A Full-proof guide: How to Hire App Developers in 2024

Are you an entrepreneur, startup founder, project manager, or investor with a vision to bring your app idea to life? Whether you’re looking to develop a simple app to streamline processes or a complex app with advanced functionalities, iQlance has the expertise and resources to turn your vision into reality.

Today, mobile apps have become a part of our everyday routine. Digital machines are helping users to get their jobs done, to stay connected, and to reach out on the go. As the mobile workforce is expected to reach 7.41 billion by 2024, showing no signs of stopping, even in this competitive market, the quest for inventive and high-quality mobile apps has never been higher.

iQlance knows how difficult it can be for companies to establish themselves in the app development sector, from hiring qualified talent to developing a successful application. Therefore, our team of experts is eager to offer first-class mobile app development services designed, from start to finish, to suit your distinct requirements and business needs. In order to set it forward from the competition before the next undertaking begins or your business expands, expect to see outstanding user interfaces and smart features.

Combating the mobile app developer industry can be tough, but with the correct tools, it should be quick to lead the competition and remain ahead of the market curve for app developer technology. Chat with our iQlance professionals to Hire Top Mobile App Developers and get your app launched today!

Checklist to Consider before you Hire App Developers in 2024

Now we’ll explore the realm of hiring an app developer! To provide you with a thorough overview of what you need to take into account, we have divided them into two phases: 

Let’s start with an initial checklist before you Hire App Developers: 

  1. Figure Out What You Want Your App to Do: Before anything else, think about what you want your app to achieve. For example, if you’re making a recipe app, decide if you want it to help people find recipes, save their favorites, or even order ingredients.
  2. Understand Who Will Use Your App: Consider who will be using your app. Are they young people, older adults, or maybe busy parents? Understanding your users helps you design an app that suits their needs. For instance, if your app is for older adults, you’ll want to make sure the text is easy to read and buttons are big enough to tap easily.
  3. Pick the Right Tech Stuff: Choose the tools and technology that make sense for your app. If your app needs to work on both iPhones and Android phones, you’ll need to choose a technology that supports that. It’s like choosing the right ingredients for a recipe – you wouldn’t use flour if you need sugar!
  4. Know How Much Money and Time You Have: Developing an app costs money and takes time. You need to make sure you have enough of both to get the job done. Just like planning a road trip, you need to know how much gas money you have and how long it’ll take to reach your destination.
  5. Make Sure Your App Looks and Feels Good: Design your app to be easy and enjoyable to use. Think about how you arrange things on the screen and how users will interact with it. Imagine if you’re designing a car dashboard – you want everything to be clear and easy to reach while driving.
  6. Decide How You’ll Make Money: If you want to earn money from your app, think about how you’ll do that. Will you charge people to download it, show ads, or offer in-app purchases? It’s like deciding if you’ll sell products in a store, offer a subscription service, or give things away for free with ads.
  7. Keep People’s Information Safe: When people use your app, they trust you with their information. It’s crucial to keep that information safe and follow any rules about privacy and security. Imagine if you were a bank – you wouldn’t want anyone to break into your vault!
  8. Connect Your App to Other Services: If your app needs to talk to other apps or services, you’ll need to plan for that. For example, if your app lets people order food, you’ll need to connect it to payment services and maybe even mapping services to deliver the food.
  9. Test Your App Before Sharing It: Before you let people use your app, you need to test it to make sure it works correctly. You don’t want any surprises when users try it out. It’s like baking a cake – you want to taste it yourself before serving it to guests.
  10. Tell People About Your App: Once your app is ready, you need to let people know about it. You can’t expect people to use your app if they don’t know it exists. It’s like throwing a party – you need to send out invitations to get people to come.
  11. Keep Your App Running Smoothly: After your app is out in the world, you need to keep an eye on it. Fix any problems that come up and make improvements based on feedback from users. It’s like taking care of a garden – you need to water the plants and pull out the weeds to keep it healthy.
  12. See How Your App Is Doing: Finally, you’ll want to keep track of how many people are using your app and what they’re doing with it. This helps you make decisions about future updates and improvements. It’s like checking the scoreboard during a game to see how your team is doing.

By following these steps, you can create an app that meets the needs of your users and achieves your goals.

