Recently iQlance Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is honoured with a reward by Clutch:

iQlance Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is honoured with a reward by Clutch

We all are aware that success is not an accident. It is welcomed by hard work, dedication and planning.
It is a prestigious occasion for me to declare that iQlance Solution is recently awarded as a top-notch app and web developer of Canada among the top-30 Software development companies by CLutch- a B2B market research company.

iQlance Solution is a leading software development and mobile app development company in Canada and is at 25th position in Canada in the development of mobile app solutions, web apps solutions and software development solutions. App developers Canada has pushed themselves beyond the level of expertise by innovating more than 1000+ solutions for clients across the globe.

iQlance Solution is working to give 100% satisfaction to the assigned clients and takes care of every minute thing. And due to this dedication of experts, we have got this proud moment to share with you all that we are recognized as one of the top app developers in Canada. It is not just a piece of news but is a medal for us.

We are honored by clutch as Top B2B leaders of Canada of the year 2021. I am really very happy and excited to share that with the support of our clients and the team we are able to lead in between the app development companies of Canada.

We are humbled by this triumph, all the more so since it was facilitated by our clients. This, and all of our other honors, are owed to our clients, who have placed their trust in us and supported us. A warm Thank you to clients, for their humble support and trust which brought us to this recognition.

“One of our strengths is the ability of iQlancers to innovate market-grabbing customized solutions. When it comes to iQlance solutions, the sky is the limit. Clients have specialized needs, which iQlance solution is willing to provide. We have stretched our limits to handle any type of complicated solutions, this makes us a win.” — Team iQlance Solutions.

We pledge to work with more dedication and hard work to meet all the requirements of our client. Our team is capable of making more wins. Therefore, what are you waiting for? Let us collaborate to broaden our limits of achievement! Contact us to discuss your next great idea!

Top 6 Unique Real Estate App Ideas To Boost Your Real Estate Business

Real Estate app development

In today’s world, the app development sector is one of the most trending sectors these days. The app development sector has brought various solutions for the different business problems to help the business sectors to grow and increase their brand visibility in the market. People’s lives have been made much more comfortable with the help of the apps. In our day-to-day life, every need of ours is just a single click away with the help of apps. Due to this, we are looking forward to experiencing digital transformations in almost every business sector so that we can save a lot of time.

Real Estate is one of the important business sectors whose trend never goes down in the market and always keep on growing exponentially with the time. As we know nothing is perfect in this world, so this sector also needs some modernization to reach out to the bulk of people and need to incorporate some exciting features that can urge people to fall for them.

Real Estate app development is one of the finest solutions that can help you to take your business to the heights and increase your brand awareness among the people across the world.

Here is the list of Top 6 unique Real Estate app ideas to boost your Real Estate Business:

Property Detail App:

Real Estate app development helps the real estate developers to reach out to the huge masses of people with the help of an application. This kind of apps allows users to view any property and its proper details with the help of such type of apps. This type of apps allows users to search for the property depending upon their preferred area and can filter the property depending upon the price and accommodating capacity. This type of apps also has the functionality of notifying users with the latest deals for any new property or the property they were looking earlier through the app.

Repair Evaluation:

When we buy any old property, it also requires some repairs and maintenance so that it becomes properly fit and comfortable for staying. We keep on searching reliable people who can help us to repair the property at a reasonable price and it takes a lot of time to find such people. So, these types of app are a solution for this problem where the app helps the people to mention all the damages and things that need to be repaired and then generates an estimated cost need to fix all the issues. This type of apps sends their service persons to your property location to fix the issues and payment can be made online with the help of the app only.

Real Estate AR/VR App:

Visual appearance is one the first thing where people directly make up their mind regarding any property whether they want to purchase it or not. Augmented and virtual reality allows the user to have a realistic look at the property through the real estate apps to get a better idea about the property they are willing to purchase. This helps the people to a great extent while making any final decision regarding the property. The real-estate AR/VR app even makes it better for the realtors to connect with a greater number of users by providing them with the visual appearance of the properties.

Locality Review App:

While searching for a property we also consider the locality where the property is situated. Locality review app is one of the greatest Real estate App development solutions that would help people to see the ratings and feedback given by other users for that particular locality and can rate the locality area. The ratings are given on various aspects like amenities, Crime rate, cost of living and many more things. This App also provided the users with the comparisons for the other nearby societies in the same where the user is looking for properties.

Document Library App:

Buying and selling of properties require a lot of documentation process to undergo all the procedures smoothly. It becomes a difficult task to arrange all the documents at a particular time. This App plays an important role in helping the people to understand which documents are required to proceed further in terms of property buying and categorizes the document based on the realtor’s need. User can also upload documents and save them in the app for future usage. It also allows to do electronic signature on the documents and can print the hard copy immediately.

Property Investment App:

Real Estate is one of the profitable business among all the business sectors in the world. But for earning profits, realtors need to spend some amount first so that they can incorporate new and exciting features in the app that can attract a greater number of users towards them. A good Property investment app provides the users with a lot of detailed information regarding the property and assists on each step to continue further. This app helps users to go through the property designs, space and they make their decision This app also contains chatbot where user can connect with them to solve any of their queries.


If you are running a Real Estate business and want to reach out to the huge mass of people, then your business needs to go through the digital transformation. All the above-mentioned ideas will surely help you to take your business to the heights of success and increase your brand visibility in the market.

Are you looking for Real Estate app development solutions?

iQlance solutions is a leading mobile app development company in Canada with 5+ years of experience in developing the highest quality real estate app development solutions. We have a highly qualified team of app developers Toronto that will surely help in transforming your Real Estate app ideas into reality.

