Angular or React: A Dilemma in Web and Mobile App Development

In the ever-evolving realm of front-end web development, the choice between Angular and React is a pivotal decision that both newcomers and seasoned developers must confront. Some liken this comparison to contrasting apples and oranges, as Angular is a JavaScript framework crafted with TypeScript, while React is a JavaScript library employing JSX. By augmenting React with a few libraries, it can transform into a comprehensive framework, albeit with a distinct workflow from Angular. Consequently, comparing them is not a straightforward endeavor.

However, Angular and React share a component-based architecture, offering reusable and modular elements to address similar front-end challenges. This perpetual debate of Angular versus React reverberates within the development community, fueling discussions and opinions.

So, which one prevails? This post embarks on an extensive Angular vs. React comparison, considering various factors to empower you with the insights needed to make an informed choice for your project.

iQlance, a prominent provider of app development services, specializes in constructing forward-looking, scalable applications utilizing contemporary frameworks and suitable technology stacks. If you’re grappling with the choice of technologies for your project, our development experts are at your service for a comprehensive discussion.

Now, without further ado, let’s delve into the comprehensive Angular VS React guide.

Introducing the Frameworks

ReactJS, conceived by Facebook, serves as a front-end JavaScript library for crafting user interfaces. It employs a declarative programming style to define UI states. Conversely, Angular, spearheaded by Google, operates as a front-end development framework. It is a constituent of the MEAN stack and boasts compatibility with a plethora of code editors. Angular primarily caters to the creation of dynamic websites and apps. Before engaging in a comparative discourse, let’s scrutinize these web frameworks in detail to grasp their features.


Angular, formerly known as AngularJS or Angular 2, has been an open-source structural framework nurtured by Google since 2010. This framework harnesses TypeScript and HTML to construct web apps, single-page web apps, and hybrid apps, predominantly tailored for large-scale enterprises. Angular boasts a global footprint, contributing to notable projects such as Microsoft Office Home, BMW’s Cost Calculator for Driveaways, Xbox, Forbes, and Samsung.

Advantages of Angular:

  • Proficiently renders a wide array of templates with its extensive libraries.
  • Supports single-routing.
  • Facilitates behavioral inspection by enabling the injection of mock data into the controller.
  • Offers extension of HTML.
  • Promotes clean code development.
  • Simplifies user interface creation with data binding.
  • Encourages the development of reusable components.
  • Enables the creation of single pages interconnected with components, culminating in the final product.
  • Provides dependency injection.

How Angular Surpasses React:

  • Functions as a full-stack framework.
  • Offers dependency injection.
  • Implements two-way data binding.
  • Adheres to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture.
  • Supports diverse application architectures.


React, formerly React.js or ReactJS, emerged in 2013 as an open-source JavaScript library dedicated to rendering views. Unlike its predecessor, AngularJS, React exclusively focuses on the view layer. React introduced the concept of component-based architecture to web and mobile development, granting developers the freedom to select state management approaches through external libraries and frameworks. React leans towards managing state with libraries that champion working with immutable data and one-way data binding to achieve unidirectional data flow.

Advantages of React:

  • Embraces a simple and straightforward design philosophy.
  • Delivers formidable performance with the React Native Library.
  • Boasts a view-centric framework.
  • Facilitates seamless app migration.
  • Supports rapid updates in both server-side and front-end domains.
  • Simplifies app debugging.
  • Compatible with Android and iOS platforms.
  • Promotes the reuse of ReactJS codes.
  • Offers an accessible learning curve.

How React Excels Over Angular:

  • Adopts Isomorphic JavaScript.
  • Integrates JavaScript XML (JSX).
  • Leverages one-way data binding.
  • Provides coding flexibility.

Angular vs. React: What’s the Difference?

While it may seem simplistic to attribute the disparity between Angular and React to their labels as frameworks and libraries, the reality is more nuanced. Most React developers augment their projects with additional libraries from the React ecosystem, effectively transforming it into a comprehensive framework. This is why React frequently finds itself in the same discussions as other JavaScript frameworks like Angular and Vue.js. To grasp the true distinctions between them, a deep dive into the specifics is essential.

Angular stands as a fully-fledged JavaScript framework scripted in TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript. Initially introduced by Google in 2016 as Angular 2, it marked a complete overhaul of the reigning monarch of JavaScript development frameworks, AngularJS. The new Angular was engineered to rival React by embracing components while preserving the beloved features of Angular developers, including dependency injection (DI) and two-way data binding.

Standard features of Angular encompass:

  • TypeScript.
  • Angular CLI.
  • Dependency injection.
  • Two-way data binding.
  • Routing with @angular/router.
  • Forms with @angular/forms.
  • XSS protection.
  • HTML templates.
  • Component CSS encapsulation.

