How To Get Accurate Mobile App Development Cost Estimation?

The year 2023 represents a significant turning point in the realm of retail mobile app development. As the digital landscape continues to evolve rapidly, grasping the expenses associated with app development, including those that may be concealed, has never been more critical.

In an age where mobile apps serve as the focal point for engaging consumers, businesses are allocating substantial resources to craft seamless and tailored experiences. Whether we’re talking about e-commerce giants or neighborhood shops, mobile apps are fundamentally reshaping how we shop, engage with brands, and ultimately decide what to buy. The costs associated with developing retail apps can vary greatly, underscoring the importance of comprehending these expenses to effectively plan your app budget. So let’s begin by looking into Average apps and their development cost.

Average Costs of App Development – Global Averages

Here’s an overview of the estimated cost to create an app, based on global averages and hourly rates:

1.Basic Apps:

  • Estimated Cost: Around $40,000
  • Description: These are simple apps with minimal features and functionalities.

2. Moderate Complexity Apps:

  • Estimated Cost: Between $70,000 and $100,000
  • Description: These apps have a medium level of complexity and include average communication interface design. The final cost depends on the app’s length and the technology used.

3. Complex Apps:

  • Estimated Cost: More than $200,000
  • Description: Complex apps feature advanced integrations and response mechanisms, which typically drive up development costs significantly.

However, it’s important to note that the cost of app development can vary depending on the location of the development team due to differences in currency values and pricing structures. Here are some approximate hourly rates for app developers in different regions:

  1. North America:
  • Hourly Rates: $60 to $150
  • Description: North America is known for having the highest development costs.
  1. South America:
  • Hourly Rates: $40 to $55
  • Description: Development services in South America tend to be more cost-effective compared to North America.
  1. United Kingdom:
  • Hourly Rate: $70
  • Description: UK-based app developers typically charge a higher hourly rate compared to some other regions.
  1. Central Europe:
  • Hourly Rates: $40 to $60
  • Description: Central European developers offer competitive pricing while maintaining good quality.
  1. India:
  • Hourly Rate: $20
  • Description: India is known for its cost-effective app development services, making it a popular outsourcing destination.
  1. Indonesia:
  • Hourly Rate: Up to $50
  • Description: Indonesian developers offer competitive rates in the Southeast Asian region.

You can incorporate these hourly rates and your project’s complexity to estimate your mobile app’s cost. Remember that these are only estimates, and the final cost may vary depending on the exact project needs and negotiations with the development team. Let’s dive into the Global apps and their development costs.

Popular Global Apps and Their Price of Development

Here are some popular global apps and their estimated development costs:

  1. Uber:
  • Description: A ride-sharing app connecting drivers and riders globally.
  • Estimated Cost: $30,000 – $100,000
  1. Snapchat:
  • Description: A social media app with interactive filters and multimedia messaging.
  • Estimated Cost (for one platform): $45,000 – $100,000
  • Estimated Cost (for both platforms): Up to $200,000
  1. WhatsApp:
  • Description: An instant messaging app with text, video/audio calls, and media sharing.
  • Estimated Cost: $30,000 – $70,000
  1. TikTok:
  • Description: A video-sharing app with lip-syncing, filters, and effects.
  • Estimated Cost (for one platform): $60,000 – $100,000
  • Estimated Cost (for hybrid development): Up to $150,000
  1. Coursera:
  • Description: An e-learning app offering a wide range of courses and degrees.
  • Estimated Cost: $60,000 – $120,000
  1. Netflix:
  • Description: A media streaming platform for shows and movies.
  • Estimated Cost: $25,000 – $200,000

These estimated costs provide a general idea of what it might take to develop apps similar to these popular ones. Keep in mind that the actual cost can vary based on specific features, functionality, platform(s), and development teams. Additionally, the choice between developing for a single platform or multiple platforms (iOS and Android) can impact the cost significantly.
It’s also essential to consider other factors such as design complexity, integration of advanced features, server infrastructure, ongoing maintenance, and app scalability when estimating the total development cost of a mobile app. Each project is unique, and these factors can influence the final cost substantially.

Understanding Mobile App Development Costs

Factors Influencing Costs

Understanding the factors that influence the app development cost of developing a retail mobile app is crucial for accurate estimation. Here’s a breakdown:

  1. Type of App:

E-commerce, social media, or utility apps, each has its unique requirements and costs. Custom app development may increase the overall development cost.
Platform Choice:

iOS, Android, or cross-platform development can significantly impact the budget. iOS app and Android app development may have different cost structures.