Let’s move on to the Execution Phase now:

With the groundwork laid and the right team in place, the execution phase is where the magic happens. At iQlance Solutions, we leverage our expertise and resources to turn your vision into a reality, delivering high-quality mobile apps that exceed your expectations.

1) Hunt for Best Talent:

  • Gather a team of digital artisans skilled in coding, UI/UX, and backend wizardry.
  • Recruit individuals with a track record of overcoming technical challenges.
  • Ensure your team is capable of crafting your app vision into reality.

2) Review Team Expertise and Experience:

  • Explore past projects and GitHub repositories for evidence of coding prowess.
  • Seek testimonials and references to validate expertise and experience.
  • Ensure each team member possesses domain knowledge relevant to your project.

3) Secure Your Idea (NDA):

  • Protect your app idea with a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to maintain confidentiality.
  • Guard against intellectual property theft by fortifying legal safeguards.
  • Establish trust and confidentiality with your development team.

4) Transparent Communication:

  • Foster transparent communication channels to keep stakeholders informed.
  • Utilize agile rituals and modern communication tools to synchronize efforts.
  • Cultivate active listening skills to ensure all voices are heard and valued.

5) Review Similar Work Experience:

  • Explore past projects to witness the transformation of ideas into digital marvels.
  • Gain confidence in the team’s ability to navigate your industry’s landscape.
  • Marvel at the seamless integration of technology and design in previous endeavors.

In the quest to bring your app vision to life, assemble a team of skilled artisans, validate their expertise, protect your idea, foster transparent communication, and gain confidence from past successes. With the right team and approach, your app journey will be guided by expertise, creativity, and collaboration, leading to the realization of your digital masterpiece.

Why Choose iQlance Solution As your Digital Partner:

At iQlance, we’re more than just a development company; we’re innovators driven by excellence. With a global presence across Canada, the USA, and India, we blend local expertise with a global perspective, ensuring diverse solutions tailored to your needs.

Our track record speaks volumes – over 7+ years, 1500+ projects, and 200+ satisfied clients worldwide. But it’s not just numbers; it’s about impact. Our mobile app designers craft precise solutions that optimize processes, enhance experiences, and deliver tangible results, all while prioritizing transparency, integrity, and innovation.

When you choose iQlance, you’re choosing a partner dedicated to your success. Let us turn your ideas into digital reality, with expertise, experience, and a commitment to excellence that sets us apart.

Now, let’s explore the reasons why iQlance should be your preferred partner for app and software development:

Our track record of excellence and commitment to innovation sets us apart as a leader in the industry.

  • Global Presence with Local Expertise:

We provide the best of both worlds—global accessibility with local insights and expertise—with operations in Canada, the USA, and India. We even arrange in-person meetings with clients to assist them.

  • Proven Track Record:

With over 1500 successful projects delivered worldwide, we have a proven track record of excellence and client satisfaction.

  • Industry-specific Dedicated Developers:

Our team of dedicated developers specializes in various industries, ensuring tailored solutions that address your specific needs.

  • Customized App with Affordable Price:

We offer customized app development solutions that are not only top-notch but also affordable, making innovation accessible to businesses of all sizes.

  • Risk-Free Trial for 1 Week:

Experience our expertise firsthand with a risk-free trial for one week, allowing you to assess our capabilities before making any commitment.

  • Flexible Engagement Models:

We offer flexible engagement models to suit your unique requirements and budget, whether you prefer a dedicated team, fixed-price project, or hourly engagement.

  • Transparent Pricing and Time Zone Compatibility:

Our transparent pricing ensures that you know exactly what you’re paying for, with no hidden costs or surprises. Plus, our global presence ensures time zone compatibility, making communication and collaboration seamless.

  • Development Methodology Approach:

Our development methodology includes Scrum, Extreme Programming (XP), Adaptive Software Development (ASD), Dynamic Software Development Method (DSDM), Feature Driven Development (FDD), Kanban, and Behavior Driven Development (BDD).
We utilize these methodologies to adapt to changing requirements and deliver incremental value during the development process.

  • Full Mobile App and Software Services:

From ideation to deployment and maintenance, we offer end-to-end mobile app and software services, ensuring a smooth and seamless journey from concept to reality.

  • Swift Access to Skilled Resources:

With a team of highly skilled developers, designers, and consultants, we offer swift access to the resources you need to bring your ideas to life.

