developers, and fitness specialists creates high-caliber, user-friendly applications that motivate and enable users to reach their fitness objectives.

Product Owner Checklist to Lead the Fitness App Development: Tips for Remote and Hybrid Workflow

  1. Overseeing the development of a fitness software requires excellent teamwork, communication, and project management skills, especially in remote or hybrid work environments. Product owners can utilize the checklist below to ensure the success of their fitness app development project:
  2. Set clear priorities and goals. Specify the project’s goals, objectives, and key checkpoints to guide the development process and keep the team focused.
  3. Create Efficient Communication Channels: Use technology such as video conferencing, instant messaging, and project management software to maintain open lines of communication with team members, stakeholders, and external partners.
  4. Promote Teamwork and Collaboration: Encourage team members to work together, think creatively, and lend support to one another in order to create a happy and upbeat work atmosphere.
  5. Track project progress, spot possible problems or bottlenecks, and take proactive steps to promptly resolve them in order to keep an eye on performance and development.
  6. Adapt to Challenges and Changes: Remain agile and flexible in the face of shifting market conditions, technological advancements, or project needs, modifying plans and priorities as necessary.
  7. Assure Quality and User Satisfaction: Give user testing and quality assurance a priority to make sure the app satisfies usability requirements, performance benchmarks, and user expectations.
  8. Continuously Provide Feedback and Support: Promote team members’ professional growth and learning by providing them with helpful criticism, direction, and support.
  9. Celebrate Milestones and Achievements: Recognize and celebrate group successes, milestones, and accomplishments to boost morale and motivation.
  10. Keep Up with Industry Trends: As you explore for new and unique opportunities, stay up to date on the latest trends in the fitness app sector, such as developing technologies and best practices.
  11. Get User Input and Iterate: Gather user feedback through surveys, reviews, and analytics data. Use the information collected to rate features and make improvements for future app releases.


As mobile technology becomes increasingly commonplace and health consciousness grows, the market for fitness apps expands rapidly. Companies can benefit from this trend by understanding the various types of fitness apps available, as well as their major features and functionalities, development process, cost variables, monetization tactics, and product owner best practices. Make touch with iQlance Solution, the best fitness app development company, to help you realize your app’s fullest potential.  


1. What sets iQlance Solutions apart in fitness app development?

iQlance Solutions is unique in the fitness app development sector due to our vast industry knowledge, collaborative style, and commitment to offering tailored solutions that meet our clients’ specific needs and goals. Our unique, user-friendly fitness apps motivate and push users to achieve their fitness goals by combining technical expertise with creative design and strategic thinking.

2. How can businesses effectively monetize their fitness apps?

Companies can make fitness applications profitable through a variety of methods, including affiliate marketing, in-app purchases, white labeling, subscription models, and advertisements. The key is to strike the right balance between producing money and creating a fulfilling experience for customers through value-added services and experiences.

3. What are the emerging trends in the fitness app market?

A growing emphasis on holistic wellness, which includes mental health and mindfulness, the use of AI and machine learning technologies for personalized workout recommendations and coaching, and the emergence of virtual and augmented reality for immersive fitness experiences are just a few of the emerging trends in the fitness app market that Fitness App Development Services can assist you with. 

4. How important is user feedback in the development of fitness apps?

User feedback is extremely useful in the development of fitness apps since it provides valuable insights into the user base’s preferences, challenges, and expectations. Businesses may improve user satisfaction, retention, and overall app performance by paying attention to user feedback and incorporating it into the development process.

5. What are the key considerations for businesses looking to develop a fitness app?

A wellness app development company such as ours can assist you. Businesses wishing to develop a fitness app should take into account a number of factors, including identifying their target market, comprehending market trends and competitors, setting clear goals and objectives, choosing the best platform and technologies, and giving user experience, usability, and performance top priority throughout the development process. 

Mobile App Development Trends to Watch in Dallas

Mobile app development is a rapidly growing industry in Dallas, with many innovative companies emerging in the city. With so many options available, it can be challenging to choose the right app development company for your project. At iQlance, we are committed to staying on top of the latest trends in mobile app development and providing our clients with the best solutions possible.

 In this blog, we will discuss the top mobile app development trends to watch in Dallas, share some exciting tech startup ideas, and provide tips on how to find the best app development company in the area. So, let’s dive in!

