.NET Core Vs Java: Which is better for your project?

.NET Core Vs Java


Dot Net core and Java technologies are adopted in many dot net developments based companies not only in India but also worldwide. Both languages are based on object-oriented methodologies and provide enterprise-level development opportunities for different domains. To start work on a particular project, it’s always a challenge for the developers to choose the right programming language.

The most successful manner to accomplish this is by developing software companies hiring developers who have experience in these skills with application development. The purpose of using Java and Dot net language is to develop application development as per certain business requirements.

They are an excellent choice for working on complex architectures and high load performance-based applications using the features of modular structure code that provides flexibility, more manageable debugging, and the capability to reuse the code.

Here is the list of types of organizations and Domain where .Net core and Java is used



  • Airbnb
  • Google
  • Netflix
  • Spotify
  • LinkedIn
  • eBay
  • Instagram.


  • MicrosoftIntel
  • Dell
  • Stack Overflow
  • Accenture
  • Alibaba Travels
  • ViaVarejo
  • Intuit



  • Standalone based applications
  • Distributed applications
  • Applets/ Desktop GUI Applications.
  • Mobile based Applications.
  • Enterprise based Applications.
  • Scientific based Applications.
  • Embedded Systems.
  • Big Data Technologies.


  • E-commerce
  • Content Management System (CMS) framework
  • microservice-based e-commerce application
  • Blog engine
  • GraphQL
  • Real-time based IoT enabled


We can consider Java as a general-purpose programming language that is based on object-oriented approaches using class-based methods. Java applications are mainly used to compile the byte code that executes in the background on the ava virtual machine (JVM).

The syntax of Java is equivalent to C and C++ and it was released in 1995. Java is preferable to develop the application for Scientific applications, Embedded systems, and middleware products.

Advantages of Java for software development:

Simple: Java is more specific to use, write, compile, debug, and retain than alternative programming languages. It is much easier than other Object-oriented languages as per its automated memory and garbage collection mechanisms.

Object-Oriented: Object-oriented languages define certain features such as classes, objects, abstraction, inheritance, polymorphism using these developers can easily create modular programming and reusability of code.

Secure: It provides the security mechanism on the compiler, interpreter, and runtime environment
Distributed computing – Java has excellent networking capability. It is organized such that distributed computing is manageable with the networking capacity that is naturally incorporated into it.

Platform-Independent: Java provides the convenience of writing programs in various types of OS and software platforms and it runs on any java-compatible browser. This provides the capability to move code efficiently from one computer system to another with its reusability features.

Robust: It is a robust and reliable programming language. Its compilers can easily catch errors in the coding using exception handling, and garbage collection approaches using these qualities make Java a more robust programming language.

Multithreaded: Java is suitable for performing multiple tasks at a single time. Java is used mainly for finance and stock-based use cases with IoT-enabled devices. It is an open-source technology as Oracle OpenJDK (Java Development Kit). It provides the support of Kotlin, Scala, Groovy, etc.

Disadvantages of Java

Performance: From the performance perspective, Java consumes the memory and comparatively to actively compiled languages like C or C++.

Memory Management: In Java, memory is contained via garbage collection, whenever the garbage collector executes, it impacts the performance of the application. as per the threads have to be controlled to allow the garbage collector thread to perform.

Look and feel: The default look of the GUI applications written in Java is significantly different from the native look.

.Net Core

: Dot NET Core is an open-source framework and enables the capability to handle various types of applications and run into different types of operating systems such as Windows, Linux, and mac-OS operating systems using cross-platform techniques.

Below are the listed features that involve certain techniques.

  • The .NET Core runtime provides a type method, a garbage collector for cleaning up unused resources, native interop, assembly loading, and other important services. The .NET Core framework libraries define primitive data types, fundamental utilities, and app composition classifications.
  • The ASP.NET runtime presents a framework for creating modern cloud-based internet-connected applications, for example, web apps, IoT apps, and mobile backends.
  • The .NET Core CLI tools and language compilers using (Roslyn and F#) allow the most acceptable .NET Core developer experience.
  • The dotnet tool is utilized to establish .NET Core apps and CLI tools. It sets and hosts the runtime, delivers an assembly loading policy, and establishes beneficial apps and tools.
  • Dot NET Core Framework can be utilized to create various kinds of applications such as web, desktop, mobile, cloud, and IoT enabled, machine learning, microservices, and gaming.
  • Dot NET Core contains all the features that are needed to execute a basic Dot NET Core app.
  • It provides the in-built capability of NuGet packages using this developers can easily integrate certain essential packages in the .net Core solution.
  • Dot NET Core application pace up the performance decreases the memory tread and provides the best manageability techniques.
  • The runtime allows the most suitable execution of .NET Core binaries.
  • ASP.NET Core is a framework and a collection of libraries that are willing to operate to create web apps and APIs.
  • .NET Core CLI (common language interface) is the platform CLIs, as it allows developers to create, build, publish, set up, and scaffold their projects.
  • It provides a self-contained solution with .Net Core 3.0 on Windows, Linux, and Raspberry
  • Lesser Code: The most delinquent technology indicates that it uses less coding, making it effortless for the coders to optimize their code using fewer statements.
  • Maintenance: It is easy to maintain as the code written in Dot NET is short. It is easy to understand when new developers start work on the existing application they can easily understand and enhance it as per certain logic.