  1. Development Methodology:

Agile, Waterfall, or hybrid approaches have different cost structures. The app development cost depends on the chosen methodology.

  1. Customization and Complexity:

The more customized and complex the app, the higher the app development price.

These factors collectively shape the app development cost landscape, and understanding them is key to planning your app budget effectively.

Average Costs and Ranges

A detailed look at average app development cost helps in budget planning. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Breakdown of Costs by Type and Complexity:

Simple apps may start at $25,000, while complex, feature-rich apps can exceed $500,000. The app development cost breakdown varies by complexity.

  1. Regional Differences in Costs:

Costs can vary widely by region, with developers in North America charging more than those in Eastern Europe or Asia. The app development price may differ significantly between regions.

Importance of Choosing the Location of the Development Team:

The location of your development team has a significant impact on the overall development cost. Outsourcing your project development to a trusted mobile app development company is a standard approach in today’s market. We recommend sticking to the European market for outsourcing. While the USA may be too expensive and India/Asia may offer lower quality, Europe provides a golden mean with experienced teams and developers charging rates of $40-60 USD/hour.

Possible Costs to Develop Popular Retail Mobile Apps (estimates are based on hourly rates around $50-60/hour):

  • Amazon-like app: $200,000 – $350,000
  • Etsy-like app: $150,000 – $250,000
  • Local boutique app: $50,000 – $100,000
  • Average Cost(s) to Develop a Loyalty Program App: $40,000 – $80,000

These figures provide a comprehensive view of the potential costs involved in retail mobile app development, including the importance of choosing the right location for your mobile app development company.

Hidden Costs and Considerations

Awareness of hidden app development costs ensures a realistic app budget. Consider the following:

  • Unexpected Expenses:

Changes in scope, additional features, or unforeseen challenges can add to the app cost.

  • Legal and Compliance Costs:

Ensuring that the app meets legal and regulatory requirements may incur additional expenses.

Being mindful of these hidden app development costs and considerations will help you avoid surprises and stay within your app budget.

Smart Ways to Save Money When Building an App

  1. Choosing the Right Team

Picking the right people to create your app is super important. Here’s what to think about:

  • Companies vs. Solo Experts: Big companies can do lots of things, but they can be pricey. Solo experts might be cheaper, but they have fewer skills. Find the right balance for your project.
  • Check Their Work: Look at what they’ve done before. If they’ve made similar apps successfully, that’s a good sign. Ask them for examples or stories from their past work.
  1. Saving Money for Small Businesses

If you’re a small business or just starting, here are some tips to keep costs down:

  • Use What’s Already Out There: Sometimes, you can use ready-made stuff to build your app. It’s faster and cheaper than making everything from scratch.
  • Quality and Cost Balance: Don’t try to do too much at once. Start with the basics to see if people like your app. Fancy features can come later when you have more money.
  1. Best Ways to Manage Your Project

Making sure your project runs smoothly is important. Here’s how:

  • Different Ways to Work: You can pick how you want to work. Some ways are faster but cost more, and others are slower but cheaper. It depends on your project.
  • Stay on Schedule: Make sure everyone knows what they need to do and when. If the project goes off track, it can cost more. Good planning keeps things on budget.

Whether you’re making an app for Android or iPhone, using these smart tips and tricks will help you build your app without spending more than you need to.

Future Trends and Emerging Technologies

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning:

AI and machine learning are changing how retail apps interact with customers. They offer personalized recommendations and chatbots, improving the user experience and boosting sales. However, implementing AI can increase development costs.

  1. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR):

AR and VR are transforming shopping. They enable virtual try-ons, 3D product previews, and immersive in-store experiences. These technologies add to app development costs but provide unique shopping experiences.

  1. Internet of Things (IoT):

IoT connects physical and digital retail spaces. It includes smart shelves, connected fitting rooms, and real-time inventory tracking. While innovative, IoT can increase app development costs.

  1. Blockchain Technology:

Blockchain enhances security and transparency in transactions, useful for authenticity, traceability, and secure payments in retail apps. Integrating blockchain can affect development costs.

  1. 5G Technology:

The rollout of 5G improves mobile connectivity and app performance, enhancing the user experience. Consider 5G integration when estimating app development costs.