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

AI and ML are among the most significant technological advancements in recent years. In the field of mobile app development, AI and ML can help developers create smarter, more intuitive apps that can learn from user behavior and adapt to changing needs. For instance, AI algorithms can help personalize app content by making recommendations based on user preferences and behavior. ML algorithms can be used to develop predictive models that anticipate user needs and suggest relevant actions or content.

At iQlance, we have a team of dedicated App Developers in Dallas who specialize in AI and ML-based mobile app development. We have worked on projects ranging from chatbots to predictive maintenance systems, and we continue to explore new ways to incorporate these cutting-edge technologies into our clients’ apps.

Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical devices, vehicles, home appliances, and other items that are embedded with sensors and other technologies that enable them to connect and exchange data. IoT is rapidly transforming mobile app development in Dallas, providing new opportunities for developers to create innovative, connected apps that can interact with the physical world.

At iQlance, we have experience developing apps that can connect with a range of IoT devices, including wearables, home automation systems, and smart vehicles. We are constantly exploring new ways to leverage IoT technologies to help our clients create smarter, more intuitive apps that can meet the evolving needs of their customers.

Cross-Platform App Development

Cross-platform app development is gaining popularity as businesses seek to reach a broader audience by developing apps that can run on multiple platforms. With cross-platform mobile app development in Dallas, TX, businesses can save time and money by developing a single app that can be deployed across different platforms, such as iOS and Android.

At iQlance, we specialize in cross-platform app development using frameworks such as React Native and Xamarin. Hire mobile app developers in Dallas, Texas, who  have experience building apps for various industries, including healthcare, finance, and e-commerce. We can help businesses develop apps that provide a seamless user experience across multiple platforms, without compromising on functionality or design.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has revolutionized the way businesses approach mobile app development. By leveraging cloud services, businesses can develop and deploy apps more efficiently, without the need for costly hardware or infrastructure. Cloud-based app development also provides greater scalability and flexibility, making it easier to scale up or down as business needs change.

At iQlance, we have experience developing cloud-based apps that leverage cloud technologies such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud. Our developers have experience building apps that are scalable, secure, and cost-effective, helping businesses achieve their mobile app development goals more efficiently.

Best Tech Startups Ideas in Dallas

Dallas is home to some of the most innovative and forward-thinking tech startups in the world. Here are some of the best tech startup ideas in Dallas that are making waves in the industry.

1. Healthtech

With startups dedicated to developing mobile apps that help people manage their health and wellness, Dallas has a thriving healthtech industry. Apps are available, for example, that help people control chronic conditions like diabetes and hypertension, track their food intake and exercise, and monitor their sleep patterns. A number of healthtech startups use artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyze patient data and provide more personalized and effective treatments to patients.

2. Fintech

With startups developing innovative mobile apps that help people manage their finances more effectively, the fintech industry is also thriving in Dallas. Here Many fintech startups are using blockchain technology to improve financial transaction security and efficiency. These apps provide features such as budgeting tools, investment tracking, and real-time financial advice.

3. Cybersecurity

The demand for cybersecurity solutions is increasing as cyber threats continue to evolve and become more sophisticated. This City has a number of tech startups that specialize in creating mobile apps for protecting digital assets. Among the features of these apps are encryption, two-factor authentication, and real-time threat detection.

4. Education

We are undergoing a revolution in learning thanks to mobile apps, and Dallas tech startups are at the forefront of it. Apps for personalized learning can be found for students of all ages, as well as apps that help teachers manage their classrooms more effectively. In addition to creating immersive and engaging learning experiences, education-focused startups are also using AR and VR technologies.

5. Logistics

Mobile apps are not just transforming the logistics business; startups in Dallas mobile app development are also leading the way. These apps can help businesses optimize their supply chains by providing capabilities such as real-time tracking, automatic dispatch, and predictive analytics. Furthermore, several logistics businesses are developing smartphone apps to assist customers in tracking and managing their shipments.

How Can I Find the Best App Development Company in Dallas?

If you’re looking to develop a mobile app for your business, finding the right app development company is crucial. Here are some tips to help you find the best app development company in Dallas.

  1. Look for Experience

When looking for an app development company, it’s important to find one with a track record of success. Look for companies that have experience developing apps in your industry and have a portfolio of successful projects. You can also look for Mobile App development companies in Dallas that have won awards or received recognition for their work.