React, in contrast, operates as a view-centric library for rendering views. It eschews the conventional model, view, and controller (MVC) paradigm of the old AngularJS Development, choosing to focus solely on the view. React catalyzed the proliferation of component-based architecture in web and mobile development, empowering developers to make strategic choices regarding state management using external libraries and frameworks. React advocates for state management with libraries that champion immutable data and one-way data binding to realize unidirectional data flow.

Standard features of React encompass:

  • Virtual DOM (Document Object Model).
  • JSX files.
  • XSS protection.
  • Functional components.
  • Basic state management via setState and Context API.

In summary, here are the key distinctions between Angular and React:

LanguageTypeScriptJavaScript + JSX
JavaScript FrameworkYesNo (Library)
Data BindingTwo-way (default)One-way (default)
Dependency InjectionBuilt-in supportNeeds additional tools
Front-end Development ApproachClient-side renderingVirtual DOM with server-side rendering
Optimal Use-caseEnterprise apps, SPAsApps with complex DOM manipulation, SPAs

Now, let’s conduct a comprehensive comparison of React and Angular:

Popularity: Angular vs. React

Both frameworks have garnered popularity within developer communities and discussion forums. Yet, which one reigns supreme? Based on GitHub stars, React boasts a substantial 203k stars, while Angular follows with 86.7k stars. In a 2022 Statista survey on the most widely used web frameworks worldwide, React secured the second position, with Angular ranking fifth.

Angular’s journey commenced with AngularJS in the early 2010s, accruing significant popularity, particularly for constructing single-page applications. In 2016, Angular 2 was unveiled as a complete revamp of AngularJS, introducing a plethora of new features and enhancements. Since then, Angular has continued to evolve, delivering new releases and sustaining its appeal for web app development. However, stiff competition from other JavaScript frameworks and libraries such as Vue.js and React has dented its popularity.

React, on the other hand, consistently maintains a lead in popularity when compared to Angular. It offers rendering optimizations, a virtual DOM, and facilitates smooth transitions between versions. These attributes, combined with the ease of reusing UI components, have catapulted React to become the preferred choice for dynamic web applications.

Performance: Angular vs. React

Both frameworks possess the capability to construct high-performing web applications. However, which one offers superior speed? React enjoys a reputation for enhancing performance, but Angular does not lag significantly in this arena.

Angular optimizes coding practices comprehensively, fostering continued performance improvements. It simplifies tasks such as optimizing the digest cycle for your code structure. As you develop code for additional modules, monitoring and optimizing the loop ensures that previously assessed changes are verified.

Projects not requiring two-way data binding can employ older versions of Angular to reduce complexity. Angular introduces features like $cacheFactory, facilitating memory retention and recalculating data when needed. In terms of page rendering, Angular employs the real DOM but employs a unique mechanism of change detection combined with zones to expedite web application performance.

React boasts a virtual DOM as one of its standout features for superior application performance. The virtual DOM allows front-end developers to enact changes without the need to rewrite the entire HTML document. This accelerates performance by rendering updates swiftly and refreshing data on web pages.

React’s component reusability further enhances its competitive edge. This practice becomes critical when developers are tackling intricate logic across various projects and need to reuse components efficiently. React addresses this challenge by allowing developers to reuse system components.

Component reuse is also widespread among designers, enhancing productivity and optimizing coding practices. This extends from fundamental components like checkboxes and buttons to wrapper components and root components. Such practices culminate in consistent app performance, supporting code quality and maintenance, regardless of project complexity.

Data Binding: Angular vs. React

The most significant distinction between Angular and React revolves around state management. React leans on state management libraries like Helmet and React Router, while Angular incorporates built-in data binding. React is often augmented with the Redux library to introduce unidirectional data flow and work with immutable data. Which approach is superior?

Angular adopts two-way data binding, ensuring that model state alterations occur automatically when any interface element changes. This synchronization maintains consistency across the two data layers.

Angular binds HTML elements to model variables, altering not only their display but also their backend values. This synchronizes the two data models within a framework, enabling the creation of interactive user interfaces without the need for numerous callbacks and additional intervention from programmers. Two-way data binding emerges as the most efficient technique for fetching data from complex software applications like medical and accounting software.

React, in contrast, employs one-way data binding. Modifications to the interface model are only reflected after the model state has been updated. When UI components undergo changes, the model state remains unchanged, eliminating any alterations. This unidirectional data flow provides React developers with enhanced control over web and mobile applications.

React does not adhere to an automatic data binding approach, often leading developers into the complexities of handling objects. However, it integrates one-way data binding with two-way data binding helpers to streamline extensive data manipulation and heavy parsing tasks.

Code Quality and Maintainability: Angular vs. React


At Simform, we leverage tools like Angular CLI to scaffold, build, and maintain high-performance Angular applications. Integrations such as Angular Core and Angular Material have improved our Angular project deliveries, enhancing code quality.

Angular CLI minimizes the learning curve and enables Angular developers to anticipate compilation behavior. It streamlines the development process, generating smooth builds and minimizing the iteration efforts that often lead to poor code quality.