  1. Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Practices:

Consumers care about sustainability. Retail apps promoting eco-friendly products and practices are gaining popularity. Implementing these features may influence development costs.

  1. Personalization and Customization:

Personalized shopping experiences are the future. Apps offering tailored recommendations, customized products, and individualized content are more engaging. Achieving personalization may increase the budget.

  1. Cloud Computing and DevOps:

These technologies support efficient app development, reducing time-to-market and potential maintenance costs. They are important for app development planning.

Selecting the Right Partner

Choosing a development partner is crucial. It’s about finding a team that understands your vision and goals, influencing the app development cost and project success.

Factors to Consider

  • Experience and Expertise: Look for a partner with a proven track record in retail app development. Check their portfolio and ask for case studies.
  • Technology Stack: Ensure they are skilled in the technologies you need for your project.
  • Communication and Collaboration: Effective communication and collaboration help avoid hidden development costs.
  • Budget and Timeline: Discuss the budget and timeline upfront. A professional partner will provide a realistic estimate.
  • Quality Assurance: Quality is essential. Ensure the partner invests in quality assurance.
  • Post-Launch Support: Consider long-term support for app maintenance and success.

Benefits of Working with a Professional Development Company

  1. Expert Guidance: A professional company offers expert guidance and accurate cost estimates.
  2. Access to a Multidisciplinary Team: You have access to a team of experts in design, development, and project management.
  3. Scalability: A professional company can scale the app as your business grows.
  4. Risk Mitigation: With a structured approach, risks are identified and managed early, controlling development costs.

How Can iQlance Solutions Help You With Mobile App Development Cost Estimation?

If estimating the cost of Toronto mobile app development seems challenging, consult a reliable company like iQlance for top-notch mobile app development services. Their experts specialize in building innovative and scalable apps for global brands, providing accurate cost estimates and ensuring project success. Contact their experts to get started with your app project.

Conclusion: Building Your App Wisely

Now that you’ve dived into the world of app development costs, let’s wrap it up in a more unique and creative way, using simple words.

What You’ve Learned:

You’ve uncovered the secrets of app creation costs and what makes them go up or down.

You’ve got a budget-building toolkit that includes all the necessary bits and pieces to kickstart your app project.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Educate Yourself: Take a little time to understand the different parts and hidden surprises that can sneak into your app budget. Knowing the average cost of app-making and how it all adds up can be your budget’s best friend.
  2. Choose Wisely: Picking the perfect partner for your app adventure is like finding the best teammate for a game. Think about looking for help in places like Europe where you get a good mix of quality and not-too-high prices. Whether you want an Android app or one for Apple, having the right buddy can change the app’s price tag.
  3. Stay Ahead: Be like a cool trendsetter in the app world. Grab onto new technologies like AI and AR/VR and keep an eye on what’s coming next. It’s like staying ahead in a race, and it can make your app’s cost and its chances of success better.
  4. Measure and Align: See the big picture and the numbers too. Think about how your app helps your business and make sure you’re on the right track. Think about what happens after your app is born – you’ve got to take care of it too. Keep your budget in sync with your bigger plan.

So, armed with this smart strategy, you’re ready to create an awesome app without breaking the bank. Whether it’s a unique custom app or one built on a ready-made foundation, knowing the costs and making smart moves can lead to a super successful project.

And if you’re on the lookout for a team to bring your app dreams to life, remember, we’re here to help.

Mobile App vs. Website for Your Business in 2023

Mobile App vs. Website for Your Business

In today’s market, businesses must decide between investing in a mobile app or a website. As a Web and APP Development Canada, iQlance Solutions will guide you through this decision-making process by reviewing each platform’s pros and cons.

As a leading Web and App Development company Toronto, iQlance Solutions recognizes the fundamental similarities between mobile apps and websites. Both platforms serve as digital touchpoints for businesses to connect with their target audience, provide information, and facilitate transactions. Mobile apps and Website Development Canada offer convenience and accessibility to users, enabling them to engage with your brand anytime and anywhere.

Differences Between Mobile Apps and Websites

Mobile Apps:

Enhanced User Experience- Mobile apps deliver a highly optimized and personalized user experience. Apps can use GPS, cameras, accelerometers, and push notifications to create interactive and intriguing experiences by using the capabilities of mobile devices.

Offline Functionality- One notable advantage of mobile apps is their ability to function without an internet connection. Users can access specific features and content offline, ensuring uninterrupted usability and enhancing user satisfaction.