  1. Check References

Before hiring an app development company, it’s important to check references. Ask the company to provide you with references from past clients, and make sure to follow up with them. Ask about the quality of the company’s work, their communication and collaboration skills, and their ability to meet deadlines.

  1. Consider the Team

The success of your mobile app project will depend largely on the team you work with. When evaluating app development companies, consider the expertise and experience of their team members. Look for companies with a diverse team that includes developers, designers, and project managers, and you can hire dedicated app developers in Dallas, TX.

  1. Ask About Process

Developing a mobile app is a complex process that requires careful planning and execution. When evaluating app development companies, ask about their development process and how they will manage your project. Look for companies that use agile development methodologies and offer regular updates and progress reports.


Mobile app development is a dynamic and rapidly evolving industry, and businesses in Dallas are at the forefront of this revolution. By leveraging the latest technologies and trends, businesses can create mobile apps that offer a more personalized and engaging user experience. Whether you’re looking to develop a healthtech app, a logistics app, or a fintech app, it’s important to find the right app development company to bring your vision to life. By following the tips outlined in this blog post, you can find the best app development company and stay ahead of the curve in this exciting and ever-changing industry.

If you’re looking for a reliable and experienced mobile app development company in Dallas, Texas, iQlance is here to help. At iQlance, we provide our dedicated team of mobile App Developers in Houston and Austin, too. Contact us today to know more about our services and how we can help bring your app ideas to life.

How to create a dating app like a Tinder?


In the era of technology, people prefer to use an online dating app to find their dating partner. It is obvious that one can not neglect the dating apps as compared to limited offline presence. As Tinder is one of the most popular dating apps and this app has magnified its reach over web version also.

Number of visitors finding online dating partner is increasing day by day. If you are also planning for the same, then you must be clear with the question that:

Why Tinder is so popular among users????

Do you want to develop a same mobile app like Tinder?????

Following are some factors that must be considered while creating a dating app:

? Safety features: Security of women and their private data is very important. It takes some time to understand a partner, as people can meet online to start their relationship but women require extra safety assurance.

? Proper UX: A good and proper UX is required for a mobile dating app which must provide the following:

  • Easy navigation in the app
  • Easy way to find a ‘match’
  • Chat facility

As dating apps are usually location-based which allow you to connect with mutually interested users to have interaction with them without any meeting. As these dating apps usually offer ‘swipe feature’ but it’s credit goes to the Tinder only which converted the initial clicking into swiping.

Also Read this Blog : How to Build a Smart On-Demand Grocery Delivery App

If you have any idea to develop an app like Tinder, then you must consider:

Target audience: Who are your potential users and their age? On which concept you want to make a dating app? In order to become different from the crowd, add some new features using various concepts in your app. Make sure you want to target only girls, boys or gay, lesbian also. Here are some ideas that you must remember while planning for developing new app:

  • Grindr app is the largest gay social network in the world.
  • TasteBuds app connects people with same music interests.
  • Hater app meets new people based on the things you hate.
  • Her dating app is the best platform for queer women, bisexual and lesbian worldwide.

The concept of these apps is not copying the popular apps but to develop their own user base where people can reflect their preferences in fullest.


Features that your dating app should have:

  • Registration
  • Search engine
  • Geo-location
  • Admin panel
  • Chatting
  • Notifications
  • My profile
  • Login
  • Home Screen
  • Settings
  • Matching algorithms

Important things to remember while making a dating mobile app like Tinder:

  1. Create an intuitive navigation
  2. Make explanatory tutorial for unusual gestures so users can understand how to use the app.
  3. Select color and format of app according to target audience i.e. for youth or for elderly people.
  4. Add profiles in a readable form
  5. Give an up to date look to the app.

Some important things to consider during the development of a dating mobile app:

? Planning for cost and time to develop a dating app:

Keep following your competitors in order to know their weakness and strengths that you can develop an outstanding dating app like Tinder. Do a proper research about the product and needs of your target audience. Also, plan your budget which you can invest in the app development.

? Wireframing

Build a prototype to determine various factors of the cost of On-demand dating app development. Placement of every screen, button and icon should be planned correctly. Ensure the consistent animals to deliver a good user experience.

