Boost up Performance of your Ruby on Rails Application

ruby on rails performance

Ruby on Rails or simply Rails is a server-side web application framework. The language used is Ruby and it is under the MIT license. So, you can design your web pages, web service, or a database using this model-view-controller framework. You can improve the performance using many well-known paradigms and software engineering patterns such as active record pattern, don’t repeat yourself, and convention over configuration.

Use the brakeman

The brakeman is a security analysis tool. When you run it, all the possible vulnerabilities are brought out after it runs through your application. The security warnings will be grouped according to their severity – High, Medium, and Low. Sometimes, you may not have any warnings but that does not mean your system is secure. This is because brakeman at times overlooks some of the basic security pitfalls. To make sure you have the security issue under control, use a second gem called the bundler-audit. This checks the security in your Gemfile.lock for all variable versions of gems.

Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY)

Every large software project is overwhelmingly complex. Most of us are not good at handling the complexities. The strategy for reducing the complexity is to divide the code into portions where each component represents a subsystem. This subsystem accomplishes everything you need in some specific segment.

Take the case where you are building a content management system. You can keep subdividing the portions into components such as user management which has a subsystem role management. When you reach the component that has a single responsibility we implement it in a class. This is assuming that we are building something using the object-oriented application.

The DRY principles states that you can only use these pieces of knowledge exactly once in the entire system. This unambiguous unique representation shows how we achieve something.

Use the Bullet

In the development process of the application, without the use of refactoring, you cannot spot the N+1 problems. But, this is a common occurrence in Rails. This means when an object is called a second object is also called. This results in a second query. This thing becomes huge and you find that instead of running 1 query with 100 results, you may be having 100 queries and trying to get one result. Because you use a tiny dataset, this thing is difficult to see. It only becomes apparent when moving to a database that is production sized.

To avoid this problem, we use eager loading. You use. include on querying code. The way to do this is to use the Bullet gem and this will clear all your N+1 queries. It works out of the box and you only need to install the app. It will visit the various routes in the development and you get alert boxes with messages that pop out when there are database queries.


You can clean the routes in Rail applications with this Traceroute tool. It will detect routes mapped to non-existing controller actions and finalize those applications that are not reachable. This simple rake task will thus eliminate needles time and effort. The controller helper methods both before and after filters must remain private because they will not figure in the public API. Even though this works fine, at times on mountable engines at time it shows false positive but you can see them and overlook those that are not true.

You can use many other principles such as YAGNI (You aint gonna need it) or the Deadweight tool. They function seamlessly once you download the tool and begin to run them. You see how to improve the speed of your Rail by using these simple tools. If you have any doubts about which one is the most appropriate, consult any web designer to clear your doubt.

What is Virtual Reality Technology and how does it works?

vertual reality apps

The virtual world is a synchrony of the senses projected to us through one single interface. It is like the cinema or the video that we capture of the events. The difference is that it is made to react with us and our senses and that is the reality of the situation. The method of doing all this is known as Virtual Reality Technology.

Immersion into virtual world

We become immersed in the virtual world – an allusion of the difference between the perception of the reality between the actual and the observed. This is where the magic of the virtual world comes in. It helps you modulate and control parameters that would alter the perception of the reality. The more this is closer to reality, the more the immersion we have.

VR units can involve up to 4 out of our five dominant senses (in reality, there are many dimensions of our senses such as balance which we do not consider) such as sight, smell, feel, and sound. We define the parameters for each of these and use in the Virtual Reality (VR) units. The problem is finding the VR units that are cheap enough for us to use. Google is presently using Google Cardboard in the Daydream ecosystem. But, at the present juncture it is not possible to acquire a VR unit without spending considerable amount of cash.

Working of the VR unit

So, how does a VR unit work? Would you believe that the VR unit tricks the brain into thinking the output coming from the VR unit to your eyes, ears, and nose is real? Yes, that is why the synchrony is so important. If there is the slightest error, the senses begin to detect something wrong and sometimes it leads to violent side effects. This is known as cyber sickness. Considerable exposure to cyber sickness could result in disastrous results for the person.

The VR unit projects two images to your eyes. The one on the left is synchronised to a point A somewhere in the screen. The other eye is focused a little to the right of the point A. The brain automatically adjusts for the parallax and we seem to see some depth in the scene. You also notice another thing when the scene begins to move. The objects far away move slowly while those nearest moves faster. This is actual life simulation but when it is applied to the picture we see, we begin to imagine as if the picture is real. Naturally, it is hard to differentiate the reality from the imaginary in the VR unit.