Direct Access and Speed- Mobile apps provide direct access to your brand through the device’s home screen, eliminating users’ need to open a browser and type in a URL. Additionally, apps are designed for quick loading times, ensuring a smooth and responsive experience.


Wide Accessibility- Websites can be operated from multiple devices, such as smartphones, laptops, and tablets.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Discoverability- Websites can be optimized for search engines, enhancing their visibility in search results. Effective SEO strategies can drive organic traffic to your website and increase your online presence.

Cost-Effectiveness- Developing and maintaining a website is generally more cost-effective than building and updating a mobile app. Websites offer cross-platform interoperability, eliminating the need for separate app development for several operating systems.

Read also: The Real Cost of Building Your App In-House

Pros and Cons of Mobile Apps


Enhanced User Experience- Mobile apps offer a highly immersive and personalized user experience by utilizing the capabilities of mobile devices to create a seamless connection consistent with your brand’s identity, 

Improved Engagement- With push notifications, mobile apps enable proactive user engagement by delivering personalized updates, offers, and reminders. This fosters customer loyalty and enhances retention.

Offline Functionality- Certain mobile apps allow users to access specific features and content even without an internet connection. This ensures continuous usability, particularly in situations with limited or no connectivity.

Device Integration- Mobile apps can fully integrate with a device’s features, such as GPS, camera, contacts, and calendar. This allows businesses to provide unique and contextually relevant functionalities, enhancing the user experience.


Development and Maintenance Costs- App Development Ontario can require a higher investment than a website. The development process involves separate development for different platforms (iOS, Android, etc.) and ongoing maintenance and updates.

App Store Approval Process- Submitting a mobile app to app stores involves an approval process that can be time-consuming and subject to strict guidelines. This can cause delays in launching the app to the market.

User Acquisition- Unlike websites, which can be accessed directly through search engines, mobile apps require users to discover and download them. Creating a significant user base for a mobile app can be challenging.

Pros and Cons of Websites


Wide Accessibility- A wide range of devices may be used to access websites. They enable firms to appeal to a wide range of customer preferences.

Search Engine Visibility- Websites can be optimized for search engines through SEO techniques, increasing their visibility in search results and driving organic traffic to the business.

Cost-Effectiveness- A website is less expensive to develop than a mobile app. Websites provide a versatile platform for various screen sizes, browsers, and operating systems.

Cross-Platform Compatibility- Websites are inherently compatible across different platforms, eliminating the need for separate development for various operating systems.


Limited Personalization- Websites may have limitations when it comes to providing highly personalized user experiences, as they often lack access to certain device features and functionalities.

Offline Functionality- Users of websites must be connected to the internet to access and interact with the site’s content, as opposed to mobile apps, which can run without an internet connection.

Lower User Engagement- Websites may face challenges in engaging users as effectively as mobile apps, as they lack push notifications and direct integration with device features.

Potential Slower Loading Times- Websites, especially those with intricate designs and copious amounts of material, may take longer to load than mobile apps, which can negatively affect the user experience.

Mobile App Versus Website: Factors to Consider:

User Engagement: A mobile app can provide higher engagement and functionality if your business demands frequent and personalized user interactions. Mobile apps allow businesses to send push notifications, deliver tailored content, and provide a seamless user experience.

Target Audience: Understanding your target audience’s preferences and behaviors is crucial. If your target audience predominantly uses mobile devices and prefers mobile apps, investing in an app would align better with their expectations. However, if your target audience is more diverse and includes a significant portion of desktop users, a website would ensure wider accessibility.

Functionality: Analyze the precise features and functionalities that your company requires. Mobile apps shine when access to device functions such as GPS, camera, or accelerometer is required. However, a website can effectively meet those needs if your primary purpose is to provide information and facilitate transactions.

Budget and Resources: Assess your budget and available development, maintenance, and marketing resources. Developing a mobile app involves higher initial costs, ongoing maintenance, and separate development for different platforms. In contrast, websites are generally more cost-effective and easier to maintain.

Long-Term Strategy: Consider your long-term business goals and scalability. Mobile apps are ideal for businesses creating a unique brand experience and engaging users deeply. The wide accessibility and cross-platform compatibility of a website can reach more people and serve consumers on various types of devices.