Disadvantages of Dot NET Core

Tooling is challenging in Dot NET. As per the regular update by Microsoft, When trying to create an application and trying to discover the root cause for a certain exception, it could be a bit challenging because there is a regular update in the documentation that happens on the latest framework.

The documentation of the ASP.NET Core is not significant when compared to different development technologies. It is being updated very repeatedly and any intervals present are being served actively by Microsoft and other supporters for the project.

.Net Core Vs Java

The comparison between Java and Dot NET is mentioned below

Basics Microsoft developed .NET as an open-source framework. and Java was developed by James Gosling it is Java as a programming language that Sun Microsystems then established in 1995.

Target Platforms Both of these languages enable to run the application on Linux and Windows. As per the best principal approach, Linux stages are mainly performed by Java developers and on the other hand, Dot net developers are allowed to use it as per the conditions of the defined windows.

Switch & Strings C# languages provide to use a switch statement on a string variable. Java 7 was the primary discharge that allowed this concept, so more founded Java frameworks do not provide the switch expression sentence structure.

Integrated Development Environment The IDE in Java furnishes a compiler, code editor, and debugger to facilitate the function of code building. The platforms are very user-friendly and beginners can effortlessly begin with them. In the case of Dot NET, Visual Studio is incorporated into it which contains many language-specific components. The IDE performs as a numerous workspace interface that supports development actions such as editing and compiling.

Programming Languages Java and .Net core platforms provide support for standard programming languages, using Ruby and Python. One of the distinctive features of Java is that it defines a single language between different platforms using this program can be written with it operate independently across different OS types.

On the different hand, the .NET framework maintains C#, Visual Basic, F# as per the ability of a multi-programming environment, and Java is based on a single programming language that is a generous approach in supporting multiple.

Why Dot NET is Better Than Java

After the detailed level of understanding on Java and .Net core here we will understand the various factors of why Dot net core is better than Java.

Secure Platform
Dot NET is scanned by Microsoft’s Asp.NET as a closed and secure platform. Hence, security-related issues can be easily addressed and handled professionally and can be used with the latest technologies. As java is open-source, but comparatively from the Dot net core, it has fewer resources and professional support. And Java provides regular updates during runtime that can impact the user experience and annoy many users as per the usage. Dot NET doesn’t encounter such difficulties.

Most Suitable Runtime as CLR
Common Language Runtime(CLR) is excellent in multiple technical parameters than JVM and JRE. As JVM is a compiler it completely translates Java Byte Code into exhaustive instruction for or underlying operating systems, not instantly for computing machines. Hence, it is always lagging and requires regular updates for support of better-operating systems. But using CRL of Dot net developers can not face these challenges.

Most appropriate Programming Languages
Java is a programming language on the other side Dot NET is a framework that utilizes C# for writing codes. Java is an easy-to-learn programming language with rigid patterns and C# is flexible as it is a high-level language with excellent Object-Oriented Programming properties. Hence, newbies usually begin by working with Java and then come into C#.

Powerful IDE
Dot NET operates Visual Studio IDE(Integrated Development Environment), which contains all the tools and important features with modern templates and packages with these tools, developers can develop applications in more robust and simpler ways. It lets developers design, program, test, and debug any classification of application targeted at ASP.NET.

Flexible App Deployment

Using .net core we can deploy a web application with the best Convenience and flexibility abilities we can consider it as a reliable process.

Here are two ways to deploy the web app:

Framework-dependent deployment: This type of deployment is based on shared-system elements. It can be executed only by the app you have created and 3rd party dependencies. This enables saving memory on host systems.

Self-contained deployment: It is not dependent on shared components. The features of .NET Core runtime and .NET libraries are made different from other .NET Core applications.

