Workout Guide for client and fitness trainer

Core- the workout app helps the app user to directly communicate with their gym instructor or nearby gym members.

Brief Info

Specially developed to keep our inner athletic spirit high and maintain the fitness and health of the body. This app helps our customers to directly communicate with their gym instructors or nearby gym members. It has some exciting features like trending deals, rating options, chatting modules, membership cards etc. For trainers, it also gives business analysis and tracks its clients’ regular updates




Style Guide

It became essential for app designers of Florida to craft the designs of this unique app just like its purpose of development. To showcase the product is related to fitness, the designers selected the colours and fonts in such a way that they all highlight the functions and products of the app.


To increase the processing time in this application app developers USA made use of trendy and easy to maintain technologies. In this fitness workout app,iQlance made use of the following technologies:

Design technologies

To give the best appearance of the app designers of the iQlance solution made use of the Figma tool over here.

Backend Technologies

To create an errorless backend feature of the application NodeJS technology with Native App (Swift for iOS and Java for Android) was utilized by app developers Florida.

Cloud Technologies

Here the fitness app development company USA made use of cloud technologies.

Database Technologies

Here the fitness app developers Canada utilized database technology to complete the app.

Client Feedback

“iQlance delivered such strong professionalism and responsive communications that they earned recommendations for additional partnerships. The significant time difference was barely recognizable because they always responded quickly.”

Schedule availability

This screen is designed for trainers, who can set their schedules for each programme from here. Basically, the programs are divided into 4 categories for an example.

1-on-1 classes: This type of class has clients with dedicated and personal trainers allocated. Similarly, small groups are the classes that have 3-4 members under one trainer etc.


This module will list all the crafts which are related to the Specific category for example Artwork. The buyer can get a list of all products with its rating views. Rating star and feedback will help user to judge the quality of the product and the seller .

Plan of action

Before stepping into action to make your awesome idea a reality we follow the process for swift development.

UX Design

UX design includes the design of the entire application to acquire and integrate the product, including aspects of branding, design, usability, and function.

UI Design

UI design involves the design of all the screens through which a user will move, and to create the visual elements and their interactive properties that facilitate the movement.

User Testing

User testing involves the testing of the interface and functions of the application by the real user i.e. client.


Documentation involves the approval of the designs and acceptance of the proposed designs for the app

Top Feature

All the Gym freak audience can use this app. The trainers as well as their clients can enjoy the exciting features of this app.


The trainer can Track its clients daily updates from the app. A trainer can give homework to their Clients. clients in turn will be notified and marked as close once they finish it.


All the trainers are required to upload their certification during the registration phase. Our app gives our clients the list of certified trainers nearby there area


client can send their reviews for the trainers. This reviews will be displayed under trainers profile .This will help client to select their trainers more wisely .


Client can book its appointment online via out app. He can check the trainer’s availability schedule and can book its appointment.


Clients are also requested to upload their medical documents and certificates during their registration phase. this helps our trainer to balance and maintain their client’s fitness.


Each trainer can create its own package. Depending on trainers, they can also avail special deals and discounts for its client . These packages will be further differentiated on below categories : Individual Prices , packages , online class , deals and membership .

All Screen

Core Application is a box of fitness features developed by fitness App developing company Canada. All the featuring screens of the application are listed below in the form of screen layouts by our experienced designers.

Core Work out

Users can directly sign up in our application and allow us to manage the rest of their fitness schedules.

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