A business in the dynamic digital landscape of 2023 must carefully consider the pros and cons of developing a mobile app or a website and decide based on those factors. To decide between a website and a mobile app Development Toronto, you should look at the big picture and factor in all the details, such as user reviews, market research, features, costs, and future analytics. Choosing between a mobile app and a website requires careful consideration since each has advantages and disadvantages. Your business objectives and the needs of your target market should guide your decision.

At iQlance Solutions, we understand the complexities of this decision-making process. We can help you choose between a website and a mobile app with our expertise in mobile app development and website design. Contact us today to discuss your business requirements and discover the best solution to propel your business forward in 2023.

How Much Does a Mobile App Development Company Cost To Develop A Fitness App?

how much does mobile app development company cost to develop a fitness app

Given the times we are going through right now, people now more than ever are focusing more on health and fitness. Maintaining health is slowly becoming the number one priority of most people. Such situations prove highly beneficial for people who want to make a big name in today’s competitive world. Along with a mobile app development company, you now have the chance of creating your own fitness app. Not only can you keep people alert, about not missing their workouts, but you can get hands on a rewarding career as well. Want to know how? Take this blog content as a complete guide for starting your own application. After you get the briefing, chances are you would want to start right away with your fitness application idea.

What are the kinds of fitness applications available?

If you think you can start with your fitness app development process as soon as possible, you must take it slow. For instance, it is vital to know the kind of fitness application you want to create. Let’s look at the various types:

  • Diet and nutrition application – Everybody for attaining their business goals need to attain a balanced diet. So you can include nutrition and diet as one of your fitness app ideas. With the help of such apps, users can get hold of details like sugar and calorie level, water intake, preference of food dishes, etc. This kind of fitness app Android also functions as a dietician and assists people in following an abstinent diet plan.
  • Activity tracking application – You can focus on a fitness app program that focuses on activity tracking as well. These apps are always downloaded by most people as these help in tracking physical actions of an individual such as walking, swimming, running, cycling, jogging, etc. These kinds of applications employ motion sensors in users’ Smartphones along with GPS for tracking & offering reliable data regarding his activities like running, figure of stairs climbed, liquid intake, hours slept, etc. With the data users will also know which activity they need to focus on more.
  • Workout apps – Amidst many if you choose the workout app category for your health and fitness app development, then the chances of success are really high. Global app revenue in general has risen to $365.2 billion in the year 2018 to $69.7 billion in the year 2015 which is highly impressive. As per research, these figures are anticipated to treble by the year 2023. So if you are moving forward to developing your own fitness app for Android phone, then you must realize that you are going on the correct path. Different kinds of workout apps include Workout scheduler applications and Personal workout applications.

Technology stack

In your 24*7 fitness app, the technologies you include determines how convenient it will be for users or how much popularity it will gain. Employing these technologies for fitness app development is necessary.

  • Authentication – Nexmo & Twilio
  • Real-time analytics – Big Data, Cisco, Apache Flink, Hadoop, IBM, Spark, etc
  • Programming – GWT
  • Operating system – Debian
  • Payment gateways – E Wallets, Stripe, PayPal, Braintree, etc
  • Data management – Datastax
  • Push notifications – Twilio &
  • Database – MongoDB, HBase, Postgres, MailChimp Integration, Cassandra, etc

Finalizing the features

The fitness app competition in the present times is really tough. If you are creating your own, the features of the application need to stand out & must benefit users in a way that they find extremely useful. The features that you must include are:

  • User profile – Filling up the detail of user profiles is important. Along with this you must also offer users the liberty of editing their gender, sex, name, weight, height, etc,
  • Synchronization of wearable devices – To include such features either you can choose a fitness app builder online or work closely with a fitness app development company as well. The latter always proves to be beneficial till the end. Your application must employ GPS, motion sensors and Bluetooth for syncing with external devices such as personal computers, tablets and wearable gadgets. Users can easily track all their activities with this feature as they use any one device for syncing with the application.
  • Geolocation – Are you wondering why you need this feature in your fitness app program? This is because this feature always keeps a keen eye on the directions & routes you walk, run or cycle. You can get hands on a precise location with this feature.
  • Payment – While some fitness apps offer services absolutely for free other high end applications charge money from users. However, it is important to realize that expecting monetary value is important while you develop a mobile application. Only then you can attain the ROI and also keep on increasing sales. Customers can send payment via payment gateways. You must offer a multitude of options to users like credit and debit cards, e-wallets, net banking, etc.
  • Rewards – When you focus on developing the fitness application for the purpose of the admin side, then including Rewards feature is very important. Some of the most vital promotional tools that you can get hands on for the fitness application are loyalty programs, cashbacks and referral programs. Admin must also have the liberty of opting for other promotional choices like retargeting, push notifications and social sharing.