  • Smooth and Excellent Communication:

Communication is key to successful collaboration. Our team ensures smooth and excellent communication channels, keeping you informed and involved at every step of the journey.

  • Fully Signed NDA for Data Privacy and Confidentiality:

Your privacy and confidentiality are our top priorities. We provide fully signed NDAs to ensure that your sensitive data remains secure and protected throughout the development process.

When you choose iQlance, you’re not just choosing an App development company; you’re choosing a partner who is dedicated to your success. With our global reach, industry expertise, proven track record, and commitment to excellence, we are ready to turn your ideas into digital reality.

  1. Will the developer publish my app on the App Store?

Yes. Most app developers handle the publishing of the app on both platforms, ensuring that your app can be launched without unnecessary delays.

  1. What are some occasions to hire app developers?

Short-term projects, particular skill requirements, Features and widgets, and updates to the app are all common occasions to hire app developers, as they let you focus on the more important aspects of running your company.

  1. What qualities do I look for in an app developer?

Analytical skills, programming-language fluency, creativity, and problem-solving nature are just a few qualities you should keep an eye out for when on the search for app developers.

  1. What do I do once I’ve hired an app developer?

Once you’ve confirmed a budget, researched experienced developers or companies, conducted interviews, reviewed proposals, assessed a developer’s previous work to ensure it wasn’t outsourced, and you’re satisfied with the performance as a result.

Looking to Hire Skilled App Developers for Your Project?

If you are thinking about taking the plunge or need more advice, the experts at iQlance Solution are delighted to help you Hire iPhone Developers, Hire Android Developers, or Hire Flutter app developers. With our great track record and devoted expert staff at your disposal, your app ideas will undoubtedly reach new heights! Schedule a free 30-minute meeting with us today to talk about your project needs and our app development services.

Develop Cloud-based Service Optimization Platform like Quore

Developing an App like Quore

This is an age of technology that has never been seen before. It is an era of Cloud Technology. Everything is being provided to the users as a service from the cloud.  To make teams work faster and smarter while keeping the customers happy is an objective of such services. All such services are scalable i.e. services are provided to the users in quantity they require, neither more nor less. In peak hours more servers for the same service are added while at normal times, a few of the servers can handle the user queries. Some of the leading service providers are Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, IBM Cloud, and Oracle Cloud. App Developers in Toronto, New York, India, and other places are now all turning to development with the cloud.

One of the recently reviewed apps that presented its services for hotel management from the cloud platform is Quore. It is a perfect hospitality management app for those who want to manage everyday business regarding their hotels. For the second consecutive year, Quore has been awarded the 2019 Top Rated Operations Product as also America’s fastest-growing provider of workforce communication and engineering/housekeeping management technologies. As one of the largest departments in any hotel, housekeeping presents some unique challenges related to the effective management of day-to-day communication. With the help of real-time, cloud-based technology, Quore’s Cleanings Plus   automatically signals rooms that are ready for cleaning, checks quality cleaning in detail, and notifies supervisors when room cleaning is complete, thereby reducing delays in spotless, guest-ready rooms.

What if you want to build one such app that resembles Quore? Will you contact the app developers Toronto or in India. No, you would just need to have the features that Quore has. This article goes through almost all the features of such an app and how it could benefit the owner and the users as well.