Worldly-wise Programming Features

The ASP.NET Core stack has robust additional and advanced features These contain:

  • Language independence
  • Asynchronous programming
  • Comfortable to update and customize feature-rich enterprise-grade web applications
  • Excellent development of MVC web applications and RESTful APIs
  • Multiple language support
  • Automatic memory management
  • Cross-platform architecture
  • Package management
  • Garbage collection
  • These features make it more comfortable, quicker, and efficient for developers to create robust and advanced web applications.

What Types of Projects are Best Suited for ASP.NET Core?

Here are the examples of various types of projects and use-cases we can start using ASP.Net core.

Mobile: We can develop mobile-based applications on tablets and smartphones. It is classified into two distinct categories.

Web-based Apps: With Web-based apps, we no need to configure and install procedures and they can be executed via a mobile web browser.

Hybrid Apps: It is about the native portable mobile apps, it can be installed on the device, but internally it can be run on the web apps inside of the application container.

Web Apps: These apps are deployed and can be published to a web server and executed via an internet browser utilizing HTTP and HTTPS protocols. We can consider it as a collection of HTML web pages as a single source of UI and can be run or executed on local or remote networks.

Web Services: It is a web method-based Services that combine with the client through a unique address (URL) with the help of SOAP, XML, and HTTP(S) protocols to access or consume additional services, apps, and components.

Internet of Things (IoT) Apps: They are constructed on the Internet of Things devices and can be developed for any specific use case to get the real-time data and collect and store it into the database from various types of business sources such as industrial automation, automotive, healthcare, smart homes and buildings, wearable technology, and other sources.

To secure the data in ASP.NET project, SSL certificate is also necessary, which secures the data between the server and the browser. To secure ASP.NET application, configure application to use SSL certificate.

When to Choose ASP.NET Core?

As a developer’s thought process sometimes it is confusing when to choose ASP.Net Core. When we have certain requirements to develop an application from the initial stage then we should go with NET Core, as it’s the future design framework. Or if we have our existing application to migrate using .Net Core it provides the best features of migration and compatible techniques on this.

NET Core is one of the most prevalent and valued web-development frameworks to create web apps. Developers can build robust apps faster with the ASP.NET Core Framework. As it’s a cross-platform open-source project with outstanding technical assistance support.

  • Web Apps and Services
  • IT can be Deploy or Publish Anywhere
  • Single Page UI Applications
  • Run .NET in Browser
  • Advanced Integrated Development Tools
  • Advance Hosting Options
  • Middleware Pipeline configuration
  • Dependency Injection
  • Internet of Things
  • Unified Object Model
  • C# Language
  • Cross-Platform Framework


We hope this article helped you understand the .NET Core Vs Java. Here, we discussed the detailed level of the concept of the benefits and advantages and concepts on which technology is better for your project with the various ways and techniques. It makes your project applications more robust, responsive, flexible, and scalable, which will be helpful to professional developers from .net backgrounds, application architectures, and other learners looking for information on Microsoft .Net core using C#. You will find more useful articles like this one at iQlance. We are a Software Development Company India in India and Hire .NET Developers in India.. Check out the official site for more information.

Full Stack Microsoft .NET Application Performance Monitoring

In the .Net framework, performance monitoring is essential and provides a critical factor in application development. Using the .Net monitoring developers can track the real-time performance and check the issues. In Microsoft .Net there’re various ways to enable the automated process and lets developers monitor all the production issues while performing the website portal. 

As per the current IT market trends, performance tuning and monitoring play an important role in various types of .Net-based IT software development companies such as .Net, and ASP.Net in India, that hire .Net developers and focus on these latest innovations and demands developers should technically sound and upgrade. 

The most suitable way to track the performance of your ASP.NET development application is with an application performance management (APM) resolution. 

In order to achieve outstanding ASP.NET performance monitoring mandates tracking your application in different ways, such as server CPU usage, recognizing slow web requests, lagging SQL queries, and garbage collection metrics.

Techniques of ASP.Net Applications Performance Monitoring

  • Web performance – Comprehensive application performance
  • Distinct requests – Closely monitor essential “key transactions”
  • Application anomalies – Error rates & unknown errors
  • SQL queries – Determine lagging queries and overall downshift
  • Application DB dependencies – Performance issues while fetching the data from DBs such as SQL Server, MongoDB, Redis, and Oracle DB.
  • Metrics – Windows Performance issues on certain counters or custom metrics
  • Logs – Monitor ASP.Net application logging for definite issues
  • Request tracing – Viewing code rank performance details

Types of .NET Monitoring Tools

.NET monitoring allows developers to improve application performance. These tools nourish speedy assistance during critical events, such as low-level CPU and heavy memory consumption.