Time period for fitness application development

The five stages of the entire development process are:

  • Designing – This part includes UX as well as UI design.

Approximate time – 60 to 80 hours

  • Testing

Approximate time – 80 to 100 hours

  • Documentation – The documentation procedure includes specifications, design prototypes, business analysis, etc.

Approximate time – 50 to 60 hours

  • Development stage – This stage incorporates
  1. Development time for Android platform – 380 to 400 hours
  2. Development time for front-end tasks – 190 to 200 hours
  3. Development time for iOS platform – 450 to 480 hours
  4. Development time for back-end tasks – 350 to 400 hours
  • Maintenance & support

Approximate time – 40 to 50 hours

Point to remember – The time duration for developing your fitness application will also fix the cost.

Cost breakdown

Without learning about the approximate fitness app development cost, you must not start such endeavors. As only when you hire a reputable mobile app development company and developers and programmers as per industry rates, getting hands on quality application is possible. The factors on which the cost of a fitness app depends are:

  • Application complexity – You need to choose the complexity level of your fitness application like simple, high-end & medium. The cost of the basic version of an app is less in comparison to the remaining two which are high-end & medium. It is important to select as per the app functionalities & features.
  • Application development team – Amidst several factors, this is the one that is largely responsible for assessing the application cost. The team that is necessary for carrying out high quality fitness app development are:
  1. QA engineers
  2. Project manager
  3. iOS application developers
  4. Web developers
  5. UX/UI designers
  6. Requirement analyst
  7. Android application developers
  • Application platform – Android & iOS are the two most employed platforms in the globe. The platform you select largely impacts the application development cost. With the increase in the figure of platforms, the cost will also enhance & it is vice versa as well. This factor also depends on the application development company you pick. It is usually the team of developers that decide the number of platforms they wish to construct and it can be multiple or single.
  • Location of the developer team – Along with the appointed mobile app development company, the location of the developer team also influences the app cost. The developer cost varies depending on each country and each region.
  1. Easter Europe – $30 to $150 per hour
  2. Australia – $100 to $110 per hour
  3. India – $10 to $80 per hour
  4. North America – $150 to $170 per hour
  5. United Kingdom – $60 to $70 per hour

Hence, the fitness app development cost you can calculate as follows:

Hours required to develop * Application developer cost

To get a hands on user-friendly budget, you can always choose a sound mobile app development company from Eastern Europe or India.

The approximate cost to develop a fitness application thereby will be $20,000 to $30,000 for one platform. In case you opt for one more platform, you will need to bear another $20,000.

You must remember that the cost you witness in this content is an approximate estimate.

The cost can largely vary as per the features & ideology as well.

Final Say

The brief yet crisp information that you witness in this content can help you think further about your fitness app development endeavors. It is best to take an appointment from a renowned mobile app development company for learning about the business model, revenue, features, quotes, total time required in detail. The experienced teams of such companies work very closely with you to understand the kind of fitness app that can fetch you a huge amount of revenue. Say yes to a rewarding online career with us. Connect with us today.

How Much Will Mobile Application Development Cost in 2020?

 Mobile Application Development Cost

One of the ways to enhance the productivity of a business these days is by presenting the services and products of the business through a mobile app be it Android, iOS, or some other. So what does a business require from that app? Profit, what else? Another question that comes to mind while choosing a specific app development team is the app development cost that the business will have to endure.  Mobile app development cost, among other factors, plays an important role. If stats are to be believed there are more than 3 billion users worldwide as of today. Many of these users are having not only one mobile but more than one mobile – one for personal and one for office use. These mobiles have different types of apps installed that range from games, education, business, movies, and music apps (though there can be more categories as well). Let’s see how much of the amount does a business spends on getting a mobile app developed.

With the new year already in with different and up-coming new technologies for developing mobile apps, many of the businesses would be looking for formula to calculate the mobile app development cost in 2020. However, there are no such formula when it comes to mobile app development. But just for the convenience of the users, the following formula might hold good to calculate how much does it cost to make an app.