  • The Cloud-Based Platform: In the early days i.e. a few years back, you needed to have servers on your premises. In order to better the performance of your applications, you would need to add extra servers physically. This meant extra expenses for the organization. Now, this has changed. With the cloud coming into the picture, the organizations have moved their software from on-premises to on-cloud. If more users get connected with more load, extra virtual servers are added, if the load is less, the minimum number of specified servers serves the purpose.
  • Accessible through different devices: Today, we just don’t depend upon a personal computer to serve our needs. There are mobile devices such as phones and tabs. Moreover, the applications being built these days are compatible with all such devices. The type of applications that we are talking about must be accessible from the Personal Computer, Mobile Phone, and Tablets. This will lead to the widespread popularity of the app as it will be available to more than just a select section of the users.
  • Multiple Language Support: This has to be the main feature of an app that aims at gaining the support of the clients. With the app being made available in more than just 2 or 3 languages, it will be able to cover a wider user base, and hence gain popularity.
  • Features That Cover All Aspects: An app like Quore must-have features that cover almost all aspects of a business. The Quore app is said to cover more than 30 features of the hotel management business. It includes Preventive Maintenance tools, tools to manage capital expenses, and other tools that are bound to make your customers happier. The app can cover features for housekeeping too such as document and view updates of rooms of the guests who have checked in earlier or have arrived all of a sudden. Room service may also include planning, cleaning and inspection management and control.
  • Connecting the Staff: The app can be used to connect to the hotel staff without having to disturb the guests by making loud announcements. Also, the admin can pass notes to the other staff using this app. As data can be made available from the staff to the admin, it is a good way of storing that data online without having the staff to carry hefty binders
  • Finance Operations: The app should be able to approve any capital expenditure that can flow into the business. Reports can help in tracking the inflow and outflow of any such financial operations. The options can help the owner to Make smarter business choices and use trends and data to save money.
  • Guest Satisfaction: A very important aspect of hospitality management is guest satisfaction. The application must include an option where guests can leave their feedback regarding any kind of service they were provided at the hotel. On the other hand, the same must reach the owner/admin too so that reflecting upon the feedback major or minor changes can be made to the existing system to satisfy the guests.
  • Room Status, Room Notices, and Guest Room Notices: The room status option allows the admin to know what is required by a guest in a room. Room Notices is for the staff who must be notified to clean the room before the next guest can come in. Guest Room notices help the admin know what’s going on within a specific room.
  • The Front Desk: The app can have options that can directly connect to the guests and obtain feedback from them thus guaranteeing An option of guest requests can also help the hotel staff to fulfill the requirements of the guests as soon as possible.
  • The Sales Team: The sales and marketing team can also benefit from such an app by using the options to track and manage the sales that have been made. This gives the team an objective to achieve and better understand what the guests want and what type of guests must be sold the packages they offer.
  • Payment Options: Apps have revolutionized the world of hospitality. They have features that allow diners to order and pay at their table, while others require team members to stay connected to meet the needs of a guest. The hotels these days can connect their bank accounts to such an app and get paid through PAYTM, Debit Card, Credit Card, Google Pay and many such options.

Summing Up

Your hotel runs better with Quore like software, your guests leave satisfied and they go back and forth again and again. The right tools promote your work. These applications boost day-to-day activities, irrespective of your department. Implementing such an app in your hotels helps in making things much easier than they were earlier and also solve various issues. It’s a great asset to include in your business.

Journey of Android Developer in last two Years


When a mobile app developer starts off as working in Android development, he/she may undergo various new problems. These problems turn as great lessons for him/her in future. Some developers might realize that it is their best decision to be involved in Android development, while some may regret. It has been seen that those who consider it to be the best decision are actually the happy, satisfied, and learning ones. While those regretting, may possibly quit the job or are just working for the sake of working.

There are many mobile app developers who have shared their experience over the Internet. They have discussed the problems they underwent, what they learnt from the problems, how did they figured out the solutions, and also have shared some suggestions and recommendations for the upcoming developers. This will help the upcoming developers to speed up and also not to make the same mistakes which earlier developers have made.

Some of the best thoughts that the developers have shared after working for two years as an Android mobile app developer includes the following:

  • Check out some Android libraries

The developers might get stuck or encounter some problem while developing the app. It will just waste the time of the developer if he/she wants to solve the problem by himself/herself. Instead, he/she may look out for some Android libraries which can provide them with the solution easily for the problem they encountered. After all, it’s very rare that the problem he/she encountered may have not risen and troubled the earlier developers. The best possible source of going through all Android libraries is Android Arsenal.

  • Choose and use Libraries Wisely

Github provides a database of open-source libraries for free for the Android mobile app developers. But, again, the decision is up to the developer, which library or libraries he/she should go with. This decision, as the early developers have stated, should depend on the ratings and reviews a particular library holds. Also, the developer should check out the information about the author of that particular library. He/she should further check the issues which can give a better idea to him/her about the robustness of the library. It is important to ensure that the code provided in the library is reliable, of high-quality and most importantly, bug-free.

  • Read codes given by earlier developers

The best developers spend most of their time in reading the codes of other developers than writing the codes themselves. The reason behind this is that until something is read, a new thing cannot be formed. To improve the quality of the code in the development process, it is necessary to learn and read the codes of other developers. Since Android is open-source platform, the developer can easily learn the code by implementing the framework. As stated above, Github has a wide range of Android libraries, so the developer can check the code from the library and how that code was implemented by the developer who framed it.