? User Profile: Feature to add or edit the information collected from other social media accounts of user.

? User Setting: Setting of app according to the age, gender and distance.

? Personal chat: Users can chat with their matched profiles according to their preference.

? Notification: There should be notification for every new match and message.

Cost to develop a dating app like Tinder?


Well, as you are now cleared with all the important aspects that you should be covered for dating app development. Now, it’s time to focus on investment. So, here we are going to share some factors that affect the cost of developing a dating app like Tinder:

(i) Features: Here are the major possibilities that you should consider while developing a dating app. You can go with viable features, advanced features as well as both basic & advanced features.

(ii) Operating System: Although, the device choice totally depends on the users that which operating system they prefer. But creating iOS app is much expensive than creating an android app. So, if you are planning to develop an app for both platforms then your budget should be according to that.

(iii) Technology: Code of mobile apps are different according to technology. If you have not technical knowledge of codes of mobile app development then you should get guidance from app developers.

(iv) Resources: If you are planning to hire a team for mobile app development then you should confirm their experiences after looking for their case studies. Now, compare the cost of app development and then take a decision.

Cost of mobile app development depends on different variables so it’s quite difficult to get an idea of the exact figure but you can have a rough idea. Include the maintenance and support cost in the total cost of app development.

If you are planning to develop an app with basic features , then the price can range between ******* to *******. But if your are planning to create an app with advanced features, then the cost can vary in between ***** to *****.

Conclusion: In the era of technology and modernism, developing a dating app like Tinder can be very beneficial for business. Although, there are many dating apps in market but if you succeed in offering extra features to clients then you can lead the race. So, let’s start with the best mobile app development to reap the best benefit.

Innovative Ways Canada Can Own and Adopt Artificial Intelligence for the Century


Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence categorizes a special area of computer science. It emphasizes to create intelligent machines capable to react and work like human beings. AI combined with computer systems are able to perform various activities, which include learning, speech recognition, planning and solving problems.

Objectives of Artificial Intelligence

Experts of the industry have come up with Artificial Intelligence to fulfill a prime objective to resolve various core problems related to programming of computer systems to fulfill specific traits. These include-

  • Reasoning
  • Problem solving
  • Knowledge
  • Planning
  • Learning
  • Perception and
  • Ability to move and manipulate objects

Artificial Intelligence Originated in Canada

In the recent few years, a large number of foundational research works in the sector of Artificial Intelligence have originated in different areas by top technological groups in Canada. In January 2018, learning software provided by Alibaba and Microsoft Group had shown excellent performance than humans in RC i.e. reading and comprehension tests. This step has further opened scope to the launch of Artificial Intelligence based medical inquiries, customer services and several other innovative applications.

Canadian Companies Achieved third Biggest AI Talent Pool

Furthermore, if you look at the report given by Element AI consultancy group, you will find that Canadian companies pioneered research work in neural networks to secure the worldwide third biggest Artificial Intelligence talent pool. Based on this, we can say that research work and investments in the field of AI has exploded worldwide in a drastic manner during the last few years.

AI Development Pace at Global Level

According to experienced Canadian app developers and other technological experts, AI development is moving ahead at a fast pace and it is consistently showing rapid growth and huge potential. If you estimate the value of 2017, you will find $US2.4billion which is almost equal to double of the value, which was there during 2016.

How Canada should Advance its Artificial Intelligence Technologies

Based on such a high value $US2.4billion, as mentioned here, Mobile App Developers Toronto and other big cities of Canada have to think and take essential steps to advance their already existing Artificial Intelligence based businesses and technologies to retain their strong position in the competitive yet global market. However, as Canada is a small country and has open economy with economic and social stability both, it may easily setup its strong AI research to secure top position for developing the best AI practices to advance in both social and economic interests.

Ways to Advance AI Development by Canada/Canadian Companies

Web designers, web developers, app designers and app developers, along with other technological experts in different regions of Canada should essentially follow the mentioned important ways to advance in their AI Development.

  • Support from Leading Canadian Institutions to App Developers

Gone those days when people perceive Canada as a country for producing manufactured goods and commodities. Instead, today, Canada has gained its recognition to develop and attract various innovative AI solutions, quantum computation technologies and innovative blockchain methods.