Currently, here we have various types of .NET monitoring tools.


We can resolve inappropriate requests and CPU-heavy memory usage issues using standard .NET monitoring tools. Standard is the way to monitor the applications when the CPU is in heavy consumption. It lets developers enhance the CPU performance and provides the assertive approach to optimize memory usage and locate the ways where memory leaks.


Developers can use lightweight techniques using the .NET framework and track the tools every day. It is lightweight and easy to manage, it equips less performance impact on application code. It has a lightweight architecture that is easy to access. It also enables the tracing features that contain the code profiling to understand its performance at an excessive level.

The lightweight monitoring tool for .NET developers is the Stackify Prefix. Developers can easily configure their workstations and it performs using the .NET CLR profiler hence it does not require the code or any configuration setup. It automatically monitors the performance of standard .NET frameworks and libraries.


We see various types of application errors while testing and frequent change in the infrastructure environment in application development.

It is essential to tackle these types of issues and find the root cause of such repeated problems.

To deal with such types of highly complex application development issues, monitoring tools might not be sufficient.

To enable the best mechanism to handle these types of issues, here we have an Application Performance Management (APM) solution.

APMs recommend handling the performance when a certain request comes to load a huge number of data into the web form and same time when this web-portal link to being used by multiple types of users same time. These types of issues could be from various factors such as lengthy database queries, logging, data anomalies, and web service requests, it permits developers to find the root cause of issues and rectify the errors to enhance application performance.

Monitoring SQL Performance

When your SQL database is centralized and is being used for various types of data sources and generates heavy loads. 

There are a bunch of techniques where database problems drive the major performance problems on the ASP.NET application. Detailed SQL monitoring is necessary for ASP.NET performance monitoring.

Here we can Determine Slow SQL Queries and can track easily and identify each query and Retrace automatically tracks all the SQL queries being executed by your ASP.NET application. It uniquely identifies each query and releases dynamic data used in the queries.

NET Memory Profiler

The .NET Memory Profiler is a robust mechanism to monitor memory leaks. It improves memory usage with the .Net languages such as C#, VB.Net in the application development.

Developers can utilize its various features such as profiling directories, automated memory analyzers, and specialized trackers.

These are the preliminary features to check memory consumption or resource leaks. Here are the methods to find memory usage.

Discover Memory leaks – Here we have the feature of profiling guides that gives easy tips to detect memory leaks.

For example, the guide allows the developer to navigate and determine memory leaks through snapshot display and identification of .NET memory usage.

Reduce Resource Usage – The .NET memory profiler guarantees that there are no resource leaks.

Instantaneous Applications – The .NET memory profiler lets developers know how to enhance memory and resource usage. Developers get details about unreasonable memory and resource usage. Additionally, it delivers acuities of unreasonable or bad allocation patterns that will negatively affect certain applications’ performance.

Examine memory problems in the production environment deployed code – The challenging part of performance maintenance is debugging codes in the production environment. Developers prefer to use WinDbg or SOS for performance memory issues. Despite that, it takes plenty of time. To resolve these types of situations .NET memory profiler can fix the problem using the free NmpCore tool that can perform with the best performance in the production environment and run in minutes

Enhance debugging experience – Developers discover the .NET memory profiler is easy to operate. It allows we can use the examination of memory usage issues within the development environment and memory usage insights while debugging inside Visual Studio IDE.is effortless.


  • It offers an assertive performance monitoring 
  • Lets developers to Analyzes allocated server-side .NET Transactions
  • It helps to implement low-level .NET code observations and identify errors
  • Delivers in-depth monitoring using advanced .NET Framework, CLR, and IIS
  • Enhances faster using advanced intelligence using automated root-cause analysis.


We hope this article helped you understand Full Stack Microsoft .NET Application Performance Monitoring.  Here, we discussed the various level of the concept of the factors and advantages of application monitoring along with the benefits. You will find more useful articles like this one at Iqlance. We are a Software Development Company India and Hire.NET Developers in India.

Top .NET Trends in 2022 and Future Scope

Top .NET Trends in 2022

Microsoft is doing the phenomenal enhancement in the world of the .Net framework ecosystem in more scalable, reliable ways. Different scale levels of organizations, such as software development, ASP.NET web-based, and Custom Software Development Company in India, they already adopted and focused on .Net technologies, and hire .Net developers with the talent of website development, and mobile development with the skills to develop better interactive user interfaces. In this digital stage, there are various developments we can see in the automated web development trends. In order to stay competitive and upgrade in this digital era, organizations need to know the current innovations and latest trends in the .Net world.