Check the refresh rate

The problems afflicting the VR unit lie in the presentation of the audio-visual output. When they record a piece of action, they do so at 90 Hz. This is standard for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive VR units. Playstation VR has 60 Hz display. So, the video will not play well on Playstation VR. Same is the case with the mobile phones that must have at least 60 Hz display for the video output to get decent pictures. So, your GPU is outputting images at 60 fps to the unit, whether it is the VR unit, the computer, or the mobile phone. Coming to your monitor, your unit must have a good refresh rate in order to see the images properly. If the fps speed is 120 and the refresh rate if 60 fps, then the picture experiences tearing. Parts of the image is displayed at unusual places on the screen and you get a disturbed output. To limit this, they use the Vsync that restricts the frame rate to the monitor refresh rate.

That is one thing you must check when you buy your VR unit. Of course, the other thing is the price. And check the unit to see if you experience motion sickness and then buy the unit.

With Virtual Reality in business, the possibilities are infinite as the experts make even deeper advancement into the technology. Having seen the top five ways in which VR can and will revolutionize your business, it is imperative to say that it is worth a go.

The technology is both exciting and promising leading to its warm reception by the serial marketers in the market today. Therefore, make your choice to adopt the VR technology regarding the facts stated in this post for positive growth.

Top Enterprise Mobile App Features for The Boosting Employee Engagement

Top Enterprise Mobile App Features

We see today most of the internet usage occurs through the apps rather than through the web browser as was the case until a year or two ago. The drastic shift in the focus has hastened the marketers to introduce more attention to the apps market segment and lesser attention to the bigger, computer segment. Is this really wise, and if so, what is the impact of such a move?

Improving employee engagement

Employee engagement is considered a sin in some companies that govern the functioning of the enterprise with an iron hand. And yet, many problems get solved when there is some employee engagement. These include things like timely reporting of facts and inaccuracies, employee satisfaction, increase in productivity, and improved accessibility of the resources.

Considering both the need to increase the employee engagement and the shift in the way people use the internet, it has become apparent that linking these two through a well-thought out plan would benefit everyone. This would involve designing or modifying the existing network to accommodate the needed features.

Extending use of company cloud networks

When the company brings out the umbrella for all its employees – workers and management alike – there is more cohesion in the work. To enhance this, one uses a simple step of extending use of the company cloud services to all its employees. There may be learning material, instructional material, and records of work executed stored there. The employees can go through this and get more familiar with the working of the company. By going through the company policy, they know how to implement it in their daily activity.

Messaging app for all employees in the concern

This involves a design consideration on the website of the company that allows their workers to interact with each other through their mobile phones. Of course, they can simply call each other but when they use the messaging app, their conversation and suggestions get stored. One can then evaluate these and use or delete them as needed.

This platform allows an effective way for the interaction of the employees. You see the more outgoing and innovative among the employees putting forward useful suggestions. The management can use them for bettering the working conditions and improving the quality of the work output.

Form a separate complaint sheet

This is the complaint sheet that goes to the core Find-and-Fix team. They work on upgrading the system, pushing incremental changes, without disrupting the ongoing work, and making the changes that the workers suggest. So, this work is merely an improvement on the existing work but does not do any regular work. Naturally, the size of the team is only about 3-4 members and they do not have any superior authority except for the company boss.

An alternative solution would be a recommendation column that is much like the complaint sheet. Here all suggestions of the workers are listed one after the other. As the complaints get solved, they are moved to the outbox in the same page with the recommendations, work executed mentioned.

Send company updates

One important feature urgently needed is the updating service. Form a group who gathers the information regarding the company’s present activities and the goals, inputs these into a small and neat form, and passes it on to all the employees of the concern. The app to use in this might be a part of the messaging service app or a standalone unit to give autonomy to the group that does the updating service.

Realizing the importance of employee engagement, most of the firms have incorporated a section in the company website where the views of the employees is displayed. They do this mainly to boost the morale of the workers but it proves to be effective. Depend on the internet to boost your company sales and quality of work output by simply raising the level of interaction within the company.

Technology Business Trends that Will Dominate 2018

technology business trends

Every age brings marvels in technology with it. Some are good, some not so good, and there are those that are downright bad. Identifying the business technology trends helps the entrepreneurs stay ahead of the game. The ordinary folk too need a perspective on what is in and what is not. From that viewpoint, let us check how technology has changed and whether it has left us behind.