Even the country is ready to become the topmost hub for a large number of scientific talents very soon. Thanks to its leading institutions named Creative Destruction Lab and Vector Institute, whose experts are consistently supporting App Developers Toronto and other technological experts to come up with latest concepts/methods in AI.

Read also : How to align IT Assessments with Business Needs

Furthermore, both corporate organizations and startup groups in Canada consistently always encourage supply of a large number of talented graduates and flow of many innovative ideas. This is the prime reason, for which organizations often collaborate with top Toronto-based and other Universities in Canada to enable technology-focused engineers and researchers to perform their functions as a single and strong unit.

On the other side, collaborations of educational institutes with business/corporate organizations make sure that best technological experts will continue undertaking research driven tasks with huge curiosity and a strong desire to fix many problems of the real world.

  • Achieve Sales and Grab Growth Opportunities from Global Market

On the other side, a large number of Canadian-based startup companies and already established companies in developing markets are taking steps to grab global opportunities in Europe and in the United States. Furthermore, many Canadian AI companies have already started gaining from huge sales from competitive AI and business markets.

  • Advancement in Competitive AI Policies

Canada is consistently advancing its competitive local and international Artificial Intelligence policies with the aim to leverage its position as one of the reputed promoter of stability, openness and rules. Hence, with its good position at the global level, app developers get pool of opportunities to advance in the existing AI policies directed towards improving living standards, promotion of inclusivity, advocating collecting transparent data and various unbiased algorithms.

  • Canadian Government and People should Address Fears Collectivity

A majority of studies have revealed that innovative technologies, including Artificial Intelligence will result in loss of employment, even though there is no evidence, analysis or report justifies the statement and about it’s widespread. However, the thing that is clear in front of us is that phenomenal pace associated with change is disruptive and benefits associated with innovative technologies will never go to share broadly.

Hence, instead of protecting/preventing Canadian people from adopting technological variations, Canadian government, educators, business-people and Canadian mobile app developers should actively involved to prepare citizens to gain knowledge about leveraging potential AI and its technological benefits.

  • Vast and Diversified Data in Abundance

According to App Developers, Canada not only has a big pool of talent, but also it has vast and diversified data. For instance, Canadian publicly funded services’ systems, like energy, healthcare and transit have created many big data sets. Based on diversity associated with these data sets, they may act as goldmine for a large number of AI developers across the country.

If you look at the scenario associated with voice-recognition early, you will find that voice-recognition software struggled in recognizing voice of a female, as engineers only trained to use only male voice. On the other side, face-recognition software fails to deliver its optimum performance on various non-white faces. In both cases, the only solution is to create data sets, which act as representatives of diversified populations.

Positively, Canada, as a country setup on immigration, it has diversified data to resolve this issue. Even a Toronto-based company has launched an AI-based system aimed to bring improvement in the screening of various job applicants with the help of AI, which overlooks characteristics related to gender, race and disability status in a deliberate way.

Other than this, another Toronto-based entrepreneur group has combined diversified data sets and essential predictive tools to help large business/consumer enterprises to improve the way, in which they should engage with their customers. The main objective of experts is to reduce bias and to come up with predictive decisions.

  • Openness to Technologies, Entrepreneurs and Investments

Canada always remains open to investments, technologies, entrepreneurs/startup companies and other common people irrespective of its geographical boundaries. Moreover, the country entices talented experts, foreign investment and companies across a huge range of various AI verticals.



Therefore, based on each of the aforementioned facts about Canada’s initiative and already taken measures towards Artificial Intelligence, it has unique opportunities to leverage the Artificial Intelligence moment globally and thereby, to give good shape to the future of Artificial Intelligence.

Why need to design an on-demand app for food ordering business?

on-demand-food-appReasons to implement food ordering app

Today, in the digital era, smart-phone has become an integral part of our life and it is really fascinating to know that business in every industrial domain is looking to have its online presence. People love to browse their phone at every second for checking out general information, latest news, book cabs, movie tickets and much more. Hence, because of such scenario strong mobile app presence has become necessity! And when it comes to food business, then unique food ordering app becomes the ultimate platform to generate the leads.

What characterizes on-demand delivery marketplaces?