Developers frequently grapple with maintainability issues when combining HTML and JavaScript due to a lack of modularization. Angular addresses these concerns by facilitating maintainable JavaScript code. It introduces an HTML extension to resolve these issues, saving valuable development hours.


React introduces several practices that bolster code quality and distinguish it from other web frameworks. For instance, leveraging the Display Name string for debugging messages allows developers to identify components easily. Developers can concentrate on modern JavaScript without being encumbered by framework-specific code.

Maintaining code quality in React is simplified through the adoption of code review practices facilitated by linters. These linters enforce strict rule sets, ensuring code consistency throughout the codebase. React promotes the development of code that is reusable across small modules, preventing redundancy in practice.

React discourages developers from writing fragmented code, making it more readable for both computers and other developers. The ability to construct custom React components simplifies rendering uncontrolled input fields and identifying components efficiently through unique naming conventions.

Server-side Rendering: Angular vs. React


Angular employs server-side rendering to generate a static view of the application before it becomes fully interactive. Clever usage of JSON and client-side caching can significantly boost server-side performance. Angular excels in reducing the traffic between the client and server, enhancing overall performance.


To enhance SEO-friendliness, React facilitates server-side rendering by employing specific functions. For instance, rendering the application on the server can be accomplished by calling the Render To String function instead of Render. React’s flexibility also allows the use of Render To Static Markup to avoid creating DOM attributes like data-react-id. This approach proves useful for building simple static page generators.

Testing in Angular vs. React:


Testing in a dynamically typed language like JavaScript poses challenges in achieving 100% test coverage. JavaScript code undergoes rigorous testing to ensure its robustness. Angular simplifies testing through features such as unit code isolation and built-in dependency injection. These features enable easy decoupling of components for testing and mocking.

Angular provides a comprehensive testing and debugging toolset for entire app projects using a single tool. In contrast, React relies on multiple tools to perform various types of testing.


In React, tests often involve mocking components that do not exist in the testing environment. Tests can spy on various parts of a function and anticipate their interactions. This approach, known as mocking data or functions, is instrumental in avoiding flakiness in data retrieval. React offers predictable tests due to the availability of mocking functions.

React continuously executes test suites, running test cases as part of the development process. It provides test runners like Mocha, Ava, and Jest, capable of running tests concurrently with ongoing development processes.

Optimizing Bundle Size: Angular vs. React

Bundle size, or the file downloaded during the initial page load, holds immense significance for web applications’ performance. A larger bundle file size can extend page loading times, impacting user experience. How do Angular and React tackle this crucial aspect?


Angular applications require a compilation process to function in a browser. Browsers do not natively understand Angular components and templates, necessitating the compiler to bridge the gap between the browser and bundled code. An increase in the bundle file size can potentially impair loading times and performance.

To expedite rendering, Angular offers Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation as an option. While not the default choice in Angular, it can be activated through the CLI by switching to production mode. AOT converts Angular HTML and TypeScript code into efficient JavaScript during the build phase. The browser then downloads and executes this optimized code.


Bundle file size assumes paramount importance, particularly in large applications aiming for smooth performance. Analyzing bundle size is crucial, as an unchecked increase can lead to performance bottlenecks as the application expands.

React emphasizes code-splitting and compression to optimize expanding bundle sizes without compromising performance. Techniques like code-splitting and compression enable efficient optimization without negatively affecting application performance. If you wish to explore further methods for optimizing bundle size in React, refer to this article on enhancing your React app’s performance.

Learning Curve: Angular vs. React


Angular’s learning curve is extensive and dynamic, often posing challenges for developers. Covering numerous Angular topics can be daunting initially. Nevertheless, investing time in the initial phase proves worthwhile, as it paves the way for smoother development.

Angular’s extensive array of primary elements includes directives, modules, components, services, dependency injection, and more. The learning curve for Angular is relatively steep, especially compared to React in the initial stages.


React focuses on fundamental elements such as component creation, internal state management, and the utilization of props for configuration. While developers may find it slightly unconventional in the early stages, its simplicity makes it a favorable tech stack.

React does not burden developers with complex logical structures, a feature contributing to its increasing demand among developers. Learning the basics, along with state management and a routing library, equips developers to begin building applications.

Both technologies offer an array of features, toolsets, and performance benefits, making the choice between them challenging for development teams.

Recap: Pros and Cons of Angular vs. React

Let’s summarize the advantages and disadvantages of using Angular and React:

Pros of Angular:

  • Comprehensive functionality out of the box, including dependency injection, two-way data binding, routing, forms, templating, and security.
  • Dependency injection simplifies testing individual components in isolation.
  • Promotes consistency by adhering to “the Angular way” of app development.
  • Enhances productivity by providing essential features for building single-page applications.
  • Utilizes TypeScript, a statically typed version of JavaScript that prevents coding errors.
  • Offers Angular-language-service, enhancing productivity by adding features such as autocompletion, error checking, and AOT diagnostic messages to integrated development environments.
  • Supports MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel), facilitating the placement of view logic on the client side of applications.