In this blog, we will understand the latest 2022 .Net trends along with modern .Net concepts and advancement innovations trends that are beneficial to the software developers,. net architects, and organizations.

Here are insights about the top .NET trends 

1) ASP.NET and ASP.NET core to Outstanding Web Development Framework

As per the market research, studies show ASP.NET/ASP.NET core framework is the most preferable, demanding, and prominent technology. Google trends declare there are many developers/programmers searching topics and their queries related to ASP.Net topics.
It shows both startups and enterprise companies are progressing in the modern open-source application development. Advanced ASP. NET core framework offers a more secure, flexible, and better performance as compared to the traditional ASP.NET framework. 

In the latest ASP.NET core 2022, there are extensive ranges of programming languages such as C#, F#, Python. 
ASP.NET Core is an open source, multi cross-platform framework for developing a modern application, interactive UI using the cloud and helpful to build the internet-connected apps.
Besides this, Microsoft community and team, they are constantly working on more new upgrades and updates as per the developer’s requirements.

Here are the unified features of ASP.NET core.

  1. Advanced architected single page and dynamic application with better testability.
  2. Razor Pages technique provides the coding page to deliver the solution more productively.
  3. Blazor enables C# within the browser using JavaScript.
  4. Capability to develop and execute and run the solution on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  5. Integration of advanced, client-side frameworks and enhanced workflows.
  6. Feature of hosting Remote Procedure Call (RPC) services with gRPC.
  7. A high-performance, lightweight, and commutable HTTP request pipeline.
  8. Ability to host on apps on Kestrel, IIS,APACHE,DOCKER, and Side-by-side versioning environments.
  9. A cloud-ready, environment-based configuration system technique.
  10. In-Built dependency injection technique.

2) Better Serverless Computing with .NET Core

Serverless computing using cloud SaaS provides the best solution these days, they are expanding in different ‌domains in the world of web application development.

Serverless computing is gaining more visibility in terms of development applications in terms of better scalability, stability, and the betterment of security. We can take the example of the Microsoft Azure function, which provides serverless computing techniques hence, developers can create their custom azure function and publish it without considering about hosting into physical servers.

  • It proposes various productive services to build assertive cloud based applications with the .NET Core programming language.
  • Here are the Benefits of Serverless computing 
  • Enhanced scalability
  • Better Affordability
  • Faster time-to-market
  • Improved Scheduled maintenance
  • Reliability and powerful mechanism to build robust cloud apps

There are serverless computing cloud service providers, such as Microsoft, Google, and Amazon. They offer the various types of plan as per the business and organizations’ requirements at a lower cost as compared to traditional computing technologies we can consider, as Serverless computing is a highly cost-effective approach and most preferred choice of developers.

3) .Net 6 Framework

.Net 6 is the more advanced and updated open-source version launched by Microsoft. As per the current trends .Net 6 provides the best compatibility of cross-platform using Cross-platform and allows runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux. It provides long-term support(LTS) that enables the unified ecosystem platform for browser, desktop, cloud, mobile, and IoT-based applications as per the different requirements of the business.

Benefits of .NET 6 framework

  • Single-File Apps
  • Modern Microsoft UI Automation Providers
  • Minimal Windows Applications
  • SDK version checking
  • LoggerMessageAttribute logging API

4) ML.NET 1.4 Framework

As per the current .Net framework trends, ML.NET 1.4 introduced recently by Microsoft. It provides a web-based and desktop framework that enables the various ‌features and tools to implement machine learning algorithms in .Net applications in various types of platforms as per the necessity for use-cases of data science and data analytics requirements. It offers the collective APIs to build smart data science and artificial intelligence application with less and simple coding approaches.

There are various types of tools and APIs available which can be helpful to develop applications that can help to build your application in more automated ways along with big data analytics.

ML.NET 1.4 incorporates the various features of Artificial Intelligence and data science. The framework brings all the tools to accommodate Machine Learning algorithms within .NET Core applications. Using ML.NET 1.4, developers can also build web, mobile, and desktop-based application.

5) AI enabled Chatbots

Microsoft provides the latest trend to developers who are passionate on the Artificial intelligence (AI) enabled applications. Microsoft Azure provides various types of resources in the terms of AI based API services such as Azure BOT service, Azure QnA services, Azure cognitive and so on.

Developers can easily consume these services in the .Net core framework solution after publishing with the help of key, value pairs and can develop a custom chatbot as per the business needs.