Read also : Android handily beats the iPhone?

  • Maintain coding standards

The developer should write codes in a precise, clean and readable form. This will not only help him/her but also the other team members to understand it easily. The code written should look like a story.

  • Use ProGuard

Today, there are more hackers than developers. So, before releasing the developed app on Google PlayStore, make use of ProGuard. ProGuard helps to encrypt the code in such a way that becomes difficult for other developers or hackers to understand or replicate it. ProGuard is available free of cost because it comes as a part of Android SDK. Using ProGuard is easy and creates a good amount of security for the developed app.

  • Choose Architecture properly

Most Android developers make use of MVP architecture. MVP stands for Model-View-Presenter. MVP architecture helps to decouple the framed code into multiple layers which can be easily managed. This improves the flexibility of the framed code as well as helps to reduce the maintenance time. MVP provides a good demo for the project.

  • Interactive User Interface

User Interface is considered to be bad if the developer needs to explain all the features and its interoperability. A mobile app developer should concentrate on making UI interactive. He/she should think from the perspective of the user while developing and designing the app. If UI is not good, it can result into a good app turning failure while if UI is good, it can result into a not-so-much good app turn into success. The developer should concentrate on creating a good, simple, clean and beautiful user interface. A good user interface ensures customer loyalty.

  • Analytics are to be relied upon

To develop a really good app, the developer needs to rely on different analytics tools. These tools help to analyze the overall performance of the app including the track of usage of various parts of the app. Thus, analytics can help in crash reporting as well as tracking of app usage. Crash reporting tools help to find the faults in the code and fix them. Also, the analytics tools will help to bridge the gaps between the perspective of the developer and perspective of the user.

  • Creator of Excellent Marketing

For the app developer, his/her task is not complete until he/she indulges in marketing of the app too. A developer needs to be marketing Ninja. After developing a good app, no developer would want to fail just because of not good marketing. In order to gain a large audience for the app, it is necessary for the developer to invest proper time and effort in marketing. To do all this, the developer needs to be aware of the strength and weakness of the competitors.

  • Time for optimizing the app

Writing a code is easy but writing an optimized code is difficult. So, the mobile app developer needs to utilize his/her time on writing optimized code. The optimized code refers to the code that runs quickly, uses less memory and occupies relatively less data storage. If the app is unoptimized, it will not be able to work in worse conditions.

  • Repeat test cycle

Testing is important phase after developing the app. Testing should be repeated over and over again. Thus, various test cases need to be formed and test cycles repeated. The developer needs to develop various severe situations and check how the app reacts in those situations. If there’s any fault, fix it, and again repeat the tests. It is necessary to spend much time testing so that the ultimate user can get best out of it.

  • Avoid Android fragmentation

One of the biggest challenges that an Android developer faces is fragmentation. There are variety of devices which run on Android platform. These devices have different screen size and hardware specifications. There are various device manufacturers who are trying their best to customize Android OS according to the customers. Thus, it is necessary for the developer to use SharedPreferences API, and spend a greater amount of time in creating different layouts which can be customized with different devices.

  • Create difficulty for hackers

Since Android is open-source platform, it is more vulnerable to different attacks. All the apps for Android OS can be decompiled, ripped, reverse-engineered and manipulated easily. The developer needs to be aware of securely storing API keys in the app. If the app deals with any sensitive data of the customer, it is necessary for the developer to encrypt all the data. A developer needs to put the right encryption algorithm and also prevent the backup of the app data. Since nothing can be fully secured, the developer just can make things difficult for the hacker to crack the app data.

  • Develop on low-end device

Though high-end devices are preferred, but for development purpose, the best option is low-end devices. A high-end device can have many flaws while the developer develops the app. But a low-end, old device full of apps can be the ideal one for mobile app developer.

  • Learn design patterns

It is wise to learn different design patterns. When a developer is in the process of developing complex apps, there will be some common problems which he/she might face and which earlier developers might have also faced. Thus, the solutions to the problem lies in design patterns. The developer can learn different design patterns from Github. The most famous design patterns are of Java Design Patterns.Some other important design patterns include Callback, Adapter, Singleton, Strategy, Iterator, Builder, Factory method and Event Driven Architecture.