Cons of Angular:

  • Steep learning curve, necessitating the mastery of TypeScript and Angular’s development paradigm.
  • Challenges arise when scaling, as two-way data binding can become unwieldy, leading to unintended side effects.
  • Debugging scopes can be problematic, particularly as applications expand, making it difficult to track various scopes.
  • Larger file sizes due to Angular’s comprehensive front-end framework may overcomplicate applications.
  • Potential SEO issues can emerge, though they are more a result of how a website is designed for indexing by search engine crawlers rather than the framework itself.

Pros of React:

  • Flexibility in choosing routers and state management systems.
  • Utilizes a virtual DOM to efficiently update only the portions of the DOM that require modification.
  • Facilitates the creation of functional components that isolate state management, resulting in stateless components.
  • Promotes component reuse through a combination of class and functional components.
  • Simplifies state management in applications requiring significant DOM manipulation with one-way data binding.
  • Thriving community of open-source developers offers an array of libraries and tools for web and mobile development.
  • React Developer Tools, a valuable Chrome DevTools extension, streamlines the inspection of React component hierarchies on webpages.

Cons of React:

  • Fragmented documentation due to React’s reliance on an ecosystem of libraries rather than a centralized framework.
  • Rapid development pace, which can be advantageous or disadvantageous, depending on how updates are managed and technical debt is addressed.
  • Lack of conventions, offering flexibility to developers but potentially overwhelming new users.
  • Potential SEO challenges that can be mitigated through server-side rendering or dynamic rendering, depending on website design.

Angular or React: Which Is Best for Your App?

Among developers, React and Angular enjoy widespread popularity and find application in diverse development scenarios. However, when compelled to choose one, React often emerges as the superior technology. React’s virtual DOM, customization options, and optimization capabilities contribute to its standing as a preferred choice for many app developers.

Hire React Native Developers to get the advantages such as ease of learning, straightforward installation, and seamless migration, making it a time-saving option for developers worldwide. However, the choice between React and Angular ultimately hinges on the specific requirements, usage, and functionality of your project.

The Final Call

As outlined above, both Angular and React empower the creation of professional-grade web applications. However, each possesses its own set of advantages and disadvantages contingent upon project size.

The comparison criteria presented herein demonstrate that Angular excels when it comes to small-scale applications. In contrast, React reigns supreme with a myriad of benefits like virtual DOMs and optimization, as highlighted in this article. Regardless of the project’s complexity, React opens up an array of opportunities for development teams.

Therefore, the final call for choosing between Angular and React Native Development Company depends on your project’s scope, objectives, and size. Select the technology that aligns most closely with your project’s specific requirements and reaps the rewards of a fruitful development journey.

At iQlance Canada a leading App Development company Toronto, we specialize in crafting responsive, scalable applications using cutting-edge frameworks and technology stacks. If you’re navigating the maze of technology choices for your project, our expert development team is at your service for a comprehensive discussion. Contact us today to embark on your development journey with confidence.

Top 10 Mobile App Development Tools For Marvelous Apps

Mobile App Development Tools

We all must agree with the fact that we are spending more time online than ever before, and 80% of that time is spent on different mobile applications. With the rise in the use of mobile, businesses are relying on mobile applications to boost their business visibility. Mobile apps save you valuable time in getting access to the website. With an app, you don’t have to enter a URL and wait for the browsing page to open. That was a brief explanation of why mobile apps prove better than desktop apps or websites. But, our topic of discussion is getting to know about mobile app development tools to build a fantastic and highly engaging app. Are you ready to delve into further exciting parts?

Here are the Top Ten Tools for Mobile app development:

1.   Headspin

It is the time to improve your mobile app performance with Headspin. It provides real-world and actionable user insight to develop more engaging and better apps for your business. The beauty of this tool is that it provides complete details about user experience and performance issues across each layer of the mobile stack. You can ask your mobile app developers in Toronto to use Headspin for your mobile app.


  • It has got on-premise and cloud setup;
  • No SDK to expand the code base as all is done through API access;
  • Load testing available;
  • Offer pre and post availability;
  • The tool is available to 150+ location around the world;
  • It offers dedicated, pay-as-you-go, and shared availability option;
  • Its AI solves the performance issues.

2.   Xamarin

One of the most preferred tools for mobile app development for native applications is xamarin. It is used in developing native apps for Android, Windows, iOS, tvOS, macOS, watchOS, and .NET. It allows code sharing for multiple platforms without much hassle.


  • It allows deep linking and application indexing;
  • Another striking feature is that it allows communication with the API of mobile devices due to its mono framework;
  • It has got component stores including third-party libraries, UI controls, and cross-platform libraries;
  • With this you can save time as it produces very few bugs and provides quick time to market it;
  • Platform-specifics allow consuming functionality that is available only on limited platforms.

