All about the best dating app in Toronto

Krunal Vyas: Posted August 19, 2019 In App Developers
dating app development in Toronto

Technology has crept into almost every sphere of our life. Be it food, studies, travel, lifestyle, or socializing we can always find an app for it, most of all, ever since the advent of mobiles. There are tutorial apps that can teach you, apps where you can order food, book rooms in hotels, or even market apps such as Flipkart and Amazon to buy certain products. Well, there is another kind of app also (in the socializing circle) that helps you in finding partners you may want to date. As it is very hard to get time from a busy schedule to find a good partner so such dating apps are like a blessing for such individuals.

The dating apps development companies can be found in abundance in Toronto and elsewhere. Various dating apps that we may come across include Woo You, Tinder, Bumble, EliteSingles, eSingles, SilverSingles and many more. These dating app development companies based in Toronto have been coming up with unique ideas of dating. One of such dating app companies came with an idea of having a similar kind of taste in eating so they could enjoy the food and each other’s company together. So, there are many apps to fulfill the fantasy to meet a partner but it is very hard to find the best app developer in Toronto as this app needs a lot  of attention.

The market in Toronto is flooded with dating development app companies. But what if these companies develop apps that do not meet the requirements of the user, and may not have a very attractive and easy to use interface. There are various factors that must be accounted for while developing a dating app.


To begin with, one of such factors is the privacy and security of a customer’s credentials and his/her likes and dislikes. It’s not a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get). A young girl may be provided with wrong details due to which she might even have to suffer. In the last 5 years or so, such crimes have been on the rise. So, anybody who wants to use your dating app must be liable to provide some sort of identification for the safety of the other person. Not only will this be good for the customer, but it will also be good for the company as well that develops the dating app.

dating app development

Distance and Location

Consider developing a dating app, that matches your likes and dislikes, and finds you a partner albeit a thousand miles away. Such an app is, to be precise, useless. Who would go looking for a dating partner so far away? Well, nobody. The app must have a location-based search system. So if you are in Toronto, you find friends in and around Toronto, not the UK or Australia.

Most important of all, the three features that every user will be looking for include access control, match making (don’t confuse with marriage), and messaging or chatting with the other partner.

Access Control

A majority of apps, whether for Android or iOS, allow their users to sign up using Facebook, Twitter, or Google. The reason for this is not the one-click sign-up option rather by doing so these apps can access the common circle of friends that the users may share. One thing that needs to be done before allowing a user to sign-up using a social website id is to warn them that they will not post any dating app related information to that social website. A good example of this is Her, where only female users are allowed. So there is no question of time wasters embarrassing the users of the app. Some apps verify your pictures while others verify your place of work, school, and your mutual friends. In the past, dating apps allowed fake names to be posted, but as dating is all about meeting people, users are encouraged to post their actual details in the profile they present.

Match Making

The dating apps match people based on their interests, location, friend circle etc. There are no fixed mathematical formulae for matching of partners. While Tinder makes the matches based on their interest and location, Hinge does it from within a circle you already have. What Hinge does it might limit the number of matches that can be made but it sure is one way to guarantee the security of its users. There is yet another dating app Dine that uses the services offered by Yelp to let you choose three restaurants of your choice. It then matches your choice with that of others to help find you a partner who even might have similar eating and drinking habits.

Like I mentioned earlier, there is no fixed algorithm for matchmaking. Some apps can ask you questions while matchmaking that you just might think “are you crazy man?”. For instance, OkCupid might ask you “You like a dog or a cat?”. Yes, crazy but a way of matching your interests.


Another aspect of a dating app is the ability of the app to allow its users to chat or message each other. Almost every dating app does provide for this option. However, users tend not to be too active on dating apps. Once a match is made they may not even start with a hello soon enough. The JSwipe app came up with a perfect solution for this. If you don’t start a conversation, matches made will expire. But some users have found a way out of this also. They would send insensitive messages, and other users might leave the app. OkCupid has its own way. It does not force conversation but reminds you time and again that you have a match and you can start a conversation.

The UI

Besides the above-mentioned features, the users must have access to an app with a very easy to use UI. Imagine a UI of a dating app that comes up with multiple matches for you showing the picture, name, age, gender, and other details in a list. Just how boring. You would like to have a UI where a card could present all the details including the pic, and you could just swipe left or right for more results.

How to gain users?

Having talked a great deal about what a dating app should look like or the features it should have, let’s jump down to the question that matters the most – not to the end-user but the app development company – how do we gain users? Well, there are so many apps for dating today that it is quite a problem to bring users to your app. Listed here are some of the facts that must be kept in mind while developing the app.

  1. Target Audience: Though there are a number of dating apps, each has its own target base. Some apps allow the only similar type of communities to date (JSWIPE), similar gender dating apps (Bro, Hey), LGBT community(Her), and even for those who have the same kind of pets (Twindog). This must be decided at the onset of the project itself.
  2. Positioning Your App: Once the target audience is decided, the next thing should be how to communicate with the audience. Your app must send a clear message that will show in all your advertising material.
  3. Advantage Over Others: Having defined your positioning, evaluate how your app differs from others in a better way. Use this competitive edge anywhere you can while reaching out to the users.
  4. Start a Social Media Page: Almost every user today is hooked on to the net, rather the social media. The youth of today can be easily reached out from some kind of social media be it Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp or some other. You can promote your dating apps ad on a Facebook page and also allow the user to link to the app or download it from there only. This increases your reach to your customer.
  5. Have a Website: Having a website is one of the great advantages the development company could think off. The company could showcase all the features of its app on the website with some nice graphics such as how the app might display results on different devices, and how responsive the app is.
  6. Blogs: Within the website, you may resort to writing blogs that will feature the various aspects of the dating app and also build an emotional connection between the app and the potential user.
  7. Do not fall prey to Fake Accounts: As a new app, you might think it as a strategy to show that your app is quite popular among users. Thus you may create fake accounts for the said purpose. On the contrary, this may have a negative impact on the potential user. The user today is quite intelligent to understand that a new app in the market cannot have so many users in such a less time. Instead of gaining you might even happen to lose your potential users. Don’t go for this game.


A whole bunch of dating apps are on the market today. However, there are only a few of them that happen to succeed. These are the ones that take care of their users by vouching for their security, provide matches that are within the reachable distances, have a nice UI, and also know how to attract potential customers. iQlance is famous for providing best app development services in Toronto according to the business requirements.

krunal Vyash

About the Author:

Krunal Vyas

B.Eng., MBA, PMP®

I’m Krunal Vyas, IT Consultant at iQlance Solutions. Is one of the name of website and Mobile app Development, I’ve helped more than 250+ Clients to build meaningful mobile apps and website. Call me today for FREE CONSULTATIONS:

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