  • Time for giving back

Since all the free libraries from Github are accessible to all developers, it is much evident that some of the earlier developers have made time to build these libraries for the upcoming developers. There are various websites where the developers share their problems and get the solutions. This interaction and helpfulness are the reasons which contribute to the success of the Android community.




The basic aim of developing a on demand app is to track the real-time location of a person. But this tracking information as well as functionalities of various apps can be transformed and used in many ways across various industries. Some instances of using this app include following:

  • GPS location tracking can be used to streamline the fleet management operations. The users of the location tracking apps can offer the drivers with the mapping as well as routing functionalities. Through the GPS tracking app, the user can produce reports along with forwarding warnings, in case of any emergency. In these situations, a GPS location tracking app abolishes the need of buying any handheld electronics supporting GPS.
  • GPS tracking, when combined with the time tracking, can help to determine the efficiency as well as performance of employees. In addition to this, the GPS tracking app developer can integrate the automatic reporting with payment, but this depends on extra time the developer has. Thus, this app can stand as an efficient as well as robust management tool.
  • The developer can develop a GPS location app for outdoor as well as athletes so that the users can plan their day routes efficiently and get details of the distance they covered.

Factors affecting GPS tracking app development

  • The actions of the users as well as their frequency of re-evaluations are conducted with respect to the change in position or location of the user
  • Keep a record of location for references.
  • Cell-ID, Wi-Fi, Network data, along with GPS can help to provide the data on the location of the users. But it depends on the choices and can be difficult at times because all of them have differences in speed, exactitude, as well as battery efficiency.

These last two factors can lead to unfolding prevalence of the assisted GPS app. This app uses both functions of GPS as well as network data so that the information about the location can be obtained. Google Maps along with other map-related apps utilizes this style as well as recommend the user to connect their device to network data for getting an enhanced location positioning.

Real also : Build Own Real Time GPS Tracking Apps with Integrated Google Maps

If the customers of GPS apps happen to be iOS users, then the developer needs to compare Core Location Framework with the related APIs. It will help the developer to identify the status of the app’s user along with his/her direction, design, as well as plan the delivery of place as well as manage events, creating the geofence if there is any such requirement making sure that the app works well with iBeacons.

Developing a GPS application for Android users


There are two different approaches for receiving the information about the location of the user. These approaches are well compatible with Android platform.

  • Utilizing Google Play services location APIs
  • Utilizing Android framework location APIs

If GPS tracking app has to be developed, the developer needs to remember some points which require a special attention:

  • Optimum application performance. There are applications that can greatly heat the smartphone while operating. The reason is sometimes hidden in non-optimal algorithms for processing data collected from sensors or the lack of methods for caching and filtering information. That’s why it’s so important to hire development experts who really know how to create a GPS location app at a high professional level.
  • Interface design. The geolocation app of any format will display a large amount of information at different zoom levels. The designers should conduct several iterations of Usability testing in order to make sure that the GPS tracking app development leads to the desired result.
  • Quality assurance. Emulation of the location is not always able to find weaknesses and possible errors in mobile services. Therefore, QA engineers have to conduct many test scenarios in real operating conditions.

In fact, GPS apps are counted in those providing geolocation services and whose functions solely base on the location data of the user.

  1. GPS Apps having notifications in certain locations

Such apps are very effective for planning loyalty programs in different companies. For instance, a geolocation service can provide the users an opportunity to gain points when they visit certain locations. And then later these earned points can be used to avail some discount or some gift coupons.

So, if a person has a chain of shops, restaurants, pharmacies, and wants to do promotion of one of those outlets, he/she should opt for the GPS tracking app development.

  1. GPS Apps for finding various places and availing various services

Few examples of the apps which need geolocation service include Zomato and Foursquare. The apps allow the users to go through the various offers of the nearby restaurants. With these apps, it becomes easy for both the owners of the place to dine and for businessmen who need the creation of GPS location app for earning through advertisements, and getting paid exclusive features

Using the geolocation feature for developing GPS tracking apps.

1. Transport services

There is an ongoing competition between transport companies. This competition is increasing with the increase in time. That’s why a developer should search for new opportunities to grow the business as well as lower the costs. Today, one of the emerging opportunities is to develop GPS tracking app for transportation & logistics business.