Interconnected devices without the need for a connecting hub

The emphasis is on speed and ease of operation. Nobody wants to fiddle around and use hundreds of switches and devices to get going.

Integrate chats for everything – growth of video

The craze for chats – friends, business associates, and classmates – will increase the need for new types of chats. Chats that you can have without switching your phone on, chats you can have through the car visor… the possibilities are endless. One thing is certain, if society needs more interaction, the chat service will be the front runner in this field.

Naturally, the videos cannot be left behind. Videos already have a fair share of the entertainment market which stands worldwide at $2.152 trillion while the global video revenues will add more than $3.45 billion to touch the $64.8 billion mark by 2021.

Automation in everything

Can you iron my shirt while I have my bath? Can you make me a sandwich while I prepare the coffee? Can you send the files to the manager at H&R as soon as possible? Yes, the new Ro-Botic Man will do all this and more. You can leave your car parking worries to the robot you pull out of the backseat…the age of automation is upon us. This is the big dream for everyone.

Implementing Big Data with the human element involved

The word is that soon we will not need big computers to analyse the output from the Big Data machines. Humans will learn a modern technology that will convert all that we need into reality. Instead of waiting for an answer from the research company, we implement results directly in the applications – “App, drive my car” will be one of the several innovations presumably.

Growth in AR and VR – Augmented Reality mobile apps

Imagination is running the show, or rather the shortfall of it. The way we people crave the unimaginable makes this field of augmented reality and virtual reality a field ripe for plucking. Pokemon Go a AR game, Oculus Rift, and many other AR and VR applications are hitting the scene right now. There is talk that it may make forays into the education field too… “Hey, Tommy, are you reading your lessons or playing a game?”

Smart Home technology and IoT

You can be sure your dog will have its own door-opener button. Thing would be teaching it to use it properly. The Internet of Things is already cornering a part of the Smart Home technology encouraging more innovations in automation on the home front. Automatic lights and garage doors are already

there but we may see more developments by way of robotic services integration.

Mobile app market 2017

Mobile app market and B2B mobile integration

We will see an increase in smart phone users and mobile payments methods and utilities. Businesses will shift their services to the mobile phone segment quite profitably.

Since most of the changes involve the internet, things will follow the path described for some more time until something better comes to replace the internet. Unconscionable, yet most of the advancements we see today began that way. Meantime, enjoy the pleasures of today.

Building a Location-based Game or App Like Pokemon

building location based game

Building an App needs something that not many have – perseverance. Of course, we carry out our daily tasks with dedication. But, a game needs deep thinking and that is where we begin.

Apply some foresight

The game needs many things including the Pokemon like characters, the hiding place, some twists and turns in the plot, landscaping for the game, and more. As you think about them, they will grow, and you must put them down on paper so you will not go around in circles. For starters, make the list. Then, segregate the list into important and not important. You will see that this helps you get a better picture of what you are doing and what you have accomplished.

Pick the theme for the game

This is the fun part. You are not making Pokemon, only a Pokemon like game. This means you are doing an interactive geo-based game where you place the object for interaction in some public places. These are activated by the online game alone so they will not disturb anyone else. You might want to make cards for the game, just like you have in Pokemon but you could bring in your own modifications.

Build GPS based game

Design some roles

This is again fun. You can imagine the role playing you need in your story. It might be about vampires chasing innocent children or about aliens out to kidnap the small ones. Whatever it is, you must make the story run along without a hitch. There must be enough stops and the roles must fit in with the character of the story. You can add more roles for the higher versions of the game.

Or, you can have various levels with increasing difficulty of play. The children can choose the level according to their age. Also, plan some scale in the game. This means you need to have some side-plot that will turn the game into a smaller version of the main game. You could include lines such as the hero wanders off the main street and enters some side street.

Doing the design

You know how to use the Wikitude SDK to place the Pokemons around the user. You then list them in JSON format and you can fetch the creatures from any position. You also have features on the Wikitude SDK JavaScript API that fetches the user location and places videos 2D, and 3D content in geo spaces. These are AR.Geo Objects that have a callback function. You can use user movements, longitude, altitude, and latitude to run the code inside the Wikitude AR-View.