3.   PhoneGap

PhoneGap is an open-source application based on HTML5, JavaScript. And CSS3 and it is one of the trusted frameworks in the category of cross-platform app development. With this, you can develop a single app that can work on all mobile devices and OS. it has access to the Cordova plugins library and assists SDK plugins so that developers can produce native components like file transfer and push notification.


  • Robust tool for building apps without having a specific skillset;
  • Can enhance development by integrating it with various tools;
  • Effectively on CSS3, JavaScript, and HTML5;
  • With the help of plugin architecture, the developer can extend the functionality of the application.

4.   QT

QT is an open-source widget toolkit used for developing graphical user interfaces. Major applications and software that runs on different platforms like Linux, Android, Windows, macOS, and embedded systems.


  • Provide support for opaque private keys;
  • Support dual-mode networks and IPv6;
  • It has got new enabler classes for window and rendering;
  • Compiler and parser optimization have been implemented;

5.   React Native

React native is one of the best mobile app development tools. It is one of the reliable class JavaScript libraries for building user interfaces. Using this, developers can maintain two platforms with a single shared codebase. You can reap maximum benefits by using it as it is supported by many reputed companies and individuals globally.


  • Cost-effective solution for developing enterprise application;
  • Supported by a large community of developers;
  • Provides a seamless platform for the cross-platform app;
  • It is best is providing optimal performance, as it builds an interactive user interface;
  • It has got modular architecture and offers stable apps’;
  • Programming becomes easy with Javascript.

6.   Ionic

Ionic is an open-source built on AngularJS and Apache Cordova, used for hybrid mobile app development. It provides platform developing hybrid, desktop, and Progressive web apps using technologies like SASS, CSS, and HTML5.


  • Create a highly interactive app using great tools;
  • Can build native and progressive web apps for every app store;
  • It has got many JavaScript and CSS components for developing mobile apps;
  • Ionic uses native SDKs;
  • It’s lightweight PWA is two times faster than previous versions;
  • Provide typography, base theme, and readymade component for development;
  • Provide command-line Interface for project creation;

7.     Appcelerator Titanium

It is an open-source framework for the creation of native mobile apps using JavaScript codebase. Based on the MVC framework for developing apps for Windows UWP, Android, and iOS. Many app developers Toronto are making the best use of this fantastic tool.


  • Allows on-premise and private virtual deployment;
  • Improve the speed of mobile app development;
  • Provide support for multi-region global app deployment;
  • Provide high cloud capacity limits;
  • The developer can reuse code for both platforms: Android and Windows;
  • Other top features include Angular integration, Hyperloop, ES6, Vue.js integration support.

8.   Mobile Angular UI

Transform your desktop app to the mobile app with the mobile Angular UI. It is more like JQuery mobile and Sencha Touch. With the use of Bootstrap 3 syntax of mobile Angular UI to convert web apps to the mobile. It has got robust and reliable libraries like overthrow.js and fastclick.js.


  • It can easily squeeze and stretch the browser window to see the web as well as mobile versions;
  • Allow mobile app developers to test responsiveness and speed;
  • Allow to create great mobile components;
  • Provide complete native controls along with that you can make it interactive through HTML attributes without directly using Javascript.

9.  Mobincube

Mobincube is a popular choice for developing apps for health, games, business, educational, and whatnot. With the help of this app interface, developers can build different kinds of apps for Android, iOS, and windows. It gives the benefit of native apps even if you don’t possess knowledge of programming language and at no time investment.


  • Easy to communicate with users;
  • Developed advanced functionalities with the help of Mobincube;
  • Easy to customize each detail as per the need;
  • Easy to integrate with 3rd parties within the app;
  • Its dynamic filters let the users filter data fields from any database within the app;
  • Easy to update its online content;
  • It allows you to develop your own advanced functionalities.

10.  VuForia

VuForia is another popular name for providing Augmented Reality Software development kits. It helps to create apps based on Augmented Reality. It is one of the best tools to bridge the gap between the digital and real worlds.


  • Great aid in video playback
  • Support iOS devices, leading phones OS, digital eyewear and tablet based on Android;
  • It easily recognizes a large number of images, environments, and objects;
  • Can track a broader set of the objects;
  • Gives the freedom of customized design;
  • Deliver best-in-class computer vision;
  • Can create a virtual button for the app;
  • Occlusion management detects and tracks targets with ease.


Since the mobile application market is growing like never before, it has become even more considerable for businesses to have a business app. By selecting the best development tools, you can take a step towards an app development project. Moreover, a reliable and trusted mobile app development company Toronto can turn your dream app into a beautiful reality.

What You Should Know About React Native 0.60?