A GPS-enabled app plays an important role in:

  1. Taxi services. It is because of the geolocation feature in the app that the dispatchers can easily track the location of the taxi. The customer booking a taxi now has a chance to check the number of nearby cars, and the distance of those from his/her location. If any such business which is related to the taxi service, the owner of the business needs to get a GPS app.
  2. Shipping and courier delivery. Because of GPS tracking apps, one can easily and effectively track the cargo transportation, check the delivery of goods, and track location as well as speed of the vehicles in real-time.

2. Content related to a certain location

Here, it refers to those apps whose content is available only in certain locations. For instance, SnapChat app offers its users the feature of Geo filters which helps in making the snaps supplemented with some specific pattern, specifically, for a certain location. There are many brands which take advantage of it to promote their services. For instance, McDonald’s has an excellent set of Geo filters which the users of Snap Chat can enjoy simultaneously dining in the establishment.

3. Caution about dangerous situations

The developer can create a location app which can help to send notifications to the users about possible dangerous situation near them. This geolocation service collects negative news as well as report the people about their immediate safety measures.

4. Automate tasks

People really love it when some other person performs the boring and monotonous routine actions on their behalf because there are various actions which are associated with certain locations. So, the app with geolocation services is likely to be in great demand, and it will beneficial for the developer to create such apps (that is, GPS tracking app development), because it can turn out to be a good source of profit.

There are some examples of such apps that already exist, like Trigger application. This app helps to send the notifications to the person who is leaving office in evening. The interface of this app is user-friendly with the disadvantage that it is compatible only with Android OS.

5. Recreation as well as entertainment

Thinking about how to build a GPS location apps if you want to provide people with a service that will help them to have a more effective rest. Such an application will tell users what restaurants they should visit nearby, which stores around them are offering discounts right now, where there is a sale, etc. This is a very promising area, believe us.


Arousing Consumer interest in the GPS location app development:

  1. Expanding the boundaries

Earlier, any individual would have to demonstrate to others his/her identity through his/her page in any social network. But this information was of “static” nature. With the introduction of the geolocation feature, it has become a trend of logical as well as improved continuation. Because of this, the user can feel “dynamism”. Now he/she can provide more information about his/her daily routine, lifestyle, and social status.

  1. High involvement of the users in the process of recommendations, assessments, and ranking

Today, almost all the successful businesses use geolocation services to a particular extent while interacting with the customers so that they can help them in generating independent content. Along with this, the users have freedom to create various geolocation marks so as to achieve an exclusive social status or to gain more points. This mechanism is very powerful and growing viral.

  1. Commercial benefits 

Any typical customer would appreciate the great advantages of location apps, like an opportunity to get the recommendations, tips, as well as hints from nearby people who have already availed that service.  So, a GPS-based app development is expanding its range for influencing the users. Instead of casually informing the user about the nearby happenings, these GPS-based apps are turning out to be a discount searching tool.


IQlance featured in Clutch 1000!


Today, mobile applications act as a gateways into businesses.  These apps can increase revenue and retention for the business if the app is created with the consumer in mind.  At iQlance, we specialize in mobile app development which can help your business stand out against competitors.  Our services include game development, digital marketing, and web design development as well.

Clutch, a platform that publishes verified client reviews, spoke to our past clients to get feedback about our process and deliverable. Along with client interviews, Clutch Analysts conduct market research to see how we stack up against our competitors.

We are so excited to announce that this week we have been awarded Clutch’s new and exclusive honor: a spot on ‘the Clutch 1000’. Firms included in this list were chosen based on their excellent dedication to clients and ability to deliver.

Some of our clients who have reviewed us on Clutch are listed below:

“The website’s functionality meets all of our expectations. I’d rate them a six out of five.”

“They promptly reply to feedback and consistently provide new ideas to improve our product.”

“They really want to work with you as a partner, not just as another customer.”

In addition to our featured on Clutch’s new report and included on their list of top mobile app development companies around the world, we were also highlighted on their sister-site, The Manifest. They have named us as one of the Top 15 App Developers In Canada.

Forbes published an article about why every business needs a mobile app.  At Rule29, we could not agree more.  Mobile apps create a channel of constant communication and interaction with consumers.