AR.context.onLocationChanged = function(lat, lon, alt, accuracy){

// store user’s location so you have access to it at any time

World.userLocation = {“latitude”: lat, “longitude” : lon, “altitude” : alt };


You can check Wikitude if you need more clarification on the codes. The real thing is to have an action plan and make the landscaping to suit the model you have in mind. Give users the option of choosing their own models and changing between them. It makes the game interesting for them but then it is your game.

Many alternatives to design

One of the best alternatives is to use Scratch to make the game and then improvise on it. The other one is to get a RPG Maker XP, download the Pokemon Essentials, and read the tutorials there. Then, you can make the game based on Pokemon.

Make realistic estimates for the game. You cannot just arrange a couple of objects and then hope to clinch the deal. It takes extensive planning and more often than not, you will be tempted to throw in the towel and start something else. This is because you have not thought the matter through entirely from all perspectives. Remember, planning is vital and only that will carry you through to the end. Wishing you luck on your journey.

Build Own Real Time GPS Tracking Apps with Integrated Google Maps


GPS tracker serves many useful functions including keeping an eye on the kids, checking the distance to the nearest petrol outlet, and of course, using it with Google Maps. Integrating the GPS tracking with the Google Maps helps us see where we are heading in our automobile or which we should head in case we know the name of the place.

Cheap and simple

Building a GPS tracking app is fun and simple. Integrating it with the Google Maps can be done. First, there is no cost involved for the software since you can get everything you need under Creative Commons. You can purchase all the other components you need for under $200.

Always Suggest To Read : Why GPS Tracking Devices Are Getting More Popular Among Parents

The hardware you need to assemble has three main components. One is the Microcontroller. This unit controls the entire works and is the central controller. You can choose the Arduino Uno which might cost around $35. The second thing you need is the GSM/GPRS module. This helps you connect to the internet through the GGSN. It gets its input from the GSM Base Station and this helps you coordinate the working.

Relaying the signalkeyless-entry-signal

You use your Real Time GPS Tracker to connect to the GSM Base Station. The GPS tracker gets its input from the GPS Satellite. The GPS chip outputs the information on the positioning that goes over the GPRS link to the Gateway GPRS Support Node (GGSN) of the mobile operator. This signal is then transferred to a remote server using a TCP connection. The server will store the positional data in a MySQL database.

It gets activated when any user clicks on the page meant for tracking it outputs a HTML page. It uses an opensource web application server called Zope. This page has an embedded JavaScript code. Using the browser, the user can retrieve positional information every second from the MySQL database. Since data is updated every second and the data is retrieved constantly, the GPS tracking effect is achieved.

The third part of the GPS Tracking unit is the GPS module. You can use the USGlobalSat EM-406A for your GPS Module. It is based on the SiRF Star III Chipset. It gives out timing and positioning data along with the SiRF binary protocol. This gives you an accuracy of 10 metres if you do not use WAAS. If you do, it will improve the accuracy to 5 metres. You can buy the GPS unit and a separate interface board and connect both. In all, it will cost about $80.

Assembly of the hardware

The hardware assembly is simple. Solder Arduino stackable headers on the GPS Shield and the GSM shield. Stack the GPS module on top of the GSM board after you solder it to the GPS Shield. Stack the two boards on top of the Arduino board. Now go to hhtp:// and use the directions to compile and load the code onto the Arduino board. They use more libraries – TInyGPS, PString, and NewSoftSerial. Download and install these libraries first.

Please note that The code cell.println (“AT+CGDCONT=1, \”IP\”,\ “isp.cingular\””) ;establishes a PDP (Packet Data Protocol) context with AT&T’s APN (Access Point Name). Suppose you have a different service provider replace the “isp.cingular” with the correct APN. Go to the code in the line: cell.println(“AT+SDATACONF=1,\”TCP \”,\”your_ip_address\”,32000″); Change this to the IP Address for your TCP Server. You need to add more code to send serial commands to the cellular module. You can find it on the website.

Next, you connect the TCP Server. It is coded in Python. This receives the data and stores it in a MySQL database after opening a TCP port. The operation will run comfortably on Python 2 versions but for using with Python 3 versions you need to adjust the code.

Hidden Secret About Cross Platform Development And The Useful Tools

cross app development platform

Over the last few years, the cell phone industry has seen an exponential growth. In the race to reach the top, mobile phone companies are year after year releasing their respective flagship phones with jaw dropping specifications. Phones are getting bigger, better and faster. We are currently living in a world where you do not need a computer to order food from your favorite restaurant or book a movie ticket for that one show you have been waiting for all summer.