React Native 0.60

Facebook recently introduced the latest version of React Native labeled Version 0.60. Months of perspiration and hard work by the React Native App Developers have enabled Facebook to launch the final product that is both enthusiastic and curious. It has also been received very well by the users and developers. The best part about it, as usual, is the upgraded characteristics to make things easier for users. Of course, the highlight is the fact that the fresh version mixes the Cocoa Pods into it, making a powerful, extensive case of mixing the iOS project of React Natives. There’s also some squeezing out on the other end of the spectrum. The Web View and Net Info no longer remain a part of React Native’s repository.

For portable cross-platform apps, React Native is extremely preferred. It’s also known as React Native for Mobiles when developing Android, Windows and iOS applications. React Native is capable of providing web based solutions to its users as well. It is known for saving time and thus providing a cost-effective solution to the growth of mobile apps – lowering costs by up to 50%. React Native’s recent update comes with enhancements inaccessibility, iOS CocoaPods, renewed start screen, and lots of other things. React Native is also an open-source framework that distinguishes itself from its primary version. Talking about functions, the React Native App Developers are able to actively run JavaScript written in the background. This upgrade may be used by 0.59 for all users currently engaging the React Native.

React Native App Developers who were confronting some of the other problems with the past versions can now make the most of the recent version as it comes with simple fixes. The issues and failures of 0.59 are no longer there and thus users can get a consistent experience with the optimized version to improve the output of React Native app development.

Key Features of React Native 0.60

1) Improved availability: In terms of an open-source mobile application framework, this latest version is truly path-breaking. Both the mobile app development platforms–Android and iOS –have a lot of accessibility API enhancements. It comes with the capacity to use native support technologies to integrate platform-specific APIs. There are more improvements with React Native 0.60 on the accessibility front including the following:

a. Accessibility flag assistance and decreased motion for iOS. This implies that you can easily create cross-platform iOS applications with accuracy in less time.

b. Inclusion of many missing roles for various components to effectively use it depending on the demands.
c. Addition of on Click call back and a clickable prop. This helps to request actions through the navigation of the keyboard.
d. Enhancing web assistance with the availability of the latest accessibility statements API in the future.
e. Maximizing accessibility actions to add call-backs to handle accessibility of user-specific functions.

The 0.60 release also presents significant changes for both the iOS and Android platforms in terms of API accessibility. There is a list of improvements involving aspects such as advances in supporting action, announce for accessibility, flags and roles to name a few.

2) Backing Android: React Native migrates to AndroidX (Android Extension Library) and this will have significant implications for those who wish to develop cross-platform Android apps. This is because the native codes and dependencies also need to be migrated by the developers. Such a change requires to React Native applications to use AndroidX on their own. Despite the need for developers to change their own native code, this tool is useful to patch all node modules. This update is inherently necessary for all of these library maintainers. However, using the Jetifer tool together with the recent Native React 0.60 will assist launch a fresh version of AndroidX. Therefore, if you find any errors with AndroidX, it’s best to consider this.

Migration is easy for Android developers through React Native. This is because AndroidX too is an open-source project that helps to map original support library API packages to the AndroidX namespace. Now here’s where developers need to make a choice as the latest version of React Native won’t allow using AndroidX with the old support library.

3) The Removal of lean core: The placement of Web View and Net Info provides a shift with React Native 0.60. Both are now entering the distinct repositories. Not only are both removed from the React Native repository, but they are also separated from their geolocation. This change is based purely on the feedback received over a period of time from the community. React Native offers a better decision when picking up an open-source mobile application framework. This is due to the popularity that React Native has gained over a short span which is pure due to its performance. In addition, in terms of efficiency, it is to be assumed that React Native 0.60 will save more than half of the time due to lean core removal. The development of cross-platform apps for iOS and Android continues unaffected as these will stay the same as the agnostic platform. With the achievement of the Lean Core Project, React Native repository is in a favorable situation. The all-new React Native 0.60 completes the much-anticipated migration to comply with the new regulations of the App Store as Geolocation is eliminated as well.

4) A New and Fresh Start Screen: Finally, the much-debated new screen is here with the latest version of Native React 0.60. This one comes with the latest app screen that is sleekly designed to offer a much better user-friendly experience. Things are simplified for developers, as all the necessary instructions for documentation linkage, starting the debug menu, and even editing App.js is present on the Start screen. It demonstrates your project aligned with the imminent website design for the growth of internet apps. This implies designers can now obtain the guided path for any redesign and alignment of the potential website. The UI is called ‘Hello World’, which helps users get to know and make the most of the whole React ecosystem.

5) Auto-link IOS and Android: So far, the developers are used to understanding the React Native libraries which are affected only by the indigenous or platform-specific libraries. But, with this new release, the auto-linking mechanism offers to use the code, by discovering it for the current project. In addition, improvements are being made in the Auto-Link at the indigenous CLI front of React. The team responsible for rolling out the React Native CLI also introduced the main improvements for connecting the indigenous module. Such auto-linking does not allow developers to use the react-native link even if they have maximum conditions.