Feel Free to contact us now.

How Much Cost to Build Messaging Apps Like WhatsApp or Telegram?

Cost to develop a messaging app like WhatsApp

Whenever the thought of developing a messaging app like WhatsApp or Telegram strikes your mind, The first important thing that you need to consider is the costing of the application that can go beyond $50,000, when we are considering it for both the Android and the iOS Platforms.

You must be curious to know How much does it cost to develop a mobile application like these to grow at such a tremendous rate. What kind of features is being introduced that have increased their cost to this extent? Is it the market demand for the application that its prices are touching the sky?

A simple answer to all these questions is that these apps have made a huge impact on the lifestyle of humans by connecting people from remote areas to communicate through Text, and Video calls. These applications have made it possible for the world to stay connected to their loved ones even if they are far away from them. Just a simple call or message from the loved using these applications put a smile on users faces.

What is the importance of this app and Why It has become more prominent in the market place?

The Messaging Apps Like WhatsApp, Telegram, hike were introduced in the market a long time back with the main objective to make people stay connected in a simple, faster, and cheaper manner with the help of internet connectivity. The major functionality of these apps is to provide users a medium to exchange their thoughts in real-time.

WhatsApp is continuously providing us the new features that we are liking the most. It is continuously evolving. When WhatsApp was introduced in the market It didn’t have more advanced features that it is having now. It was just like a Facebook messenger before but now it has provided many exciting features.
If we take an example of the WhatsApp, It not only offers the text messages but also the audio and video calls. You can upload stories on WhatsApp like Snapchat, Facebook. You can share pictures, videos with the people. It has also come up with features like a dark theme to make it look more aesthetic.

Roles and Functionalities:

The main roles and functionalities of the messaging app like WhatsApp are :
♦ Instant Chatting
♦ Exchanging pictures and videos
♦ Voice messages
♦ Audio and video calls
♦ Sharing Live Location
♦ Sharing contacts

The presence of all these features has made these apps prominent as they provide a simple way to stay connected with the people who are far away from us. In terms of technology, we can say that the platform independency of these apps has made them a great choice across the world.

Roles and Functionalities:

For developing a successful application we need to analyze and know the demand of the target audience properly. We also need to focus on some points mentioned below:
♦ Explore and do a lot of research about your idea to check the feasibility of the application idea that you want to develop.
♦ Discuss about your Idea with the developing team so that they can understand the requirement accurately and share their views on the feasibility of the idea that you have shared.
♦ You need to have an experienced team of developers, designers, UI/UX team, Project managers, Quality assurance engineers to be involved in the process of development of the application
♦ Plan the budget of your application development in advance so there is not an issue that will hamper your application development process in between.

Step by step planning for developing a Messaging App:

It needs proper planning to develop a messaging application and keeping every small thing in mind to be considered for development.
Following steps should be followed:
♦ Plan the proper structure of the application
♦ Select the Correct Monetization model
♦ Integrating the Features and the functionalities
♦ Select Experienced team of developers
♦ Turn your Idea into a final Product

Plan the proper structure of the application:

In order to turn your idea into a successful Project. It is important to plan it in the right way. When you want to make an application that is similar to the WhatsApp, You need to understand the whole background of the application that makes it such an impactful message exchanging machine. We need to acquire all the important technology-related information.
Select the correct Monetizing Model:
Before developing any application you need to choose the proper monetizing model, so that it will be profitable for you also. You need to understand and focus on the Target Audience. There is much need to do this to understand which people are likely to use your application. What are they actually looking for in a messaging application? You also need to know your competitors and do research about their application in order to make your application better and updated. you need to add something new and innovative into your application to attract customers towards your application.

Choosing Monetizing Models:

In-App Purchase:
You can allow the users of your application to buy different stickers or additional features to make their messaging more interactive.

In-App Advertising:
By introducing the feature of advertisement in the application you can monetize your app. But the app shouldn’t get overflowed with the ads that will annoy the users and have a bad impact on your app.

P2P Payments:
This method has been used by the WhatsApp for monetizing their application. Users can send payment to each other but need to pay the fixed amount of fee for each transaction.

Integrating the features and Functionalities:
The only thing that can affect the costing of your app development process is the feature and functionalities. These two important factors will decide whether your application will be accepted in the market or not. Not only these but a powerful server is also required to maintain backend properly.

Select the experienced team of developers:
To make your app development successful, You need to have a brilliant team that will convert your idea into a success story. Decide a team that will work on this development process. The team should have a Project Manager, Business Analyst, Software Developers, Testers, UI/UX designers, and Marketing Manager.

Turn your idea into an absolute Design:
Always keep the most important thing in your mind that If your application is not alluring and easy to use, all your efforts will go in vain. Always try to use simple font styles, the right choice of color combination, layout, an icon on each application page.


It’s really important to conclude that messaging apps demand in the market is increasing and this will take the mobile app development industry to a great extent.

Building applications similar to WhatsApp OR Telegram will not make you successful, You need to come up with something innovative and creative that would boost the marketing of your mobile application.

If you find yourself stuck with any issue, then it’s worth joining hands with a leading mobile app development company in Canada.

Our dedicated team of app developers Toronto will provide you the best messaging and social networking app development solutions and the ideas for developing the application in your budget.

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Have a look at the services and development process of the iQlance solution. See What process we follow for mobile app and software development. Have a look at how we are praised by our clients Start a conversation to innovate your next great idea into reality with us.

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