Cost of Mobile App Development =(App Features * Time Taken) * Rate per Hour

Steps Involved

To begin with, let’s see the steps involved in the development of a mobile app.

Step I: Get a quote from various mobile app development teams and compare them. See who is offering more features at a reasonable price

Step II: Select the platform(s) you want your mobile app to be available on. It may be an Android, iOS, Windows, or even all. This will add to the development cost though.

Step III: Specify the functionality you want your app to perform.

Step IV: Specify the features according to Priority. This will reflect your business requirements.

Step V: Last, but most important of all, ask the developers to include features that a business app must have such as authentication and authorization.

Cost Estimation

Having seen the steps, let’s start with each of the steps in detail.

  1. The Platform: Considering that you want your app to be available for Android, iOS, or both, certain facts need serious thinking. The business needs to know which OS would benefit them more. Just saying iOS or Android does not fulfill the needs.


  • iOS: Astonishing but true. iOS cost less than Android as far as their development is concerned. iOS apps find their market with the upper-class. Thus even paid apps are not a problem in the case of the iOS platform. Apps on iOS are easier to use for novice users even. Because of strict guidelines for the app quality, an iOS app finds more users than an Android app.
  • Android: In Asia, Android has a bigger market than iOS. It has lower download costs as compared to iOS. Android has low maintenance costs as it is not supposed to be regularly refreshed like iOS. Unlike iOS, Android doesn’t have strict guidelines for quality and as such developers are at ease while developing the Android apps.


  • iOS: iOS has a high-cost of hosting that can go up to $200. The number of iOS users in the Asia-Pacific region is quite limited as such. Also, one of its benefits is its disadvantage i.e. strict guidelines for app quality. Due to these strict guidelines, developers turn to Android or Windows.
  • Android: Well this is not a platform where you can easily sell your paid apps. Users of this platform like to download free apps more. As far as the development of an Android app is concerned, it takes a bit more time than an iOS app.
  1. Mobile App Type: While the Platform for which the app is developed matters, the type of the application also does. These days, mobile users prefer to have a mobile app rather than web apps. Here too, the mobile apps can be classified into Native and Hybrid apps. Native apps are built for a single operating system such as Android or iOS, but the Hybrid apps can function on both the platforms. Though Hybrid apps are being considered the future of mobile apps, they are still in their infancy and Native apps are more preferred than Hybrid apps.
  2. Development Location: This also affects the cost of the mobile app. If the mobile app is being developed in-house, then the cost is bound to decrease. In the case of outsourced mobile app development, the cost will certainly go up as extra money will have to be paid to the developers.

Features: The cost of the app will go up as more and more features are being added to the app. This is because the developers have to put in the number of hours to achieve the desired end-result. A user login-enabled app adds 20 man-hours, 24-hours for a push-notification feature, navigation bar adds up to 40 man-hours,64-104 hours for media content sharing,24 for Geolocation features, in-app messaging takes around 60 hours, while database connectivity takes around 18 hours. This beside the time taken for architecture development, environment setup, design, bug fixes, project management and documentation which collectively take up around 500+ hours. Further, the cost of the app will also rise if your app falls between one of the simple, moderate, and complex types of apps. The simple type of apps just have the core features, moderate have features such as payment gateways, API integration, and backend-server support. Complex apps on the other hand have a good UI, multi-language support, Real-time features through the use of the database, and custom animations as well. What method must be used to calculate which features to include and which not to? The answer is brought to you by a technique called MoSCoW which categorises features into

  1. features that must be present,
  2. important features that should be present
  3. the not so important features but can be considered in a later version
  4. the not required features.

All features can be categorized as thus when you go to the developers.

  1. Cost Charged by App Developers: Another factor that counts in when calculating the cost of a mobile app is the hourly rate charged by mobile app developers. However, this can differ from place to place and from developer to developer as well. Countries like the US and Canada have rates that range from $50 to $250 while the rates in India will vary from $10 to $80 per hour. As such the place from where the app is getting developed also matters a lot.

Let’s Conclude

Having said a lot about the factors that affect the cost of mobile app development, one thing is for sure – there are no fixed criteria to answer this question. This is because each mobile app has a unique business aim to solve problems, and is aimed at specific users.

In addition, various applications require a specific amount of space on mobile devices, use different third-party integration, and provide access to diverse amounts of information. To get a fair idea of the cost it would be better to ask some experts on this who has the technical as well as the commercial know-how about the matter.

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