6) CocoaPods for iOS: CocoaPods are here in the form of the app-level reliance manager. This is specifically for iOS as with Swift CocoaPods and Objective-C, CocoaPods come by default. Using this recent version, developers will need the xcworkspace file to open and use the iOS platform code. Pod specifications are also updated for internal packages so they are now compatible with Xcode projects. This helps developers to easily debug and fix problems with the development of iOS apps.

React Native vs. Native: A Quick Comparison to look for


IT industry is all about trends! For example every IT firm might have received mails inquiring like, “I need to build replica of Uber”, “I need to build replica of Tinder” and “I need to build replica of Zomato”! And to be honest, trends are not just limited to the products; they are also followed in the development technologies.

For instance, IT companies are forced to hire the resources for React Native! The world is gaga about this development framework and has been in the spotlight for some time now. But, what is the reason of its popularity? What is the base of this framework? And is it really worth all the fuss around it? It is essential to get answers to all of these questions before you join the herd and follow the trend blindly.

What is React Native?

React Native is a Cross Platform mobile application development framework created by Facebook that allows you to develop native mobile apps for iOS and Android with a single JavaScript codebase. It was first introduced in February 2015 by Facebook and was open-sourced in March 2015. Many of the top rated applications like Facebook, Uber, Instagram, Pinterest, Discord, SoundCloud and many others are reprogrammed in React Native.

How does React Native work?

React Native uses the React.js library to develop native applications. Instead of Native components, it is developed in a way web apps are written. With such a framework, it becomes easier, cheaper and faster to develop an application compared to Native applications.

If we are to analyse the scenario till now, it is all good and fair, then why this debate of which is better? Well, every coin has two sides and so has this coined concept. Now, let us understand what are the pros and cons of using React Native and for whom it is best fit and who can avoid this framework.

React Native vs. Native: (Differences and Pros & Cons)

  • Nature of the Application:

If you need an application within a limited time frame, with limited resources and you don’t mind if the application has similar UI and functionalities on both Android and iOS, then React Native is the best fit for you.

But, if you need an application that has a complex functionality and you need to cater a proper native experience for all the iOS and Android users, then native app development is the best for you. Also, the major benefit of React is its cross platform nature, so if you are to build an app for only one of the users, then Native is the best option.

  • Developer Expertise and Experience:

React.js is written in JavaScript; and since it is one of the most popular and wide spread technologies it is not difficult to find qualified developers for your application. But, the problem is that JavaScript is not strongly typed and is based on the interpretation of the developer. So, if the developer is not experienced, there are high chances that there are app errors that can create a havoc that is both devastating and expensive. But, one must not assume that JavaScript is more prone to errors, it simply means that whenever there is an error in JavaScript, it takes more time to search for the errors made by developer on Java then on native development frameworks.

  • Shared Codebase:

Now the biggest myth is that people think that developers can make a complete application on React Native. For any standard application, there are certain material designs and User Interfaces that are platform specific and it is impossible to build all of the application interfaces and modules on React native.

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According to a research, mostly all the application has a shared codebase range of 30-60% only. Rest are to be developed on native platforms only! But, even that range of the shared codebase can save a chuck load of time and money.

  • Rendering Changes in UI:

One of the biggest plus point of using React is that it provides a Hot Reload and Live reloading option. With this feature, the developers who had to spend a tons of tedious hours on rendering changes in the native applications, with React they can save the present state of the application and yet can inject changes in the view mode.  So, if the change is accurate, then it can be rendered and if it is not, the application can be restored and reloaded in its previous state without any efforts.

  • Updates and UI complexity:

While Hot Reload and Live reloading are one of the best features of the applications, the biggest drawback of React is that developers cannot have direct access to many of the cutting edge UI native APIs such as Camera, Touch ID and GPS, as well as tools for creating animations and complex user interface.

Also, React is a product of Facebook and they are under no obligation to update the framework according to the market trends. They are currently using it for Facebook hence developers have access to majority of the updates but if they change the language in future, there is a chance that React can become obsolete! While these are very big assumptions, one cannot completely deny the possibility of this scenario.

  • Dependency on Native platforms:

Although React is in its development stage and it has some amazing cross-platform use cases, it is not possible to eliminate the Native platforms. For instance, it is not possible to develop some modules on React like camera, native image picker, push notifications, deep linking, and third party services like Auth0 or Amplitude. They are to be developed on Native platform only! And so, they might be complementary to those who needs faster go to market and who want to save cost and time by getting advantage of shared codebase, the use of Native cannot be avoided. So, again the task becomes tough for the React Developers as they have to also master the native platforms to enable the above mentioned features for any application.


