Innovative Ways Canada Can Own and Adopt Artificial Intelligence for the Century


Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence categorizes a special area of computer science. It emphasizes to create intelligent machines capable to react and work like human beings. AI combined with computer systems are able to perform various activities, which include learning, speech recognition, planning and solving problems.

Objectives of Artificial Intelligence

Experts of the industry have come up with Artificial Intelligence to fulfill a prime objective to resolve various core problems related to programming of computer systems to fulfill specific traits. These include-

  • Reasoning
  • Problem solving
  • Knowledge
  • Planning
  • Learning
  • Perception and
  • Ability to move and manipulate objects

Artificial Intelligence Originated in Canada

In the recent few years, a large number of foundational research works in the sector of Artificial Intelligence have originated in different areas by top technological groups in Canada. In January 2018, learning software provided by Alibaba and Microsoft Group had shown excellent performance than humans in RC i.e. reading and comprehension tests. This step has further opened scope to the launch of Artificial Intelligence based medical inquiries, customer services and several other innovative applications.

Canadian Companies Achieved third Biggest AI Talent Pool

Furthermore, if you look at the report given by Element AI consultancy group, you will find that Canadian companies pioneered research work in neural networks to secure the worldwide third biggest Artificial Intelligence talent pool. Based on this, we can say that research work and investments in the field of AI has exploded worldwide in a drastic manner during the last few years.

AI Development Pace at Global Level

According to experienced Canadian app developers and other technological experts, AI development is moving ahead at a fast pace and it is consistently showing rapid growth and huge potential. If you estimate the value of 2017, you will find $US2.4billion which is almost equal to double of the value, which was there during 2016.

How Canada should Advance its Artificial Intelligence Technologies

Based on such a high value $US2.4billion, as mentioned here, Mobile App Developers Toronto and other big cities of Canada have to think and take essential steps to advance their already existing Artificial Intelligence based businesses and technologies to retain their strong position in the competitive yet global market. However, as Canada is a small country and has open economy with economic and social stability both, it may easily setup its strong AI research to secure top position for developing the best AI practices to advance in both social and economic interests.

Ways to Advance AI Development by Canada/Canadian Companies

Web designers, web developers, app designers and app developers, along with other technological experts in different regions of Canada should essentially follow the mentioned important ways to advance in their AI Development.

  • Support from Leading Canadian Institutions to App Developers

Gone those days when people perceive Canada as a country for producing manufactured goods and commodities. Instead, today, Canada has gained its recognition to develop and attract various innovative AI solutions, quantum computation technologies and innovative blockchain methods.

Even the country is ready to become the topmost hub for a large number of scientific talents very soon. Thanks to its leading institutions named Creative Destruction Lab and Vector Institute, whose experts are consistently supporting App Developers Toronto and other technological experts to come up with latest concepts/methods in AI.

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Furthermore, both corporate organizations and startup groups in Canada consistently always encourage supply of a large number of talented graduates and flow of many innovative ideas. This is the prime reason, for which organizations often collaborate with top Toronto-based and other Universities in Canada to enable technology-focused engineers and researchers to perform their functions as a single and strong unit.

On the other side, collaborations of educational institutes with business/corporate organizations make sure that best technological experts will continue undertaking research driven tasks with huge curiosity and a strong desire to fix many problems of the real world.

  • Achieve Sales and Grab Growth Opportunities from Global Market

On the other side, a large number of Canadian-based startup companies and already established companies in developing markets are taking steps to grab global opportunities in Europe and in the United States. Furthermore, many Canadian AI companies have already started gaining from huge sales from competitive AI and business markets.

  • Advancement in Competitive AI Policies

Canada is consistently advancing its competitive local and international Artificial Intelligence policies with the aim to leverage its position as one of the reputed promoter of stability, openness and rules. Hence, with its good position at the global level, app developers get pool of opportunities to advance in the existing AI policies directed towards improving living standards, promotion of inclusivity, advocating collecting transparent data and various unbiased algorithms.

  • Canadian Government and People should Address Fears Collectivity

A majority of studies have revealed that innovative technologies, including Artificial Intelligence will result in loss of employment, even though there is no evidence, analysis or report justifies the statement and about it’s widespread. However, the thing that is clear in front of us is that phenomenal pace associated with change is disruptive and benefits associated with innovative technologies will never go to share broadly.

Hence, instead of protecting/preventing Canadian people from adopting technological variations, Canadian government, educators, business-people and Canadian mobile app developers should actively involved to prepare citizens to gain knowledge about leveraging potential AI and its technological benefits.

  • Vast and Diversified Data in Abundance

According to App Developers, Canada not only has a big pool of talent, but also it has vast and diversified data. For instance, Canadian publicly funded services’ systems, like energy, healthcare and transit have created many big data sets. Based on diversity associated with these data sets, they may act as goldmine for a large number of AI developers across the country.

If you look at the scenario associated with voice-recognition early, you will find that voice-recognition software struggled in recognizing voice of a female, as engineers only trained to use only male voice. On the other side, face-recognition software fails to deliver its optimum performance on various non-white faces. In both cases, the only solution is to create data sets, which act as representatives of diversified populations.

Positively, Canada, as a country setup on immigration, it has diversified data to resolve this issue. Even a Toronto-based company has launched an AI-based system aimed to bring improvement in the screening of various job applicants with the help of AI, which overlooks characteristics related to gender, race and disability status in a deliberate way.

Other than this, another Toronto-based entrepreneur group has combined diversified data sets and essential predictive tools to help large business/consumer enterprises to improve the way, in which they should engage with their customers. The main objective of experts is to reduce bias and to come up with predictive decisions.

  • Openness to Technologies, Entrepreneurs and Investments

Canada always remains open to investments, technologies, entrepreneurs/startup companies and other common people irrespective of its geographical boundaries. Moreover, the country entices talented experts, foreign investment and companies across a huge range of various AI verticals.



Therefore, based on each of the aforementioned facts about Canada’s initiative and already taken measures towards Artificial Intelligence, it has unique opportunities to leverage the Artificial Intelligence moment globally and thereby, to give good shape to the future of Artificial Intelligence.

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