We are happy that our Clutch reviews are telling that our clients leave satisfied and that the work we provided is beneficial to their business.  We are ready to take on your businesses next project and help your company succeed.

5 Things You Need to Know When Writing a Mobile App RFP


When you are looking to undertake a new mobile app development project, you need to find the right vendors for your project that can ensure its success. However, finding the best mobile app development company for your needs can be a challenging task, especially when so many vendors are trying to attract your attention. In order to make sure that your mobile app project really takes off, you need to get the best vendor and this is something that you can accomplish with a mobile app RFP.

The importance of a mobile app RFP

importants of mobile rfp

The mobile app RFP basically serves as a document which is used for establishing a working relationship between you and the vendor that you choose for your project. It underlines the various requirements of the mobile app and functions as the statement for the work that is to be carried out in the project contract.

A comprehensive and well written mobile app RFP can help you to obtain accurate and reliable information about your specific project. The RFP can be a valuable document that can help you to find a good vendor for your app development project. The app development that you choose in this way can ensure complete success of your app and make it easier for you to stay away from unreliable app development companies.

Here are some of the most crucial factors that you should consider when you are trying to create a mobile app RFP.

The RFP should cover diverse aspects relating to the app


When you write the mobile RFP, you should make sure that it focuses on multiple grounds rather than just the basic functionalities of the app. The reason for this is that when you are creating an app, you will need much more than just app development services. For instance, your app may need APIs for connecting with other tools and services. The app may require backend server support and development as well. For a high end app with specific features, you may also need effective analytics integration. You may also want to invest on full-fledged UI/UX services for your app so that it is well received. Keeping such factors in mind will help you to come up with a better written RFP that contains all the minute details and requirements of your app which will in turn help you to obtain relevant responses.

The budget is going to determine effective responses

In many cases, companies that are looking to develop apps are somewhat hesitant to include their budget range within their mobile app RFP. If that is the case with you, you should remember that including the budget can actually help you to select a vendor that is suitable for your job. This can also help you to save time and energy in the process of finding out a reliable app developer for your project.

Read also : Does Your E-Commerce Site Really Need A Mobile App?

Mobile app development companies vary greatly in their infrastructure, cost, scope as well as the quality of work that they are capable of delivering. Therefore when you include a budget for your project, it can actually help to eliminate vendors that are not capable to take up such a project. While it is one thing to communicate with your potential vendors, including the budget in your RFP can provide you with an idea from the very beginning if a particular app development company is competent enough to take up such a project.

Mobile app development projects should be backed up by proper maintenance and support

A well written and detailed mobile app RFP must not only cover all the various aspects related to its development but also cover everything relating to ongoing support and maintenance. Unless you back up the main app development project with sufficient support at all times, it is going to seem outdated and unreliable in a matter of few months. Therefore you must invest wisely in maintenance and updates so that your end users have a positive experience with the app. The vendor that you choose for your project should be able to provide you with proper support so as to make sure that the app is working perfectly according to the expectations of the end users.

The clarity of your RFP is going to determine the development scale

Mobile App Development companies Toronto offer a wide range of services that are crucial to ensure the success of an app among the end users. These include consulting and app store delivery to optimization. You may also need more time to develop your app and upload it with the app store in case you have not properly scoped its development. Writing an RFP for your mobile app development project does involve focusing on a lot of detail. In case you send an RFP that only contains some general ideas instead of specific points, it is inevitably going to increase the time required for production. You may not even end up with a finished product that is perfect according to your needs. Therefore you must make sure that your RFP includes all the vital details. Some app development companies may not even respond to your queries unless your RFP includes specific details. For instance, your RF must focus on the basic and core elements of the app and the features that should be included in it. You should include your marketing and business goals and how you want it to function in the long and short term. In short, you must express your vision with your app in great detail.

Well written RFP can greatly enhance the value of the project


When you write a mobile app RFP that includes all the critical features and points associated with its development, maintenance and upgrades, you are likely to have a product that can aptly match your business needs. When you include a lot of details in your app RFP, it can make the work of the app development vendor a lot easier, while at the same time making sure that the app meets the highest quality parameters.

Ultimately, the quality of your mobile app RFP will affect the quality of the responses you receive. The better it is, the more likely you are to get proposals that convey the capabilities of the vendor, include more accurate timeline and price estimations, and help you choose the company that is the perfect fit for your project.

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