The phrase, “just a click away” hinting that the click is of the computer mouse, has been replaced by “just a tap away” referring to the tap on the phone. Open the app store on your phone and the screen will explode with numerous apps which theoretically can run any errand for you. Apps have become a crucial part of our life. Not just because they are easy to use, but also because they are readily available. And with each company wanting to have their own app to promote themselves to the crowd, the possibilities are endless.

Cross Platform Development:

Mobile App Development Tool

What is it and why is it required?

Every app on your cell phone is schematically separated into two parts, a front end, and back end. Front end being the GUI (graphical user interface) and the back end is the logical explanation on which the app functions. To put it across in a simple way, the front end tells the user what the app can do if you tap a particular button on your screen, while the back end executes the appropriate procedure.

Any app developers would be well versed and comfortable with one programming language. There would be few who know to code in more than one language, but the knowledge level would surely differ. The reason being a programming language is a vast subject. Each language has its own syntax and architecture. Knowing how the logic works is one thing, but implementing it on a subject to achieve your target is another. A developer writing an app for android might be able to write the code for iOS. However, it might not give the same desired result since the way the code interacts with the operating system is different.

Read also: Step-By-Step Guide To Building Your First Mobile App

This is where Cross Platform Development comes into the picture. Writing code with this method allows the developer to duplicate or manipulate the desired result across all platforms. This means an app can be written in the native language for any particular operating system for example, iOS and later can be developed to work across other platforms such as android, windows and blackberry OS.

With the help of cross-platform development, developers are able to reach out a greater number of consumers. There could be a user who uses an android phone and also an iPad. The user should have the same experience when using the app on the android device he or she has when using it on the iPad. This goal can be achieved by cross platform developed.

How does cross-platform development work? 

How does cross-platform development work

As mentioned before, each operating system has its own native programming language. For instance, android apps are written in Java, iOS apps are developed in objective C and shift, while Windows uses C# and XAML. Each coding language is different and has their distinctive characteristics. Expecting a developer to produce the same result on each platform across all operating system is not realistic.

To overcome this situation, the core of the application is first written in the commonly used languages for all the web application like HTML, CSS, and Javascript. A web developer has no control over who will use the application. A user could use it on a 7-inch tablet or could also use it on a computer with a 50-inch monitor. Web applications are written in such a way that they could handle anything that is thrown at them. Using the same idea, the app developer would first write the code in HTML, CSS, and javascript.

The code and functions are bundled together to create a software package. This package is then used to write the remainder of the app using the programming language depending on the platform. The piece of code which is written in the native language, using the package as the core is usually referred to as the wrapper. A wrapper is a subroutine which helps to call the main function of the program which is embedded in the package. So now, a developer can write the package for their app before hand and only needs to change to the wrapper for the app to work across all platforms.

Cross-platform development tools

Cross-platform development tools :

There is some kind of software that helps a developer write an app which is functional across various operating systems. Below is a list of few of these tools.

Xamrin: Xamrin is a C# code and .Net frameworks based programming software which allows users to develop apps across multiple platforms. The software was developed by Miguel de Icaza who also worked on the Mono open source project. Gaining immense popularity rapidly, Xamrin was then bought by Microsoft in February 2016. This software now comes bundled with the Microsoft Visual Studio pack. Although the free version offers capabilities, this software is highly used by app developers across platforms.

Appcelerator: This is open sourced Javascript based software which allows users to develop applications for iOS, android, and other platforms. The general notion is that developers are more comfortable with javascript than iOS’s native Objective C or Shift; Appcelerator has a great number of users across different platforms.

Phone Gap (Cordova): A Software that is widely used by developers is Phone Gap. The word gap implements that the software is supposed to gap the bridge between the native app and the mobile web based app. This also is a javascript based program which helps you to build a complete new native app for any platform or convert a web application into a native app. PhoneGap runs on an engine called Cordova which is acquired by Adobe. Apps written through Cordova would work on Phonegap and vice versa.

iFactr: iFactr is a C# based coding software which helps users create a multi-platform framework integrated with backend data. Integrated development Environment (IDE) is available for all platforms to ensure developers are able to achieve the desired result they are looking for on all the operating systems. This is also integrated with Microsoft Visual Studio.

Kony Visualizer: Kony is commonly used java based software to create mobile and web application across platforms. Since javascript is an existing web language, using Kony users’ area is able to convert the web application into the multi-channel mobile application. Kony provides developer friendly API (application programming interface) that is easy to use and work across all platforms.



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