There are also plenty of services of data retrieval methods, natural language processing, and machine learning, which can be easily integrated in the modern visual studio.

AI-enabled chatbots can improve the customer experience using the text and voice detector and grow a business in more automated and fastest ways. It helps to provide the solutions to real time problems and provides the quick solution same time with the smooth automated experience.

6) Enhanced Security features with .NET Core Framework

Microsoft introduced the more enhanced security features and better performance with .NET core framework that can be easily implemented in the .net core applications.

It prevents to intruders from injecting nasty cyber attacks into your applications.

Below are the security features: 

  1. RCR (Runtime Code Regions)
  2. Structured Exception Handling Benefactor 
  3. CAS leveraging full trust code
  4. In-Built Authentication and Authorization techniques
  5. Data protection capabilities 
  6. HTTPS enforcement approaches 
  7. Safe storage of app secrets in application development
  8. XSRF/CSRF prevention methods
  9. Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
  10. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks

ASP.NET Core delivers various tools and built-in libraries approached to secure applications with the store apps secrets using its built-in identity providers along with third-party identity services using Twitter, LinkedIN, Facebook.

7) Asp.Net Core Docker Feature

The Latest ASP.NET core provides the Docker feature that provides the more improved secure, scalable, outstanding reliability techniques. Docker is the best container of automated technology, and it enables the fastest and quicker deployment solutions within a more fast turnaround time.

  1. ASP.NET core docker approaches methods:
  2. ASP.NET Core operates HTTPS by default. 
  3. HTTPS relies on in-built trust certificates to enable identity and encryption techniques.
  4. HTTPS manages the .NET command-line interface (CLI). 
  5. Docker 17.06 can be used Docker CLI constructs for macOS.

8) Xamarin Development

To develop a cross-platform development app with the  Xamarin Development. Microsoft .Net framework provides the technique to develop and integrate using .Net core . Google trends data shows there’s a regular search for the Xamarin company for the app development project using Microsoft .Net framework.

Xamarin offers the most interactive and powerful cross-platform framework for advancing Android, and Windows mobile iOS, tvOS, macOS, watchOS apps.

9) Blazer Framework

.Net core provides the Blazor framework which is an impressive web UI framework for building up customer-faced applications using .NET Core. 

Using the developers can instantly develop interactive web Single Page Applications (SPA). It can easily perform and run on iOS, Android, and Windows platforms.

This framework is in high demand and more preferred by the developers to be extraordinarily productive in order to perform versatile ways without any I/O thread during processing the multiple user requests same time on a UI-Page

10) Motion UI

To create a better customer user interface, there’s a Motion UI mechanism that enables a promising UI feature and helps UX designers to create quicker mock-ups for certain product designs.

It helps to define an effective marketing strategy using interactive visual design features. It helps the product managers and product designers to define an MVP(Minimum Viable Product) of the product.

It is a more popular design for emerging methods techniques and as per the current market trends; it is highly available for all types of devices. A front-end framework can be used to develop responsive web-designed apps. The Motion UI contains pre-defined motion movements that are smoothly convenient and can be used for different applications.

Benefits and future scope

At IQlance, we provide services in various domains such as iOS, Android, and Website development using the Advance version of Microsoft ASP.NET core. We help our customer to improve their digital presence and make it more efficient and engaging.

Microsoft .Net technologies is an open-source platform. It helps to deliver complex applications in smarter ways with the best UI compatibility in different ‌applications such as IoT, Mobility solution, Data science, etc. 

Our future scope is the more enhancement using these .Net Top trends and serve our customers with the best solutions as per their requirements.

A dedicated and high-capacity business using web and mobile application is the crucial element for successful challenger in the market. Hence, there’s different types of software companies are more focus on the build the application using digital resolutions. 

.NET is the framework that is excellently appropriated for the development of flexible enterprise applications in the quick term and at a appropriate expense. 

It provides a comprehensive range of benefits for the Software development, Custom software development and ASP.Net based companies in India and outside. These organizations prefer to use .NET for developing a robust and strong web and mobile applications. 

At iQlance, here are the types of Business Applications we develop

There is an remarkable range of business applications that we use as per the below examples

  • Desktop-based applications that execute on Windows, OS, Mac, and Linux;
  • Web-based applications that are multi-platform, as we can access them through a multiple types of web browser;
  • Mobile apps that run on Android or iOS;
  • Embedded applications and console-based applications.