  • mobile-first user experience
  • fast delivery of products or services
  • cheaper prices than traditional service providers or sellers
  • independent contractors working part-time
  • friction-less payment
  • actionable rating systems
Mobile Application Development

With the food delivery app, customers no longer have to yell their orders on the phone and explain their orders to the restaurants. No more worries about missed orders due to busy phone lines or lack of resources to monitor the phone. Additionally, the local searches via mobile app results into higher conversion rates which brings ROI for your business. With the help of GPS Tracker, end users can search nearby restaurants to order food from the single mobile app; without providing their address or any other information. Application can automatically trace the address and food delivery becomes easy.

So, you must take the advantage of this mobile trend to boost customer engagement and improve dining experience.

To solve the purpose, offering them smarter features like:-

  • Get niche and clear Menu display (along with prices)
  • Easy navigation to click and order- within a minute
  • Display picture that depicts what your customer may expect

But, are mobile apps really worth to develop or restaurants can deliver same experience without them?

Let’s zero down in detail….

  • Drives more revenue: When a person is looking for the good place to dine-in, you obviously wish to provide an effortless way to cater them apart from yummy food. In such scenario, mobile application serves as the best engine to increase the sales and your customers will always appreciate the convenient opportunity to deliver the order through the app and get their favourite food in just matter of seconds. Apart from this, you will enjoy your hike in sales with the enlarged orders like sides, salads, add-ons, desserts etc. which always goes well through mobile ordering. Additionally, ordering online is convenient option as customers love to explore all the menu options and may spend more than they would when ordering over phone or in-person.

 Read also:  Technology Business Trends that Will Dominate

  • Wide customer base: Having higher mass of target audience is just another reason to succeed! Anyone who owns a smart-phone can be your customer… Students who looks to order pizza, burgers, chips; Employees who forgot their lunch or loves to order from good restaurant; Millennial who hang out with their gang at night and craves for midnight food; Family get-together who wish Chinese, Mexican etc. during party and the list goes on.. Today, idea of driving for restaurant no longer seems to be interesting for folks and they would love to opt for mobile ordering options over other options especially for the restaurants offering quicker service. Mobile app promotes social sharing which can help to grow your customers and when they share positive reviews on social media, it ultimately boosts the reputation leading to the business profits. This could be an amazing way to stay in the customer’s mind as they check social media accounts each day and you can keep them updated through their social media profiles.

 Order accuracy improves and easy to use:

Sorry, please can you repeat?

I didn’t understand… Pardon please?

Ohh!! you just said tacos?

These surprised expressions are generally very familiar for anyone who takes order over phone. Misunderstandings are likely to occur and these results in the angry customers, waste of food, money and efforts which ultimately results into negative feedback. With online orders there are fewer chances of mistakes as customer makes everything clear from their end.

Implementing new technology may sound BIG but it is very simple than you think and it always offer win-win approach for both owner and customer. Easy to use food ordering apps are shaped to give customers quick turnaround time and minimal stress which in-turn enables the restaurants to welcome a flood of orders in less time.

  • Cultivates loyal customers: Brand loyalty is always important and with the food delivery mobile app, you can always have repeat business. If you treat each customer by providing them personalized experience they are sure to take visit of your mobile app again and again. Encouraging customer to comment, share and refer by providing some reward points enables the higher reach and strong visibility of your brand. Having an easy way to pre-order, pay and collect goes a long way of building long-term relationship. Providing push notifications regarding offer like 30% very on Tuesday for dinner encourages to use your food ordering mobile app repetitively which ultimately creates the pillar of loyal customers.

Do you think you can attract customers like that ever, through phone calls? Of course Not!!!


Example: Skip The Dishes connects foodaholics with restaurants and local Food Couriers through proprietary algorithm-based dispatch system. With this app, restaurants receive orders electronically via mobile or tablet application, provide an estimated completion time and algorithmically-manages restaurant delivery fleet. This delivery system enables real-time monitoring and management of the customer order, delivery status and ultimately provides customer satisfaction. This service provide them an opportunity to partner with the good restaurants for ordering, and more rapidly advance its business volumes by being able to focus on delivery  both from an online ordering portal, and also orders directly from the mobile app.


Food ordering apps are gaining momentum in recent times and if you have not yet integrated your business with the Food Delivery App, it’s time to do so…

Any ideas whirling in your mind or looking to develop the next mobile app with us? Connect with us today! We will make your idea into reality…

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