Now that you know the whole scenario, it is evident that if you need certain amount of money and time on the cost of application functionality, React can be your choice. Start-ups and corporate who are experimenting on an application and who needs MVP (Minimum Viable Product) to launch in the market, React is the best choice for them. But, if you need to perfect your application and render a perfect User Experience with all of the cutting edge features, it is best advised you choose native development frameworks. So, your winner between React Native and Native is dependent upon the purpose of your application.

Which is Better? React Native or Real Native for Mobile app Development


So, you want to develop the mobile apps that work on both Android and iOS… Would you learn the native language for each app or would you learn JavaScript framework that helps to develop applications in both the language with the single code base?

Although in mobile app development ecosystem, before you start developing any apps, you need to choose tools, platforms, frameworks to build the apps. In selecting the right toolset, several factors are considered by mobile app developers i.e.:

  • Nature of the product
  • Target audience
  • Cost of the project
  • Existing code skills
  • Purpose of the app
  • Longevity of the product

Yet, knowing the goals, developers are perplexed by the choice of platform, frameworks or tools. But, the key selection they have to precisely make is about the platform – React Native or Native…

But what is Native applications and React Native all about?

Native applications are developed particularly for a specific platform with the tools specific to a programming language. For instance:  Android, developers need to code in Java using Android studio as the environment, while iOS apps are developed in Objective –C or Swift using Xcode as IDE. Development environments for both are different which means, you will need a team of developers for Android and iOS to develop two different applications.

On the contrary, React Native is a framework created by Facebook which is intended to develop applications for iOS and Android both. Hence, it refrains the need of two different applications; only single code is enough for both Android and iOS platform.

Let’s dive in deeper…..

  • Which is the best? React Native or Native


Well, it all depends on nature, size and target audience of the project.

But, it is said that after the arrival of React Native, there are many improvisations in the UI of mobile app; graphic elements improved to match the standards of platform. Moreover, it is developed by JavaScript which is a simple programming language and can be learned easily. It lessens up the time of app development and the cost as single team of developers can develop one app for two platform.

When it comes to Native apps i.e. Objective C or Swift; it is difficult to cope up with but errors can be caught at early stage of compilation. Moreover, Objective C and Java are getting upgraded to stand at par with modern language.

  • Third-party libraries

In Native app development, for adding functionality, you get full support from API or third party library and third-party library wouldn’t require any further integration. The community is small but there are lot of resources available to available to carry out the app development.

When it comes to React Native, although community is big, it doesn’t support APIs. To use third-party libraries of native apps, these incorporations must be written in Native modules i.e. you need to code for Android and iOS both which is very daunting task.

  • Web app development

When it comes to web app development, React Native stands on leading position. As web development is simple, comprehensive knowledge of web app development will prove beneficial as debugging flows and toolset architecture becomes easier. Moreover, developers can refrain from doing web programming if there are any React.js developers supporting the project.

When we talk about Native application, it has nothing to do with web app development.

  • Community Size

React Native was developed by Facebook which one of the high-performing social media platform. Hence, the number is enough to describe the number on the React Native community which is almost close to 32k. Moreover, React Native is an open source by nature and hence, reusable components can be used in applications.

When it comes to native applications, it doesn’t hold the support of large community and support from peer engineers.

  • App Performance

When Native applications and React Native are compared, both out-performs. With React Native, developing simple apps becomes much easier but if implemented with AR/VR, Blockchain, it may create problems.

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When developing apps with native applications, developers find it easier to develop apps by incorporating the techniques.

  • Reloading

In Native apps, making minor change is pain as it requires you to rebuild everything from scratch. You need to wait for the app to launch again to verify the changes which results into much tedious process. If the file contains number of files, then multiple runs add fuel to the fire and you have to spend much of the time in waiting.

React Native apps are equipped with JS bundle that holds the application code and other assets. Reload process is very quick and you don’t have to rebuild the app ever again as the content of the bundle are cached on the device.

  • Localization

In native apps, developers have to manage the separate files for localizing the strings. Although there are the frameworks that provide easier approach, it lacked standard ways to keep all translations in one place.

React-Native localization – one of the very popular module in React native apps uses single file of translation for strings all over project. This means, developers have to build only JSON file which holds translations for all language. React Native can understand the locale on user’s device and can apply translations accordingly.

So, who wins the battlefield?

By checking out the above-mentioned scenarios, in some ways React Native is standing in front and in some aspects Native proved better. Hence, the app developers need to develop the project on the language that works best according to the requirements.

React Native is the best suited if one is looking to develop app similar to Facebook or Instagram which has large community and reusable components. Native apps are better if one is looking to develop an app that has features of AR or if planning to use third party libraries or APIs.

It is always best to hire React app developers in Toronto to develop the application that can give you an edge to the business.

Wrapping it up

Both Native apps and React Native has its own pros and cons; however, it is up to the mobile app developers to decide which the best one is.

iQlance being the best mobile app development company in Toronto can help to develop the solution that can leverage your business. Our mobile app developers are well versed in developing React Native and Native apps and can build the apps that can cater your requirements.

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