We hope this article helped you understand the Top .NET trends in 2022 and the Future scope Here, we discussed the latest Microsoft .NET trends of 2022 and the benefits and advantages It makes your .Net-based applications more robust, responsive, flexible, and scalable. This article will be helpful to professional developers from .net backgrounds, application architectures, and other learners looking for information on Microsoft .Net using C#. You will find more useful articles like this one at iQlance. We are a Software Development Company India and Hire.NET Developers in India.

Migrating From ASP .NET To .NET Core: Everything You Need To Know

Migrating From ASP .NET To .NET Core


Code Migration from asp.net to .net core is essential to develop more secure applications and allows the improvement of the product performance and it solves the complex problems of customers and provides the best user experience with the help of the latest inbuilt templates and modern enhancements of .net core and interactive features. ASP .Net Core, a universally embraced using an open-source web framework, is comprehensive, and it enables ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Web API, including exceptional innovative features.

Code migration is also important to an improved platform that provides the assurance to leverage automated features in your applications.

Using ASP.NET development services advanced features, you can enhance your application with the help of its scalable, flexible, and best user interface capabilities with the help of .net 5 that is unified and has all the abilities in its framework. .Net applications are migrating to .Net Core to develop futuristic solutions. Here, in this assignment, we will understand all potential details and intelligence to migrate to .Net Core along with its business benefits, tricks for smoother migration, and ideas.

Classic ASP.NET operates on Windows only, which limits the possibilities of containerizing the services on another side. ASP.NET Core is much quicker

In certain scenarios, Classic ASP.NET is instantly end-of-life, as it doesn’t help from automation and innovations and it stops you from utilizing other newer technologies (like Entity Framework Core or gRPC)

Here are the following features for migrating your application from ASP.Net to .Net Core

Cross-Platform Support
ASP.NET Core development allows cross-platform maintenance that can develop your applications into multi-platforms like Linux, Mac, and Windows platforms, and it can establish cloud and IoT-based applications with the help of modernized architecture. This capability did not exist in the previous versions of .Net versions.

Magnified Performance and Scalability
In the .Net Core framework, it contributes to more improved performance along with agility and adaptability features. It has advanced inbuilt microservice and containerization capabilities that allow .NET Core to accomplish and develop your applications with the help of various microservices and docker that provide scalability to your apps with the most competent execution, speed, and efficiency techniques.

Quick Development and Deployment
.Net core provides various features examples such as modular architecture, robust UI components, automatic updates, more extensive community help, reliable methods continuous integration including client-side frameworks, cloud-ready, lightweight using dependency injection. These methods perform improvement of more durable and allow more durable and fast continuous development and deployments to business.

Steps to Migrate

The following steps will accommodate you to migrate to .NET Core:

  • Retarget your projects and set the command to port to target .NET framework 4.7.2 or the latest versions. When .Net Core doesn’t recommend a particular API, for executing the specific APIs using Net Framework-specific, you can use the alternate API in your applications.
  • Next step, you can use the highlighted .Net Portability Analyzer. This tool examines assemblies and shows if these assemblies are portable or not.
Steps to Migrate
  • In this step, install the .NET API analyzer it enables the potential benefits of identifying compatibility issues and helps you to understand and recognize specific APIs that give the PlatformNotSupportedException on platforms it overcomes such issues.
  • In this step, transfer each packages.config dependencies to the PackageReference inbuilt format using the transformation mechanisms packages.config.
  • In this step, .Net Core allows you a simplified project file format then .NET framework using it, we can create new projects with .net Core and can clone source files or transform our existent files.
  • In this last step, it’s expedient to port your test and verify your code: Porting is one so notable innovation that can create damage if it’s not defined well. It is extremely advised to port your test and verify the project and test and run the code.

Why porting to ASP.NET Core?

Why porting to ASP.NET Core?

ASP.Net Core MVC provides plenty of features that define the more interactive web development. using the Model-View-Controller template, model binding, model binding, Razor syntax, and validation. Below are the detailed levels of understanding of these features and best practices.

Cross-platform is the best example of distinctive features that make it more in demand. Using this feature, you can run your application in Windows and Linux environments.

Performance is another feature of developing a great performance application. ASP.NET Core manages 2.300% added requests per second as per the comparison from ASP.NET 4.6, and 800% more extra requests as per second than node.js.

Tag Helpers It is Server-part code and provides for creating and rendering HTML components in Razor files.

View components It is the latest tool, related to partial views, but provides the best more eminent performance compared to previous versions. DI using views. Here, most of the data presented in views comes from the controller action method.

Combined xproj & csproj files together

Here you can add two types of xproj & csproj projects files and can refer to each other at the same time, which is eventually what we concluded up doing for our Windows targeted builds of Prefix.

NetStandard vs NetCoreApp1.0

NetStandard is intended as a general standard so that .NET 4.5, Core, Xamarin, UWP for generating the shared library that will be a NuGet package, as per the NetStandard. If you are developing your application from scratch, you can use and target NetCoreApp1.0 as the framework and can deploy it to Macs or Linux or if you want to deploy on Windows, you can refer to .NET 4.5.1 or later.

HttpModules and HttpHandlers are followed by new “middleware”

Middleware has been composed of substitute modules and handlers. It is related to how Owin and different languages manage this kind of functionality. They are really simple to work with.

FileStream upgraded to System.IO.FileSystem

Here few basic classes that developers use daily basis as per their requirements have been pushed to various packages. As FileStream is no longer in the System.IO assembly package/reference. The developer can add the package using the System.IO.FileSystem.

Platform-specific code as per the Microsoft specific RSA

.NET Core is intended to operate on Windows, Macs, and Linux. In some scenarios, we see compilation issues when code runs on windows but fails on a Mac or Linux. Using .Net core, we can use RSACryptoServiceProvider class, which performs as reusable and overcomes the compatible platform exception “platform not supported” type exception”. RSA provider API is based on Windows-specific using RSA.Create() which is a more universal implementation and has insignificantly various methods.

Newtonsoft converted to default to camel case on particular field names

In .Net core, Newtonsoft is switched to defaults to camelCase in C# programming. This will generate every class of REST APIs to develop your code using PascalCase.

ASP.Net core logging

Earlier versions of .Net developers used log4net library to generate the logs. Using .Net core, we have the upgrades in logging. For converting existing ASP.Net applications to .NET core. We need to just upgrade to the newest NuGet packages. In ASP.Net logging, we have three mechanisms:
Advanced Log4Net: It has its latest features and trends from logging frameworks.

NLog has instantly enhanced the next most modern framework for .NET logging with additional innovative features. NLog even operates transversely using Mono, Xamarin, and other runtimes. NLog is a protected using logging framework for ASP.NET Core.

Serilog produced and develop more variables and objects using structure to logging . It supports all the common logging features using configurable output targets, and it’s more advanced than log4net.

Web API is Gone and Part of MVC Now

Here, Web API and MVC merged and can be implemented using API-type applications. The new MVC 6 that crafts with ASP.NET Core merge the most beneficial of both MVC and Web API classes from ASP.NET. From any controller, you can perform a View, and MVC will perform serializing it and define the results. Various routing styles allow you to perform basic MVC web applications or more extended REST-style APIs using its interactive functionalities.

Modular architecture: Using ASP.NET Core we can use NuGet packages, it provides that allow the best optimization and can integrate various required dlls, packages references in the application,

This develops solution representation and decreases the time for the developers.

Code analysis: It provides how to determine how compatible your application solution is with the .NET Core framework.

Migration types: It determines how you can migrate your code based on what basis your application is developed and published. It Understands how and where each project is suitable in the migration approach and checks the complexity and volume of Windows distinct code.

Migration of the .csprojs files: it regenerates your project files to the necessary Microsoft.NET.Sdk format.

Code migration: It transforms your C# code to .NET Core/.NET as per the defined Standard rules.

Beneficial Suggestions For More continuous .NET To .NET Core Migration

  • Any framework movement will need continuous monitoring, pre-planning, network willingness, code security, and plans to fix issues if they originate
  • For more continuous migration,
  • We can start with the more inadequate modules/projects rather than moving a complete codebase solution to the .Net Core.
  • The dotnet try-convert tool supports regenerating your project solution to the .Net Core. You can use it as an origin point to automate essential information.
  • Classify the “base” of the library using data models or properties and methods that are required. Prepare and copy the base within a new .NET Core project. Perform any modifications required to assemble the code. Prepare and copy added layer of code and republish it.
  • Using the open-source code editor of NET Core developers can also utilize the Microsoft called Visual Studio (VS) code, which is recommended over all advanced OS systems such as macOS, Windows, Linux.


We hope this article helped you understand Migrating From ASP .NET applications To .NET Core. Here, we discussed the detailed level of the concept and its features on Microsoft .Net Core, along with understanding the migration of your existing application into the latest .Net Core.

It makes your ASP.Net applications more robust, responsive, flexible, and scalable, which will be helpful to professional developers from .net backgrounds, application architectures, and other learners looking for information on Microsoft .Net using C#. You will find more useful articles like this one at iQlance. We are a Software Development Company India in India and Hire.NET Developers in India. Check out the official site for more information.

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